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Mulligan is a social media application centered around golf. This social media platform gives golfers the opportunity to connect with other golfers where they share with each other all things golf.

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“Connecting golfers around the world!”

Mulligan is a social media application centered around golf. This social media platform gives golfers the opportunity to connect with other golfers where they share with each other all things golf. They will have the ability to check-in to their favorite golf courses, compare handicaps with friends, and share highlights from their last round of golf.

Mulligan fills a gap in the golf industry and is designed to bring the golf community together to one place, a space for just golf. This application will have similar features that many other social media applications are fitted with, but will also contain some features that are unique to golf. Some of these features include the ability to make posts to your timeline, see other users’ posts, comment on posts, and view other user’s profile pages. By giving users the ability to connect on a personal level with golfers around them, Mulligan aims to bring those people together within the golf community.

Mulligan also provides golf clubs and golf leagues a way to communicate with their members. For example, a golf league could create its own page on this site and post all the news/events of that league to this site as way to communicate with members. Mulligan’s goal is to reach all corners of the social aspect in the golf community to provide golfers with those connections.



Logical System Architecture

This diagram shows the design of the logical solution of this project. A primary focus of this project is to design it in N-tier architecture, so each tier of the project, and the details of that layer, are displayed in this diagram. To summarize, the project will consist of a client layer, presentation layer, business layer, data access layer, and a data persistence layer. Each of these layers can access ONLY the layer directly above and below itself. Within each container of this diagram are the logical operations of its respective layer. image

Physical System Architecture

This diagram portrays the physical design of this application. This application will be hosted in AWS and uses the services EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, and RDS. Elastic Beanstalk will automatically create EC2 instances to scale out for the demand necessary for the application. The application will be run within each EC2 instance that Elastic Beanstalk creates. Elastic Beanstalk also connects with a MySQL database in RDS for all data transfers that happen within the app.

Detailed Technical Design

General Technical Approach

Mulligan is a Spring Boot web application developed in the Spring framework using N-layer and Model, View, Controller architecture. The back-end portion of the application will be written with the Java programming language, whereas the front-end of Mulligan will be designed with Adobe XD and implemented using Thymeleaf, HTML, and CSS. The application’s data will persist in a MySQL database. All code will be managed in a GitHub repository so that code changes can be easily documented and tracked throughout the project’s timeline. All project documentation, user stories, and tasks will be managed using project management tools such as Jira, Confluence, and Microsoft Office (Excel/Word).

Key Technical Design Decisions

This application will be created in using the Spring framework. It will be designed in N-layer architecture and use a Model, View, Controller structure. This design structure was chosen because the app is mainly a create, read, update, delete (CRUD) application so the N-layer/MVC structure is an optimal solution.

The presentation layer will consist of all the viewable aspects of the application such as where users can view posts and account information. The business layer will hold all the logical actions for features such as logging in, registering, and making posts. The data access layer is responsible for reading data from the database to the business layer so that actions can be executed. This would include validating login credentials and editing posts. The data persistence layer is the database itself. All data for posts and user information will persist in the database/database persistence layer. The data will exist in a relational database using MySQL so that data can be organized in a structured format. This will make CRUD operations much simpler across the application.

Along with N-layer architecture, this application will also utilize Model, View, Controller (MVC) architecture. The models will be the container for all logic that relates to the application’s data. In this case, the user and post models. The controllers are responsible for handling all user requests and business logic of the application. This would include processing logins, registers, and making posts. Lastly, views will oversee all UI logic, including page navigation, text boxes, and buttons across the application.

Database Design

The MySQL database, titled MulliganDB, will consist of two tables. Each table corresponds to its associated model in the application. For this instance, the user table corresponds with the User Model and the post table corresponds with the Post Model. Each table contains the variables from the models (including data size/type requirements) so all data from the models can persist in the database. The two tables are associated via foreign key that references the userId number associated with the user that created each post. image


AWS Cloud

Mulligan is hosted in the AWS cloud using Elastic Beanstalk. Using Elastic Beanstalk makes managing the deliveries and updates to this application much easier as AWS will handle all the details for load balancing, capacity provisioning, scaling and health monitoring of this application. The MySQL database is set up through AWS RDS so that data created, read, updated, or deleted within the application is reflected and persists within the hosted database.

Build Pipeline

Mulligan is also managed through AWS CodePipeline, AWS's service for build pipelines. This service is directly integrated with the GitHub repository and automates the deployement process whenever changes are made to the branch set up to be deployed. This tool enables this application to feature continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) making the updates to the infrastructure of this application very reliable and fast. Each time a change is made to the branch integrated with CodePipeline, the service will automatically build, test, and redeploy the application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, allowing AWS to do virtually all of the work for me.


Logging exists at each controller class within the Mulligan application. For each method within the controllers, logs will be taken at at the entrance and exit of each methods. The log will contain the URL associated with that method, including any parameters inside that URL so that the logs will show exacatly what is going on when the application is in use. By doing this, it makes it much easier to understand how the flow of the application works and where a potential issue may have risen.

SLF4J & Log4j

Logging was implemented using Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J). Using this logging API gives the application the ability to also use the logging framework Log4j. SLF4J serves as the abstraction layer for the logging in the application, while Log4j does that actual logging.

Monitoring Uptime

Monitoring the uptime of this application is key to mananging the production environment. For this, Mulligan uses Uptime Robot to continuously monitor whether this application is currently up or down. Uptime Robot is configured to scan the index page of the application hosted on AWS every 5 minutes to test the application status. If Uptime Robot detects that the application is down, I will immediately recieve an email telling me the application is down. This monitorign will help me in any situation where the application might unexpectedly go down and gives me the opportunity to correct the problem in a timely manner.

Functional Requirements

Login Requirements
Sub-Features Actor Description Outcome In Scope? Completed?
Login Form As a user I would like to login into my account so that I can gain access to my account and the app yes yes
Username Input As a user I would like a text box to enter my username so I can submit the form with the correct data yes yes
Username Error As a system I would like to display an error message if the username doesn't fit the requirements so that the user will know they entered invalid data yes yes
Password Input As a user I would like a text box to enter my password so that I can submit the form with the correct data yes yes
Password Error As a system I would like to display an error message if the password is incorrect so that the user will know they entered invalid data or data not associated with that account yes yes
Submit As a user I would like a clickable button so that I can submit the form with the correct data yes yes
Registration Link As a user I would like a clickable button to redirect me to the registration page if I don't have an account so that I can create an account and sign in yes yes
Forgot Password As a user I would like a clickable button that I can click to recover my account so that I can log back in to my account when I forget my password no no
Sessions As a system I would like a session to start once a user is logged in so that they have access to the correct pages of the app yes yes
Remember Me As a user I would like a remember me check box on the login page so that I will not have to login everytime I use the app no yes
Remember Me As a system I would like to remmeber a user's session if they check the remember me checkbox so that they will not have to login everytime they use the app no yes
Register Requirements
Sub-Feature Actor Description Outcome In Scope? Completed?
Register Form As a user I would like to register into my account so that I can have an account for the app yes yes
Username Input As a user I would like a text box to enter my username so I can submit the form with the correct data yes yes
Username Data Req. As a system I would like to require the username is only letters and numbers and is between 2-36 characters so the entered data is in the correct format yes yes
Username Error Message As a system I would like to display an error message if the username doesn't fit the requirements so that the user will know they entered invalid data yes yes
Password Input As a user I would like a text box to enter my password so that I can submit the form with the correct data yes yes
Password Data Req. As a system I would like to require the password to be between 2-254 characters so the entered data is in the correct format yes yes
Password Error As a system I would like to display an error message if the password does not fit the requirements so that the user will know they entered invalid data yes yes
GHIN input As a user I would like a text box to enter my GHIN number so my GHIN account can be connected to my profile no no
GHIN data Req. As a system I would like to require the GHIN number to be in the correct GHIN number format so the entered data is in the correct format no no
GHIN optional As a system I would like the GHIN number input to be optional for the user so the user is not required to use GHIN no no
GHIN Error As a system I would like an error message to be displayed if the input does not fit the GHIN format so the user will know they entered invalid data no no
Submit As a user I would like a clickable button so that I can submit the register form yes yes
Login Link As a user I would like a clickable button to redierct me to the login page if I already have an account so that I can log in to my account yes yes
Home Course input As a user I would like a text box to enter my home golf course so my my home course will be shown on my account page yes yes
Home Course data Req. As a system I would like to require the home course inout to be between 2-254 characters so the entered data is in the correct format yes yes
Home Course Error As a system I would like an error message to be displayed if the input does not fit the home course requirement so the user will know they entered invalid data yes yes
Name input As a user I would like a text box to enter my full name so my my name will be shown on my account page yes yes
Name data Req. As a system I would like to require the name inout to be between 2-72 characters so the entered data is in the correct format yes yes
Name Error As a system I would like an error message to be displayed if the input does not fit the name requirement so the user will know they entered invalid data yes yes
Email input As a user I would like a text box to enter my email so my my email will be shown on my account page yes yes
Email data Req. As a system I would like to require the name inout to be a valid email address so the entered data is in the correct format yes yes
Email Error As a system I would like an error message to be displayed if the input does not fit the email requirement so the user will know they entered invalid data yes yes
Handicap Index input As a user I would like a text box to enter my handicap index so my my handicap index will be shown on my account page yes yes
Handicap Index data Req. As a system I would like to require the name inout to be a double so the entered data is in the correct format yes yes
Handicap Index Error As a system I would like an error message to be displayed if the input does not fit the handicap index requirement so the user will know they entered invalid data yes yes
Home Requirements
Sub-Feature Actor Description Outcome In Scope? Completed?
Home Page As a user I would like a home page so I can view posts and other content yes yes
Search Users As a user I would like to search for other users so that I can see their accounts and send them friend requests yes yes
Search Posts As a user I would like to search the app for posts so that I can see all posts that contain what I search yes yes
Search Bar As a user I would like a search bar so that I can search for user accounts and posts yes yes
Search Button As a user I would like a clickable button so that I can execute a search yes yes
Usernames As a user I would like each post to show the username of the person that posted it so I can know who posted each post yes yes
Post Cards As a system I would like each post to be formatted as a card so the page will be formatted and organized yes yes
Account Requirements
Sub-Feature Actor Description Outcome In Scope? Completed?
Edit Account As a user I would like to edit my account details (password, email, phone number) so that my account becomes more personalized yes yes
Edit Button As a user I would like a button that will take me to a page to edit all account details so that I can change my account details yes yes
Home Course/Handicap As a user I would like to list my home golf course and handicap index so that other users can see where I golf and my skill level yes yes
Account Security As a system I would like to encrypt user passwords in a database so that their accounts will be secured yes yes
Logout Button As a user I would like a button that will log me out of my account so that my account cannot be accessed by other people yes yes
Account Page As a user I would like an account page so that I can see all of my account details in one place yes yes
View Accounts As a user I would like to view other users' account pages so that I can see their username, home course, and handicap index no yes
Handicap API As a system I would like to hook up users' handicap index with a GHIN API so that users' handicaps will be automatically updated and true no no
Home Course API As a system I would like to hook up golf course API so that users can choose real courses as their home course no no
Store Account Info As a system I would like to store all user account information in a database so that user data is backed up and protected from data loss yes yes
Friends As a user I would like to send friend requests to other users so that I can become friends with them and see their posts no no
Profile Picture As a user I would like to have a profile picture so that people can see what I look like no no
Post Cards As a system I would like each post to be formatted as a card so the page will be formatted and organized yes yes
Delete Posts As a user I would like a button that deletes a post so that the person who made the post can prevent anyone else from seeing that post anymore yes yes
Remove Deleted Posts As a system I would like deleted posts to be removed from the database so the data of that post is permanently removed from data storage yes yes
Edit Posts As a user I would like to edit posts so I can change what my posts contain yes yes
Edit Button As a user I would like a clickable button that directs me to edit a post so that I can edit a post yes yes
Edit Content As a user I would like a text box where I can edit the previous input for a post so that I can change the post contents yes yes
Edit Error Message As a system I would an error message to display if input doesn’t fit requirements so the user can know if they entered incorrect data yes yes
Edit Post Data As a system I would like the edited post's data to be changed in the database to reflect the edit so the database will have accurate data yes yes
Posts Requirements
Sub-Feature Actor Description Outcome In Scope? Completed?
Make Post As a user I would like to make a post so that other users can see what I have to say in the home page yes yes
Post Button As a user I would like a clickable button that directs me to make a post so that I can make a post yes yes
Post Content As a user I would like a text box where I can input my post data so I can include my post content yes yes
Post Requirement As a system I would like posts to consist of 1-280 characters so that I can verify the data is correctly entered yes yes
Post Error Message As a system I would an error message to display if input doesn’t fit requirements so the user can know if they entered incorrect data yes yes
Post Storage As a system I would like to store posts in a database so that all posts are saved and can be read to the home page for viewing yes yes
Delete Posts As a user I would like a button that deletes a post so that the person who made the post can prevent anyone else from seeing that post anymore yes yes
Remove Deleted Posts As a system I would like deleted posts to be removed from the database so the data of that post is permanently removed from data storage yes yes
Edit Posts As a user I would like to edit posts so I can change what my posts contain yes yes
Edit Button As a user I would like a clickable button that directs me to edit a post so that I can edit a post yes yes
Edit Content As a user I would like a text box where I can edit the previous input for a post so that I can change the post contents yes yes
Edit Error Message As a system I would an error message to display if input doesn’t fit requirements so the user can know if they entered incorrect data yes yes
Edit Post Data As a system I would like the edited post's data to be changed in the database to reflect the edit so the database will have accurate data yes yes
Comments As a user I would like to comment on other users' posts so I can communicate with other users no no
Comment Button As a user I would like a clickable button that directs me to make a comment so that I can make a comment no no
Comment Content As a user I would like a text box where I can input my comment data so I can include my comment content no no
Comment Requirement As a system I would like comments to consist of 1-280 characters so that I can verify the data is correctly entered no no
Comment Error Message As a system I would an error message to display if input doesn’t fit requirements so the user can know if they entered incorrect data no no
Comment Storage As a system I would like to store comments in a database so that all comments are saved and can be read to the home page for viewing no no
Liking Posts As a user I would like a button I can click to like posts so that the user whose post I like will know I liked their post no no
Post Time As a user I would like to see when a post was posted so that I can know when the post was posted yes yes
Pictures As a user I would like to post pictures so that I can show other users my pictures no no
Picture File Drop As a user I would like a file dropbox so that I can add picture files to the post no no
Picture Caption As a user I would like to add a caption to my picture posts so that I can describe the pictures no no
User Interface Requirements
Sub-Feature Actor Description Outcome In Scope? Completed?
Logo As a system I would like the company logo to appear in the top left corner of every page so the app looks more professional yes yes
Header As a system I would like every page to have a header including nav bar, titles, and logo so the app is clean and usable yes yes
Title As a system I would like the company name to appear at the top of every page so the app looks more porfessional yes yes
Page title As a user I would like each page's title to appear at the top of the page so I will know where I am in the app yes yes
Color Scheme As a user I would like a pleasurable color scheme so I will have a better experience using the app and it will be more organized yes yes
Navigation Bar As a user I would like a navigation bar so I can easily navigate the app yes yes
Menu As a user I would like a menu dropdown so I can easily navigate the app no yes
Pictures As a system I would like pictures to appear in the background of pages so the app is more appealing to the user no no
Theme As a system I would like all components to have a similar theme so the app will appeaar more professional and be esier for users to understand yes yes
Cloud Requirements
Sub-Feature Actor Description Outcome In Scope? Completed?
Deploy to Cloud As a system I would like this application to be deployed to the cloud so that the application is more scalable and secure no yes
Build Pipeline As a system I would like this application to have abuild pipeline So the app will be continuosly integrated to the cloud no yes

Non-Functional Requirement

The non-functional requirement (NFR) of Mulligan is data integrity. This means that Mulligan will ensure that 100% of the data will be accurate, secure, persistent across the entire system. Data being displayed in the web application will be the same as the data in the database in all cases and situations. Along with being accurate, password data will need to be encrypted so that account data and accessibility is secure.

Database/Model Class Design and Relationship

The system will need to be designed in a specific way to accurately store data to ensure it is persistent. This system is using a MySQL relational database, so it is important the tables in that database are directly modeled after the User Model and Post Model classes in the application. This will ensure that the variables used in the application models are related to identical columns in each table. Those columns will be named the exact same as the model variables, so it will be very easy to understand how data will be accessed and manipulated across the system.

Data Validation

Spring data validation will be used in this application wherever users are required to input data. This will ensure that entered data will fit the database variable requirements (Reference ER Diagrams section). For example, the User Model has a variable set for username. This variable, in the database and application, has the requirements of being of type String and between the lengths of 2-36 characters. This means that the application will not allow the user to enter in any data that does not fit these requirements. What this will do for data integrity, is that it will ensure all data matches the same constraints and forces the user to abide by those constraints. This will guarantee that data is accurate, secure, and persistently existing in the database in the correct format.

N-Layer Architecture

By designing this application in N-layer architecture, each layer of the application will be separated and can only access the layer directly above and below itself (Reference Logical System Diagram). This will ensure that data cannot be accessed and manipulated directly from any layer other than the data access layer. For example, we would not want the database to be directly accessible from the client layer because it would pose a security risk and it also raises the potential that the data integrity is affected. All data manipulation and access will occur in the data access layer, which will be designed to abide by the constraints of the model classes and database table structures.

Data Encryption

User account passwords will be used for a user to login to their account. Without their password, they will not be able to access their account. In turn, if someone else knows their password, they can access their account which is a security risk in the system. To help prevent this from happening, password data will be encrypted in the database. This will require the system to handle encryption and decryption of the password data as it is used throughout the system to authenticate a user for their account.


Mulligan is a social media application centered around golf. This social media platform gives golfers the opportunity to connect with other golfers where they share with each other all things golf.







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