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For an overview and examples, visit:

----------------VERSION UPDATES-----------------

[1] step over execution added
[2] displays the next instruction to be processed
    and the current instruction processed in step
    execution mode
[3] ral, rar, rlc, rrc instructions fixed
[4] some other bugs fixed
[5] Menus update
[6] Auxiliary flag operation fixed

[1] All the instructions are not yes testes and checked. 
    please let us know about the bugs

[1] Extract contents and enter into the extracted directory
[2] Spawn a shell in the directory
[3] Execute   
[4] Execute as super user
      `make install`
[5] to run From terminal execute

To remove run `make remove` as super user
To run without installing after executing `make` run the binary 'dirty' created


Memory Up                    :  Up key , Enter Key
Memory Down                  :  Down key, Backspace
Memory Jump 16 places Up     :  Page Up
Memory Jump 16 places Down   :  Page Down
Goto Memory Location         :  g  , F3
Set Start Address            :  s
Start Execution              :  x  , F5
Step Execution               :  z  , F7
Step Over                    :       F8 
End Step Execution           :  q
Read machine state from file :       F9
Write machine state to file  :       F6
Reset Flags and Registers    :  r
Help                         :  h  , F1
Quit                         :  ESC, F12

Use 0-9 and a-f to enter values at address

To execute a code first set the start address by pressing 's' and providing the start address.
If you have used the step execution method and you want to stop it press 'q' to reset the step executiond
Step over would jump over an instruction without executing it.

To test the functionality a test file is provided "dirty_test"
load "dirty_test" in the application by pressing F9 and then 
entering the full file path and press enter. The file has three 
8085 codes loaded as described below:

Bubble Sort
Program loaded at          : 4200h
Program input data set at  : 0000h
                                        contains the number of elements in the list (set to 0ah)
                                        and then the elements of the list follows
Program output data set at : 07d0h
                                        Contains the sorted list sequence of the list at 0000h

Count Number of 1s in a byte

Program loaded at          : 4300h
Program input data at      : 0100h
                                        Contains the input byte, of which number of 1s should be counted
Program output data at     : 0101h
                                        Contains the number of 1s in the byte stored in 0100h location

Find the GCD of two numbers

Program loaded at          : 4400h
Program input data set     : 0200h , 0201h
                                        these location contains the two number of which the GCD is to be found
Program output data        : 0202h
                                        contains the GCD of the two numbers stored in 0200h and 0201h

--------------------- AUTHOR ----------------------
Author  : Arjun Pakrashi
Website :


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