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OMERO command-line plugin for duplicating Objects in OMERO, without duplicating binary data.

For usage instructions, please see OMERO guides.


  • OMERO 5.6.0 or newer
  • Python 3.6 or newer

Installing from PyPI

This section assumes that an is already installed.

Install the command-line tool using pip:

$ pip install -U omero-cli-duplicate

Release process

This repository uses bump2version to manage version numbers. To tag a release run:

$ bumpversion release

This will remove the .dev0 suffix from the current version, commit, and tag the release.

To switch back to a development version run:

$ bumpversion --no-tag [major|minor|patch]

specifying major, minor or patch depending on whether the development branch will be a major, minor or patch release. This will also add the .dev0 suffix.

Remember to git push all commits and tags.


This project, similar to many Open Microscopy Environment (OME) projects, is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2 or later.


2017-2020, The Open Microscopy Environment