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s3-like Object Storage API (RapidAPI code challenge)

How to use?

  1. clone the repository
git clone
  1. Start a mongodb server (you can use the supplied docker-compose file:
docker-compose up

this will start a mongodb server and a mongo-express server to allow easy DB management.)

  1. Define the required environment variables:
  • DB_HOST - The mongodb server address. If the default docker-compose file is used to create the db, the address is: mongodb://localhost:27017
  • DB_NAME - The db name. If this env variable is not defined, the name rapids3 is used by default.
  • STORAGE_PATH - The path to the storage folder. Uploaded files will be stored in this folder. The folder must be created manually before starting the server.

The easiest way to define these variables is by adding them to a .env file.

  1. Install the required dependencies by running yarn

  2. start the server:

yarn start

Here are the available API endpoints:

Upload file - POST /:userId

Allows a user uploading a file. Body type should be form-data.

Allowed props:

  • file - the uploaded file
  • accessType - can be either private or public


If the upload ended successfully, a JSON object in the following structure will be returned:

    "fileId": "84a8b2e3a8c46803cea5a425cf684c30",
    "accessType": "public"

or, for private files:

    "fileId": "cbff509b837fb15a1d05475d60a76b9d",
    "accessType": "private",
    "accessToken": "Cz1Xj_7gF"

Update file metadata - POST /:userId/:fileIdentifier

Allows a user updating a previously uploaded file metadata (currently - only access type). Body type should be JSON. fileIdentifier is the file name (e.g: example.txt) if the file is public and file Id if the file is private. Also, if the file current accessType is private, an access token should be provided as a query param (e.g: localhost:3000/hT9Lmdx/cbff509b837fb15a1d?access_token=GkVflhqld).

Allowed props:

  • accessType - can be either private or public


If the update ended successfully, a JSON object in the following structure will be returned:

    "fileId": "84a8b2e3a8c46803cea5a425cf684c30",
    "accessType": "public"

or, for private files:

    "fileId": "cbff509b837fb15a1d05475d60a76b9d",
    "accessType": "private",
    "accessToken": "Cz1Xj_7gF"

Download file - GET /:userId/:fileIdentifier

Allows downloading a file / getting file metadata. fileIdentifier is the file name (e.g: example.txt) if the file is public and file Id if the file is private. Also, if the file current accessType is private, an access token should be provided as a query param (e.g: localhost:3000/hT9Lmdx/cbff509b837fb15a1d?access_token=GkVflhqld). You can get the file metadata instead by adding the metadata query param (e.g: localhost:3000/hT9Lmdx/example.txt?metadata=true)


The requested file. If the metadata flag was added, a JSON object in the following structure will be returned:

    "fileName": "example.txt",
    "fileSize": 28,
    "createdAt": "2018-09-26T13:59:05.394Z",
    "updatedAt": "2018-09-26T17:17:51.479Z",
    "deletedAt": "2018-09-26T17:26:37.861Z"

Delete file - DELETE /:userId/:fileIdentifier

Allows deleting a previously uploaded file. fileIdentifier is the file name (e.g: example.txt) if the file is public and file Id if the file is private. Also, if the file current accessType is private, an access token should be provided as a query param (e.g: localhost:3000/hT9Lmdx/cbff509b837fb15a1d?access_token=GkVflhqld).

Testing the API

You can test the API using the attached postman collection (v2.1) (can be found under the postman folder). Import the collection into postman and make sure to attach a file when testing the 'upload' endpoint.


s3-like Object Storage API






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