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Phylogenetic Tree Collapser license dockerhub

Phylogenetic Tree Collapser (PTC) provides a simple and flexible way to collapse phylogenetic trees using taxonomic information. A Docker image is available for this utility in this Docker Hub repository.


Please, cite the following publication if you use Phylogenetic Tree Collapser:

  • D. Glez-Peña; H. López-Fernández; P. Duque; C. Vieira; J. Vieira (2024) Inferences on the evolution of the ascorbic acid synthesis pathway in insects using Phylogenetic Tree Collapser (PTC), a tool for the automated collapsing of phylogenetic trees using taxonomic information. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. ISSN: 1613-4516 DOI

Table of contents

Input files

PTC uses the following input files:

  • --input: a phylogenetic tree whose format is specified with --input-format (Newick, NEXUS, nexml, phyloxml, or cdao formats supported).
  • --sequence-mapping: a tab-delimited file mapping each sequence name to its species. This file must have two columns: the first containing the sequence names of the input tree and the second one containing their corresponding species.
  • --taxonomy: a plain-text file with the input taxonomy file. This file must have one line for each species with their taxonomy terms separated by semi-colons.
  • --taxonomy-stop-terms: a plain-text file with the taxonomy stop terms file (one line for each stop term).

If the input file is in a format different to Newick, then the script converts it into Newick and saves it along with the original tree with .nwk extension.

If all sequence names in the input phylogenetic tree start with the species name (e.g. Drosophila_melanogaster_fruit_fly_Drosophilidae_AAN09306.2), then the sequence mapping and taxonomy files are optional. If not provided, the script will retrieve this information from the NCBI Databases using the Entrez utilities. In this case, the files are saved along with the input tree in Newick format with .taxonomy and .sequence_to_species_mapping extensions so that they can be reused in further analysis.

The taxonomy stop terms file is also optional. If not provided, the script will use as stop terms a list of predefined family names. This file can be shown with the following command: docker run --rm pegi3s/phylogenetic-tree-collapser cat /opt/tree-collapser/data/family_names_only.

PTC collapsing procedure

For each possible pair of sibling nodes, PTC checks if they are collapsible or not based on the taxonomic information and the list of stop terms provided. Two sibling nodes are collapsible if they share a common ancestor in the taxonomy that is below a specified stop term. Consider two sequences belonging to Drosophila_melanogaster and Bactrocera_latifrons species and the following taxonomy:


If Drosophilidae and Tephritidae (families) are the stop terms list, then the two sequences are not collapsible. However, if only Diptera (an order) is provided as stop term, then they are collapsed. In this case, the two nodes are collapsed into a single node, whose name is the one of the lowest common ancestor, Acalyptratae in this case. The process continues until no more sibling nodes can be collapsed.

The output tree (--output output.nwk) generated with PTC can be a cladogram (--output-type cladogram) or a phylogram (--output-type phylogram) in Newick format. To obtain a phylogram, the input phylogenetic tree must include branch lengths. The names of the collapsed nodes have the following format: <common_ancestor>_<group_name>_<number_of_nodes>, where <group_name> is an auto-incremental index for disambiguation and <number_of_nodes> is the number of nodes under this collapsing. In addition, a tab-delimited file with the collapsed nodes (mapping collapsed node names to sequence names) is generated (--output-collapsed-nodes collapsed_nodes.tsv).

As explained above, the name of the collapsed nodes is the one of the lowest common ancestor below the stop terms. In some cases, you may be interested in having the stop terms as names of the collapsed nodes (e.g. you want to collapse a tree using only the family names as stop terms and have this family names in the collapsed tree). To do this, you can use the --flatten-taxonomy-with-stop-terms flag, which asks PTC to flatten the taxonomy using the list of stop terms provided. The flattened taxonomy is saved to <input_taxonomy>.flattened_stop_terms.

Consider the previous taxonomy of the Drosophila_melanogaster and Bactrocera_latifrons species. If we use Drosophilidae and Tephritidae (families) as stop terms, the flattened taxonomy would be:


This way, sequences from the Tephritidae family will be collapsed and appear under a node named Tephritidae_<group_name>_<number_of_nodes>.

Running PTC

To run PTC, the Docker image that contains the script along with all its dependencies must be used. The test cases use Docker as execution engine, although other engines such as Singularity or Podman can be used instead as the following subsections show.

Also, as explained above and the test cases illustrate, it must be noted that some parameters are optional.


The generic commands that you should adapt to run PTC is:


docker run --rm \
   -v ~/.ptc-cache:/ptc-cache \
   -v ${DATA_DIR}:/data \
      pegi3s/phylogenetic-tree-collapser \
         --input /data/input-tree \
         --input-format newick  \
         --taxonomy-stop-terms /data/stop_terms \ 
         --sequence-mapping /data/sequence_to_species_mapping  \
         --taxonomy /data/taxonomy  \
         --output /data/output-tree.nwk  \
         --output-type phylogram  \
         --output-collapsed-nodes /data/collapsed_nodes.tsv


The generic commands that you should adapt to run PTC is:

podman pull


podman run --rm \
   -v ~/.ptc-cache:/ptc-cache \
   -v ${DATA_DIR}:/data \ \
         --input /data/input-tree \
         --input-format newick  \
         --taxonomy-stop-terms /data/stop_terms \ 
         --sequence-mapping /data/sequence_to_species_mapping  \
         --taxonomy /data/taxonomy  \
         --output /data/output-tree.nwk  \
         --output-type phylogram  \
         --output-collapsed-nodes /data/collapsed_nodes.tsv


The generic commands that you should adapt to run PTC is:

singularity pull docker://pegi3s/phylogenetic-tree-collapser


singularity run \
      -B ~/.ptc-cache:/ptc-cache \
      -B ${DATA_DIR}:/data \
      docker://pegi3s/phylogenetic-tree-collapser \
         --input /data/input-tree \
         --input-format newick  \
         --taxonomy-stop-terms /data/stop_terms \ 
         --sequence-mapping /data/sequence_to_species_mapping  \
         --taxonomy /data/taxonomy  \
         --output /data/output-tree.nwk  \
         --output-type phylogram  \
         --output-collapsed-nodes /data/collapsed_nodes.tsv

Test cases

The input files for the test cases are the following:

1. Providing only an input phylogenetic tree

The simplest case consists in providing only an input phylogenetic tree. As the image below shows, PTC first converts the input tree (named input-tree) into Newick format, saving it to input-tree.nwk. Second, it downloads the taxonomic information of each sequence from NCBI, saving it into input-tree.nwk.taxonomy. To do this, all sequence names in the input phylogenetic tree start with the species name (e.g. Drosophila_melanogaster_fruit_fly_Drosophilidae_AAN09306.2 where species is Drosophila_melanogaster). In addition, PTC will also create the sequence to species mapping file in input-tree.nwk.sequence_to_species_mapping. At this point, all input files required for the tree collapsing have been generated, so PTC finally collapses it using as stop terms the default file that only contains the family names.

Test case 1

To execute this test case, you should adapt and run the following commands (just update DATA_DIR):


docker run --rm \
   -v ~/.ptc-cache:/ptc-cache \
   -v ${DATA_DIR}:/data \
      pegi3s/phylogenetic-tree-collapser \
         --input /data/diptera_tree.con \
         --input-format nexus \
         --output /data/collapsed_family_names_phylogram_diptera_tree.con.nwk \
         --output-type phylogram \
         --output-collapsed-nodes /data/collapsed_family_names_phylogram_diptera_tree.con.tsv

You can view the collapsed phylogenetic tree using a tool like MEGA X, for which we have a Docker image available here.

2. Providing an input phylogenetic tree and a stop terms file

The second case consists in providing an input phylogenetic tree and a stop terms file. As the image below shows, this is the same as the previous case but using the user-provided stop terms file (stop-terms in the image) to collapse the tree.

Test case 2

To execute this test case, you should adapt and run the following commands (just update DATA_DIR):


docker run --rm \
   -v ~/.ptc-cache:/ptc-cache \
   -v ${DATA_DIR}:/data \
      pegi3s/phylogenetic-tree-collapser \
         --input /data/diptera_tree.con \
         --input-format nexus \
         --taxonomy-stop-terms /data/stop_terms \
         --output /data/collapsed_phylogram_diptera_tree.con.nwk \
         --output-type phylogram \
         --output-collapsed-nodes /data/collapsed_phylogram_diptera_tree.con.tsv

3. Providing only an input phylogenetic tree and asking to flatten the taxonomy

The third case consists in providing an input phylogenetic tree and asking to flatten the taxonomy using the stop terms. As the image below shows, this is the same as the other two cases and the taxonomic information is automatically downloaded. However, instead of using the complete taxonomy, the --flatten-taxonomy-with-stop-terms is used to flatten it using the stop terms (not provided and therefore the default ones are used as in the first test case). The flattened taxonomy is saved to input-tree.nwk.taxonomy.flattened_stop_terms.

Test case 3

To execute this test case, you should adapt and run the following commands (just update DATA_DIR):


docker run --rm \
   -v ~/.ptc-cache:/ptc-cache \
   -v ${DATA_DIR}:/data \
      pegi3s/phylogenetic-tree-collapser \
      --input /data/diptera_tree.con \
      --input-format nexus \
      --output /data/collapsed_family_names_flatten_tax_phylogram_diptera_tree.con.nwk \
      --output-type phylogram \
      --output-collapsed-nodes /data/collapsed_family_names_flatten_tax_phylogram_diptera_tree.con.tsv \

4. Providing all input files

In this fourth test case, the four input files are provided as the image below shows. Also, the input phylogenetic tree is provided in Newick format so no conversion is needed.

Test case 4

To execute this test case, you must have run the first use case previously so that the input files have already been generated. Then, you should adapt and run the following commands (just update DATA_DIR):


docker run --rm \
   -v ~/.ptc-cache:/ptc-cache \
   -v ${DATA_DIR}:/data \
      pegi3s/phylogenetic-tree-collapser \
         --input /data/diptera_tree.con.nwk \
         --input-format newick \
         --taxonomy-stop-terms /data/stop_terms \
         --sequence-mapping /data/diptera_tree.con.nwk.sequence_to_species_mapping \
         --taxonomy /data/diptera_tree.con.nwk.taxonomy \
         --output /data/collapsed_phylogram_using_all_diptera_tree.con.nwk \
         --output-type phylogram \
         --output-collapsed-nodes /data/collapsed_phylogram_using_all_diptera_tree.con.tsv