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Inter-Galactic theme-based real-time Online Multiplayer UNO Game with a live video call feature.

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Galactic UNO Game

A real-time multi-player UNO Game with live video calling feature developed using Django Web Framework, Django Channels 2, Phaser 3, Peer.js and Bootstrap 5.

Image of Homepage

How to run locally?

  • Clone the Repository.
  • Make a virtual environment python -m venv <envname>
  • If you are using Linux, run source <envname>/bin/activate to activate the virtual environment.
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the dependencies.
  • Install redis. If you are using Ubuntu 20.04, take help from this link otherwise take help from Google.
  • Run sudo npm install peer -g. You will also need to install npm if it's not already there.
  • Run python makemigrations.
  • Run python migrate.
  • Run python runserver to start the server.
  • On another terminal, run peerjs --port 8001 to start peerjs server.
  • Now you are good to go, visit http://localhost:8000.

How to Contribute?

  • Fork the repository (If you are not a collaborator).
  • Clone this repository / forked repository and follow the steps mentioned in How to Run?.
  • Create a new git branch using git branch <branch-name>.
  • Checkout to new branch using git checkout <branch-name>.
  • Make the changes to project.
  • Run git add ..
  • Commit using git commit -m <commit-message>.
  • Checkout to main branch using git checkout main.
  • Pull the recent changes using git pull origin main.
  • Merge your branch using git merge <branch-name>.
  • Resolve merge-conflicts (if any).
  • After successful merging of the branches, push your changes to github using git push origin main.
  • Switch back to your branch using git checkout <branch-name>.
  • Merge with main using git merge main so that recent changes are reflected in your branch.
  • If you had forked the repository (i.e. you are not a Collaborator), open a Pull Request from the forked repository.

Contributors - Team Django Unchained