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EazyBuy - ecommerce

The EazyBuy e-commerce project consists of a frontend and a backend component. The frontend provides a user-friendly interface for both customers and admins to browse and purchase products. The admin has accessibility to update, delete, and manage orders of the products. Additionally, the backend handles server-side functionalities such as authentication, data storage, and order management.

Deployed Application See Here


🛒 User Panel:

  • Sign in and Sign up
  • Product List and Product Detail
  • Cart and Checkout
  • Order History
  • Search Results
  • Online Payments

👩‍💼 Admin Panel:

  • Order Management
  • Product Management:
  • Edit Product Details:

Technologies Used


  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React Router DOM
  • React Redux
  • Redux Toolkit with Async Thunk
  • React Hook Form
  • React Icons
  • React Toastify
  • Heroicons
  • Json Server (for frontend testing)


  • Node Js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • REST API using Express
  • Authentication using Passport JS
  • API Authentication using Passport JWT
  • MongoDB Atlas cloud database
  • Payments using Stripe

Getting Started

To get started you can simply clone this EazyBuy ecommerce repository and install the dependencies.

Clone the EazyBuy ecommerce repository using git:

git clone git clone


Install dependencies with this command:

npm install

Starts the development server for the frontend application with this command:

npm start

Builds the production-ready optimized version of the frontend application with command:

npm start

This will launch the application in your default browser. You can view the application at http://localhost:3000.


Install dependencies with this command:

npm install

Starts the backend server with command:

npm start

Starts the backend server with nodemon for development, which automatically restarts the server on file changes with command:

npm run dev

The server will start at http://localhost:8080.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to suggest enhancements, please create a new issue or submit a pull request.