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Health Insurance in America

Live site: This is a tool for visualizing US Census 2011–15 American Community Survey (ACS) estimates of health insurance coverage across the country.

Some details

I'm using D3 for the charts and mapbox for the maps. Otherwise, it is framework-less Javascript making use of a state object for keeping track of the state of the application and a contributed PubSub module for passing info across components.

setState(<name>,<state>) sets the state and, if it is different from previous state, the PubSub module will announce it so that the methods subscribed to that state change can do their things.

setSubs([[<stateChange>, <methodToSubscribe>], … ]) sets up the subscriptions.

In previous projects with mapbox I've found that adding a source sometimes doesn't take effect quickly enough to immediately support adding a layer based on it. Similarly, adding a layer sometimes doesn't take effect quickly enough for you to immediately interact with it. You can work around this by listening for the maps render event and checking on render if the source or layer exists before continuing.

It's tedious to do this check every time, so I've created some methods for abstracting away from that a little. mbAddSourceAndLayer, for instance, resolves a Promise when the source takes hold; the layer is added on that resolution. The method itself returns a Promise, so the you can chain subsequent actions onto that resolution and be sure that nothing is requested of that layer before it is ready.

Build environment

The built files for the live site are in the root; source files are in _dev/. That way I can push to master and have the site load from the root path.

Set up npm install --save-dev to install the node modules specified in package.json

Dev grunt watch to lint html and javascript and to convert scss to css (in the _dev/ folder)

Build grunt build to copy files to root, transpile the es6 javascript and concatenate it with vendor js, postprocess the css, and modify index.html as necessary.


Work in progress mapping health insurance coverage from ACS data.








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