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Folders and files

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The electronized version of CPExternalizer.

Check out CPCluster example to get the whole scenarios for using this tool.

Getting started with source


  • Node >=8.6.0
  • Electron (for GUI) >= 1.7.11
git clone
cd CPExternlizer-GUI
npm install
npm run start


You can build a version for your computer. It will be placed in dist/ suffixed with your platform and architecture of CPU.

npm build

Details here Electron packager.

Graphical User Interface

Built with Electron and Photon. Packaged by electron-packager.

There are 4 sections corresponding to 4 features of CPExternalizer:

Folder slimmer

The main functionality of program. It will pick up specific folders (ar, dr) and CPM.js after stripping off what is not project's private data.

Sound fixing

If your project contains sounds, they may be missed after slimming down, because of the changements in directory. Use this to fix it.

Project initiator

The core of folder slimmer. In case you want to treat some certains CPM.js.

Extra componenents

Bring out components not installed yet in your common CPM.js.