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arm64-rpi-image-build amd64-image-build


A minimalistic, security focused linux environment for JoinMarket with a terminal based graphical menu.


  • Send transactions with improved privacy using CoinJoin and PayJoin
  • Run the Yield Generator as a service and earn fees for providing liquidity
  • Use the JoinMarket-QT GUI remotely over SSH
  • Signet support to test for free
  • Connect remotely to a Bitcoin Core node
  • Start a pruned node from
  • JoininBox is part the RaspiBlitz SERVICES

The addresses, transactions and balances of JoinMarket can be seen in the watch-only wallet of the connected node.

  • use your own or a trusted node
  • to protect privacy in case of physical access use disk encryption

Required Hardware

A computer running a Debian / Ubuntu Linux flavour.

RaspberryPi 4 or 3

Recommended minimum:

  • 1 GB RAM
  • 1 vCPU
  • 32 GB SSD

JoininBox operates on the minimum viable hardware under the assumption that the seed (and passphrase) of the wallets used is safely backed up and can be used to recover the funds!

Set up using an SDcard image

  • Download the zip of the latest successful SDcard image build for the Raspberry Pi 4 or 3 from
    (note that need to be logged in to github to download the artifact image file)

  • unzip and check the sha256sum verifying the .gz file integrity

    sha256sum -c joininbox-arm64-rpi.img.gz.sha256
    joininbox-arm64-rpi.img.gz: OK
  • Write the joininbox-arm64-rpi.img.gz file to the SDcard with Balena Etcher - no need to decompress further

  • Assemble the RaspberryPi and connect with a LAN cable to the internet

  • Make sure that your laptop and the RPi are on the same local network

  • Boot by connecting the power cable

  • Open a terminal (OSX/Win10) and connect with ssh:

    ssh joinmarket@rpi4-20220121

    → the password on the first boot is: joininbox

  • Use the hostname of the latest SDcard image (rpi4-20220121) or to find the IP address to connect to:

    • scan with the AngryIP Scanner
    • use sudo arp -a or
    • check the router interface
  • after the first login will be prompted to change the password to access the menu. password change

  • next will be presented with the CONFIG menu to

    • Connect to a remote bitcoin node on mainnet
    • Try JoinMarket on signet
    • Start a pruned node from
    • Edit the joinmarket.cfg manually
    • Update JoininBox or JoinMarket

    config menu

  • Update to the latest version of JoininBox and update JoinMarket if the latest version is newer than the one installed on the SDcard

    After any of the options or Exit is selected the main JoininBox menu will open where you can start using JoinMarket


  • Find more info on the usage and community help at the end of this readme

Set up JoininBox on Linux

Tested environments

Install JoininBox

  • Start as the root user or change with:
    $ sudo - su

  • Run the build script:

    # download
    # inspect the script
    # run
    sudo bash
  • start the JoininBox menu by changing to the joinmarket user in the terminal:
    $ sudo su joinmarket
    log in with ssh to:
    the default password is: joininbox - will be prompted to change it on the first start

More info

About JoinMarket

