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Building Inspection Toolkit

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Building Inspection Toolkit helps you with machine learning projects in the field of damage recognition on built structures, currenlty with a focus on bridges made of reinforced concrete.

  • DataHub: It contains curated open-source datasets, with fix train/val/test splits (as this is often missing) and cleaned annotations. It is build for PyTorch.
  • Metrics: We define useful metrics you can use and report to make comparability easier.
  • Pre-trained Models: We provide strong baseline models for different datasets. See bikit-models for more details.

The Datasets

Open-source data

Name Type Unique images train/val/test split
CDS [Web] 2-class single-target Clf 1,028 bikit-version
BCD [Paper] [Data] 2-class single-target Clf 6069 modified-version
SDNET [Web] 2-class single-target Clf 56,092 bikit-version
MCDS [Paper] [Data] 8-class multi-target Clf 2,612 bikit-version
CODEBRIM [Paper] [Data] 6-class multi-target Clf 7,730 original-version

Bikit datasets

Different versions

For some datasets different versions exists. This may be due to the fact that the authors already provide different version (e.g. CODEBRIM) or other authors update datasets (e.g. Bukhsh for MCDS).


We provide carefully selected train/val/test splits. We introduce splits, when they are not available or update splits where we think this is useful.


name Note
dacl1k 6-class multi-target dataset.
cds Original dataset with bikit's train/val/test splits
bcd Original dataset with modified train/val/test splits (original train was splitted into train/val)
sdnet Original dataset with bikit's train/val/test splits; Many wrong labels
sdnet_binary Many wrong labels; Binarized version of sdnet: crack, no crack
sdnet_bikit Cleaned wrong labels
sdnet_bikit_binary Cleaned wrong labels; Binarized version of sdnet: crack, no crack
mcds_Bukhsh Bukhsh et al. create a 10-class dataset out of the 3-step dataset from Hüthwohl et al. (with same wrong labels); With bikit's train/val/test splits
mcds_bikit We create a 8-class dataset from Hüthwohl et al. which prevent wrong labels with bikit's train/val/test splits.
codebrim-classif-balanced Original dataset with original train/val/test splits: Underrepresented classes are oversampled.
codebrim-classif Original dataset with original train/val/test splits.
meta2 6-class multi-target dataset based on codebrim-classif, and mcds_bikit.
meta3 6-class multi-target dataset based on bcd, codebrim-classif, and mcds_bikit.
meta4 6-class multi-target dataset based on bcd, codebrim-classif, mcds_bikit, and sdnet_bikit_binary.
meta2+dacl1k 6-class multi-target dataset based on dacl1k, codebrim-classif, and mcds_bikit.
meta3+dacl1k 6-class multi-target dataset based on dacl1k, bcd, codebrim-classif, and mcds_bikit.
meta4+dacl1k 6-class multi-target dataset based on dacl1k, bcd, codebrim-classif, mcds_bikit, and sdnet_bikit_binary.



List and download data

from bikit.utils import list_datasets, download_dataset

# List all datasets
all_dataset = list_datasets(verbose=0)

# Download data
DATASET_NAME = "mcds_bikit"

Use BikitDataset

from bikit.utils import download_dataset
from bikit.datasets import BikitDataset
from import DataLoader
from torchvision import transforms

# Select a dataset:
name = "mcds_bikit"

download_dataset(name) # equals to `download_dataset("mcds_Bukhsh")` 
my_transform = transforms.Compose([transforms.Resize((256,256)), transforms.ToTensor()])
# Use return_type 'pt' (default) or 'np'
train_dataset = BikitDataset(name, split="train", transform=my_transform, return_type="pt") 
train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=64, shuffle=False, num_workers=0)

# Use it in your training loop
for i, (imgs, labels) in enumerate(train_loader):
	print(i, imgs.shape, labels.shape)


  • For single-target problems (like cds, bcd, sdnet_bikit_binary) metrics will follow (#TODO).
  • For multi-target problems (like sdnet_bikit, mcds_bikit or meta3) we use Exact Match Ratio (EMR_mt) and classwise Recall (Recalls_mt).
#!pip install torchmetrics
from bikit.metrics import EMR_mt, Recalls_mt
import torch

myemr = EMR_mt(use_logits=False)
myrecalls = Recalls_mt()

# fake data
preds0  = torch.tensor([[.9, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1], 
                       [.8, 0.2, 0.9, 0.2, 0.9, 0.2], 
                       [.7, 0.9, 0.2 , 0.2, 0.2 , 0.2]])
preds1 = torch.tensor([[.0, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1], 
                       [.8, 0.2, 0.9, 0.2, 0.9, 0.2], 
                       [.7, 0.9, 0.2 , 0.9, 0.2 , 0.9]])
target = torch.tensor([[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], 
                      [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0], 
                      [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]])
# batch 0
myemr(preds0, target), myrecalls(preds0, target)
print(myemr.compute(), myrecalls.compute())

# batch 1
myemr(preds1, target), myrecalls(preds1, target)    
print(myemr.compute(), myrecalls.compute())

# Reset at end of epoch
myemr.reset(), myrecalls.reset()
print(myemr, myrecalls)


List models

from bikit.utils import list_models

# List all models
# List all models
all_models = list_models(verbose=0)

Model Inference

from bikit.utils import load_model, get_metadata, load_img_from_url
from bikit.models import make_prediction
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 

# Download and load model
model, metadata = load_model("MCDSbikit_ResNet50_dhb", add_metadata=True)

img = load_img_from_url("")
prob, pred = make_prediction(model, img, metadata, print_predictions=True, preprocess_image=True)
#> Crack                [██████████████████████████████████████  ]  95.79% 
#> Efflorescence        [                                        ]   0.56% 
#> ExposedReinforcement [                                        ]   0.18% 
#> General              [                                        ]   0.61% 
#> NoDefect             [                                        ]   1.31% 
#> RustStaining         [                                        ]   0.44% 
#> Scaling              [                                        ]   0.05% 
#> Spalling             [                                        ]   0.86% 
#> Inference time (CPU): 207.96 ms


!pip install git+
!pip install patool
!pip install efficientnet-pytorch
!pip install torchmetrics



Install dependencies first

pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt -r test_requirements.txt

Run PyTest

# cd bridge-inspection-toolkit/


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