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Releases: openfun/richie


26 Aug 08:13
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  • Fix LyraPopIn critical error (CLIENT_101)


21 Aug 17:22
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  • On self-paced courses with single run display a simplified
    version of the syllabus.


  • Improve lyra error catching management


  • Fix LyraPopIn critical error
  • Fix typo in page-admin autocomplete url path
  • Fix course enrollment count shouldn't include the hidden runs.
  • Fix RDFa errors on Google Search Console
  • fix npm development version generated by setuptools_scm


  • csrftoken in richie context


21 Jun 09:02
Choose a tag to compare


  • Fix ProductCertificateFooter component to display proper CTA
    according to Order state


11 Jun 10:34
Choose a tag to compare


  • Disable button to sign a contract in learner dashboard
    if the order is not validated


  • useDateFormat did not return undefined with null values
  • PurchaseButton instantiated a hook conditionnaly
  • Make UserHelper manages OpenEdxProfile object to extract name
  • Do not display unpublished children categories in the public
    category detail page


  • Load React JS bundles from CDN on all pages


03 Jun 12:15
Choose a tag to compare


  • Add SaleTunnelNotValidated step into SaleTunnel
  • Add WarningIcon component


  • Improve Lyra error management to abort payment properly


  • Use CB logo as fallback if credit card is unknown
  • Put CunninghamProvider at root level
  • Resubmit order on payment failure
  • Render course run resource link with button look'n feel when it does not match
    a LMS Backend
  • Manage display of CourseRun dates when end date and/or enrollment date are


22 May 13:09
Choose a tag to compare


  • The enrollment's certificate tab in learner dashboard is no longer
    displayed when the list is empty.
  • User profile in the learner dashboard is now always synchronized with
    openEdx profile information.
  • Add a tab in learner dashboard certificate page to render both order
    certificate and enrollment certificate lists.
  • Add Lyra payment interface
  • Add 404 error page on the dashboard router.
  • Teacher dashboard route now redirect to learner dashboard route when
    the user isn't authorized.
  • Add two new sections in DjangoCMS courses: Accessibility and Required
  • Ongoing product displayed on the syllabus without active enrollment
    now link to the order details page in the learner dashboard.
  • Add new sale tunnel


  • Upgrade to Python 3.11
  • Upgrade to Django version 4.2 (pin version < 5)
  • Migrate to Sentry SDK 2.0


  • Filter out inactive enrollments in the learner dashboard
  • Prevent title to overflow in DashboardItem component
  • Fix an issue on dashboard search when no results were reached
  • Ongoing product displayed on the syllabus with an active enrollment
    now link to the order details page in the learner dashboard instead of
    OpenEdx course.
  • Downloaded contract archive on product page was broken, it now works
    properly by sending the course_product_relation_id in the archive
    creation request.
  • Fix a bug in the learner dashboard contract page where an alert
    message was displayed on successful download.


18 Apr 12:44
Choose a tag to compare


  • Duplicated course_format placeholder in course_detail template


11 Apr 11:55
Choose a tag to compare


  • Add ready-only user profile in the learner dashboard preferences page.
    This profile display data from LMS profile.
  • Management command to migrate course runs course link to joanie
  • Add search bar on learner dashboard courses pages.
  • Add a CertificateHelper implementing a getCourse method
  • Add search bar on teacher dashboard courses pages.
  • Add background colors to default user's avatar when they're used
    in a list. Theses colors are generated from user's fullname and
    configurable with cunningham tokens.
  • Add dedicated messages for order's status when they're visualized on
    the teacher dashbaord.
  • Add Organization block to order details.
  • Add teacher dashboard page to list training's learners. This listing
    can be accessed under a training or an organization's training.
  • Add a "more" button to DashboardItem and Orders containing a link to
    go to syllabus
  • related_organizations placeholder on organization detail page


  • Upgrade docker compose to v2.24.5
  • remove dashboard i18n routing
  • Complete course_detail RDFa markups
  • Require to accept terms when purchasing product of any kind
  • Rename trainings root menu entry label
  • Upgrade to node 20
  • Contract list in the teacher dashbaord are now filtered by
    courseProductRelationId instead of courseId and productId.
  • Switch from setup.cfg to pyproject.toml


  • No results message is no longer displayed on initial loading in
    learner and teacher courses list pages.
  • Manage certificate linked to an enrollment
  • Certificate products are not listed anymore in teacher dashboard
  • Fix several SaleTunnel cache issues
  • Fix course access link in learner dashboard. This link must not be
    display when the course isn't open.
  • Fix CreditCardHelper
  • Remove enrollment start on some course run
  • Fix Organization glimpse card variant logo size
  • Fix joanie's course run link to LMS course in the syllabus page.
  • Fix enrollment cache not invalided after buying certificate product.
  • Fix a typo on ContractStatus component


05 Jan 14:56
Choose a tag to compare
v2.25.0-beta.1 Pre-release


  • Fix getCourseGlimpseProps method to handle localized course urls


04 Jan 17:10
Choose a tag to compare
v2.25.0-beta.0 Pre-release


  • Organization bulk contract signature
  • Add a Badge React component
  • Add a footer on enrollment's item in the learner dashboard. It give the
    possibility to purchase linked product or download linked certificate.
  • Add download contracts pages on the teacher dashboard.
  • Add a contract information and actions in learner dashboard order's
    listing and details.
  • In the learner dashboard, enroll actions are disabled when an unsigned
    contract is linked to the order.
  • Add the ability to sign an order's contract.
  • Add terms checkbox and specific "sign" button in the Sale Tunnel.
  • The CourseRunProductItem disables enrollment if there is a needed signature.
  • Handle OrderGroup on product purchase


  • Teacher dashboard access is restricted to user which has access to a course
    or an organization.
  • Frontend Order type have been split into two: CredentialOrder and
  • Update PurchaseButton messages to aid with translation.
  • Update courses and organizations default permissions
  • Update cunningham to 2.0.0
  • Update frontend components OrderStateMessage with new computed state
    'waiting signature'
  • Update SaleTunnel to add certificate product course run information.
  • Update SaleTunnel to display product instructions.
  • When a course have multiple seller organizations, CourseGlimpse now display
    the number of seller organization instead of the title of the first one.
  • Update JOANIE_BACKEND settings, frontend widgets and learner dashboard
    to match new API endpoint to retrieve course products
  • Use cunningham Button component.
  • Use cunningham form components (input, select, radio, checkbox).
  • Delete richie Button component now that we use cunningham Button component.
  • Delete courseRun.starts_in_message, we compute it on frontend side.


  • Fix typo on the DashboardOrderLoader component.
  • Prevent LTIConsumer component to rerender on user session update
  • Fix Order interface against changed field 'target_enrollments' and
  • Fix dashboard mobile layout.
  • Course details characteristics overflow issue
  • Map all richie course properties into getCourseGlimpseProps util
  • Fix course run computed state. A run without end date must be ONGOING_OPEN
  • Fix cookiecutter circleci gitlint configuration
  • Opened Course Run show empty date as '...'
  • Fix dashboard enrollment listing when they're linked to a product certificate.
  • Fix order cache issues


  • Remove course_enrollment_widget_props extra tags
  • Remove CourseProductItem as a widget