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Releases: picasso/zukit


04 Mar 23:41
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  • removed zusnippets_Lang trait (these helpers duplicated in the Zu Translate plugin)
  • delayed value creation for the second argument of logGroup method
  • renaming debug JS data set to inhouse
  • refactoring init for _debug and _panels option groups
  • keep _debug and _panels option groups even on reset
  • added zu_loge function as last resort for complex debug cases
  • added unescapeHtml helper to utils
  • added hover to notice__dismiss button
  • fixed markdown CSS in action buttons
  • fixed CSS of Settings (Safari)
  • improved inserting separators in the Admin Menu


09 Feb 10:02
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  • added dim color modifier
  • refactoring logGroup method
  • changed opaque color for ^ modifier
  • delayed value creation - if the data is a function, then we replace it with the value returned from the function
  • added outline on :focus for SelectItemControl control
  • improved CSS on various screen widths


25 Jan 14:29
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  • color modifiers support for opaque colors in Debug module
  • some helpers for input/textarea manipulations (compatible with React) in JQ module
  • minify JS output


19 Jan 23:41
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  • refactoring AdminMenu methods (docs update required)
  • implemented keep_file and get_file static methods to keep file paths
  • added File field to plugin/theme meta
  • refactoring zukit_Table class and ZukitTable component to support CSS Grid layout
  • added ZukitToggle component with simple markdown support
  • use ZukitToggle instead of ToggleControl
  • added simple __log method - for debugging without any classes
  • added support for Color Modifiers in info method
  • disable Zukit scripts caching with static zukit_debug method
  • removed package.json import (and ver getter) in Debug module
  • updated NPM package dependencies
  • logo experiments
  • improved CSS


05 Jan 12:19
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  • added has_snippet method
  • added get_callable method which allows to use functions as configuration values
  • all set_option for Ajax requests are now running with the option rewrite_array equal to true
  • fixed bug in method set_option when rewrite_array is true and key is path
  • added onKeyEnter prop for AdvTextControl component
  • added isSideBySide prop to ListInputControl and AdvTextControl components
  • added isOpen and isNotEmptyLabel props for ListInput Component
  • added more argument in transformValue function for SelectItemControl component
  • fix CSS and htmlFor support when isSideBySide is true for ListInputControl and AdvTextControl components
  • disable animation in ListInputControl component when isOpen is true
  • added scrollTop DOM helper
  • added noColon check in messageWithError function


28 Dec 10:23
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  • made path_autocreated = true by default
  • added TitleIndicator component
  • added withPlugin and withPluginMeta HOCs to work with predefined WP slots (PluginDocumentSettingPanel, PluginSidebar and etc.)
  • exported debug module for Zukit settings
  • fixed bug in set_option method when $value is array and $key is path
  • fix styles of some standard controls (checkbox, toggle)
  • small improvements


28 Dec 10:20
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  • refactoring do_addons to work with options and collect results
  • added extend_metadata method which allows you to modify the name, description and other information about the plugin/theme
  • refactoring ConditionalWrap after understanding how the JSX works with the createEelement function
  • added custom hooks - useRefInit and useRefDefaults
  • refactoring React custom hooks for folders
  • replacing deprecated jQuery methods
  • refactoring debug module with new knowledge about React hooks
  • fixed bug with zudata Ajax request
  • converted instyle SASS to SCSS
  • refactoring extend_block_colors and default Zukit color palette
  • implemented markdown in plugin/theme description
  • small improvements


16 Oct 11:40
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  • adapted to WP 5.8.1
  • implemented zukit_ExchangeWithMagic trait
  • refactoring redirect to parent methods with PHP __call
  • redefined array_with_defaults method from snippets for convenience
  • improved extend snippets, frontend_handles, trace_summary and prefix_it methods
  • simplified the error checking method
  • refactoring dependencies for scripts and styles to fix errors in WP 5.8 (widgets.php)
  • implemented default_options AJAX response
  • logic of set_options_ajax method is changed - if at least one call returns true, then the overall result will also be true
  • refactoring sanitize helpers, added rest_response and maybe_fix_sanitize methods
Blocks & Components
  • improved SelectItemControl component - added fillNull option and smart style support
  • refactoring zukit_Blocks to allow use config from the class that was inherited from zukit_Blocks
  • added the ability to create an instance of the zukit_Blocks class by name
  • improved svgRef and getColor helpers
  • refactoring SASS with div() function because using / for division is deprecated
  • small fixes for Safari browser
  • added cast_array, array_zip_merge, add_inline_script_now, build_style methods
  • added null_on_failure arg for to_bool function
  • added minify argument for inline styles and scripts
  • added as_array argument for get_background_color method
  • added $reindex argument to array_pick_keys, array_without_keys and array_without_null methods


03 May 09:58
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  • implemented dynamic cells for ZukitTable component
  • implemented support for GitHub uri in info method
  • rows in Plugin Info are now hidden through the value equal to null
  • added simple markdown support to Plugin Info panel
  • added $template arg for format_bytes method in snippets
  • min php and wp versions updated
  • small CSS improvements


13 Apr 11:26
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  • refactoring zukit_Singleton to use zukit_Logging and zukit_Scripts traits
  • added support for Zukit version
  • refactoring logging to work with Zu Plus
  • implemented MoreActionsSlot slot for additional actions
  • added simpleMarkdown function for help elements and notices
  • improved ZukitTable component
  • various fixes
  • changed the license from GNU to MIT