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Broken Office (Front-end)

Deploy in AWS:

Broken Office is a mobile first application that reports problems and damaged items in the offices or homes of "Globers" (workers of Globant) using geolocation and machine learning (with a trained AI).


The project includes the following features:

  • Four types of users:
    • Standard: Can create a report and see the history of his reports
    • Service: Can resolve reports and see the reports where he worked on
    • Admin: CRUD of the company offices and CRUD of users (except other admins)
    • SuperAdmin: CRUD of the company offices and CRUD of users (including admins)
  • Every User can create a report and see the history of his reports
  • Every User can edit his profile and password, storing his profile picture using Google Cloud Storage
  • At the report creation you can add a picture and with machine learning an AI will analyze the photo and determine the type of product broken
  • At the report creation the picture is stored using Google Cloud Storage
  • At the report creation you can be geolocalized using Google Geolocation API
  • At the report creation the closest offices will be determine using MongoDB Geospacial Queries
  • The report will be assigned to the Service working on the chosen office with the least amount of active reports
  • If the report is created by a Service User in an office where he also works on, then he won't be assigned his own report to solve it
  • If the report is created successfully, an email will be sent using Nodemailer
  • After the report is created, and the Service User accept it, a live chat can be generated between them using Socket.IO
  • The report can be shared to any email
  • When the report is finished (resolved or rejected) an email is sent to the Standard User
  • If you forget your password, you can write your email, and if it's a valid email and exists in the DB, a link will be generated and sent to your email. The link will contain a token and will be valid for just 2 hours (using MongoDB TTL). After the password is changed, you will recieve an email with that information.
  • PWA (Progressive web app) was implemented, so if you logged in and lose internet connection, you will still be able to see information on the web app

Technologies Used

The project was built using the following technologies:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB Atlas - Mongoose
  • JWT
  • Nodemailer
  • Google Cloud Storage and Maps
  • React
  • Redux
  • MUI
  • Socket.IO
  • PWA
  • Deploy using AWS

Getting Started

To run the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository and the back-end repo
  2. Register and create a new Cluster using MongoDB Atlas
  3. Register in the Google Cloud Website
  4. Create a new Bucket in Google Cloud Storage and a Service Account (linked to your own)
  5. Enable the API Geolocation in Google Cloud
  6. To use Nodemailer, generate a KEY in your gmail account from which you want to send the emails
  7. In the BACKEND .env file add the following information: URI to your MongoDB Atlas Cluster, the PORT, the SECRET (for JWT), the FRONT link, encrypted code for the different types of User, the credentials for the Google Cloud Service Account, and the credentials for Nodemailer
  8. In the FRONTEND .env file add the following information: the ROUTE for the backend, encrypted code for the different types of User, and the API_KEY for Google Geolocation
  9. Run in your terminal the following commands:
back-end front-end
npm i npm i
npm run seed npm start
npm run server


Database Schemas

Back-end Routes Documentation


This project was created by:

  • Pedro Fanelli
  • Jessica Yu
  • Maria Cruz Schena
  • Julieta Magnago
  • Martín Machado
  • Julian Rinaudo