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Build your IoT on the Raspberry Pi

I have bought the Raspberry Pi in the year 2012, almost at the time when the mini board came to the world. I have used it as media center by installing XMBC/OpenElec, NAS, and also work as one robot to post message to sina weibo and Twitter. But somehow I almost retired it, because it's bit slow and I have the new TV box based on Android, and it can meet my requirements for play video/TV Show. And I have bought the Xiaomi Router, it works good, and cover my NAS requirements.

But the time is changing, the Google has just release the Android Things for development Internet of Things with more convenient tools, SDK, IDE. And of couse the Raspberry Pi 3 has release in 2016, and from the spec, it is fast and have good performance to work as the daily development for fun.

So I buy the new one, and now I have many hardwares for play with

  • Raspberry Pi 1
  • Raspberry Pi 3B
  • Some LEDs
  • PMS5003T sensor about the air quality, like pm2.5, temp, humidity, etc.
  • MG90S, micro servo
  • PL2303, USB to TTL
  • Breadboard
  • Lines
  • Motors

Car on Raspberry Pi

Currently, I am working on the smart car on Raspberry Pi, I build:

  • The controller for the GPIO, so it can be used to control the motor engine forward/backward
  • I use pwm to controller the speed of the motor engine
  • I use camera, so I can see the real time video stream
  • I build one Android App, so I can use it to control the car without the computer.
  • I use some ssh forward commands, so I can control it or see the video stream even I am at office
  • Send SMS to my phone
  • Obstacles detection
  • Ultrasound detection
  • Record video if any motion detected.
  • Turn off the battery supply if no command received for certain period.


I have written some scripts to run/monitor my car. They are very import for understanding how it works

  • // It is used to forward some ports from the local raspberry pi to my remote VPS.
  • // Put all the start things when start the raspberry pi.
  • // Capture image
  • // Capture video
  • // Auto pull the latest code from github, and compile it and then restart the SpringBoot server.
  • // Monitor the port forward
  • // Forward the local port to remote server
  • // Start the video stream, then you can open it with mplayer

Android App

I have develop one Android App to control my car, it support

  • Left/Right/Up/Down
  • Adjust the speed of the car
  • Adjust the camera angel
  • Support auto driven on my tracks
  • etc.

Android App Screenshots

Car Main Controller Car Controller Car Weather Status

Realtime Weather Station

I have already built one simple realtime weather station, to provider the PM2.5/Temperature/Himidity, please check

I will start to learning followings

  • Learning GPIO, learn the basic usage about how to control them
  • Micro Servo, learn how to control it
  • Step motor
  • USB and serial port communication, USB to TTL
  • Sensors, read data from some sensors, like temperatioin, humidity, and also them air quality, like pm2.5

Weather Station Demo

RealTime Weather Station

GPIO Python

Now it's simple to install the GPIO Module for Python

pip install RPi.GPIO


  1. Download Rpi.GPIO
  2. sudo apt-get install python-dev
  tar xvzf RPi.GPIO-0.x.xx.tar.gz
  cd RPi.GPIO-0.x.xx
  sudo python install
  sudo easy_install -U RPIO
  sudo rpio -I


Dump the binary data with od

The hex data will be like as the following format

#ttyAMA0:0042 004d 0014 0022 0033
#ttyUSB0:4d42 1400 2500 2f00

Debug the hex data

sudo od /dev/ttyAMA0
sudo od -Ax -tcx1 /dev/ttyAMA0
sudo xxd /dev/ttyAMA0

The hex data will be like

00 42
00 4d
00 1c
00 0a
00 0f
00 10
00 0a
00 0f
00 10
08 5e
02 6c
00 4b
00 05
00 e7
01 05
91 00
03 9f
1c 00
0a 00
0f 00
10 00

Run PMS5003T Script

Run the python script, and it will print the details

  cd pms5003t
  sudo ./

And the result will be like

Mon Feb 27 14:51:02 2017 pm2.5: 36 pm2.5(cf): 40 pm1.0: 26 pm10: 43 temp(c): 22.8 humi(%): 18.0 version: 145 error: 0
Mon Feb 27 14:51:04 2017 pm2.5: 36 pm2.5(cf): 41 pm1.0: 26 pm10: 44 temp(c): 22.7 humi(%): 17.9 version: 145 error: 0
Mon Feb 27 14:51:09 2017 pm2.5: 36 pm2.5(cf): 41 pm1.0: 26 pm10: 44 temp(c): 22.8 humi(%): 18.0 version: 145 error: 0
Mon Feb 27 14:51:15 2017 pm2.5: 36 pm2.5(cf): 41 pm1.0: 26 pm10: 43 temp(c): 22.7 humi(%): 17.9 version: 145 error: 0
Mon Feb 27 14:51:20 2017 pm2.5: 37 pm2.5(cf): 42 pm1.0: 26 pm10: 45 temp(c): 22.7 humi(%): 18.1 version: 145 error: 0
Mon Feb 27 14:51:26 2017 pm2.5: 38 pm2.5(cf): 44 pm1.0: 27 pm10: 46 temp(c): 22.7 humi(%): 18.0 version: 145 error: 0

Android Things

Android Things on Raspberry Pi 3

Add auto script to Raspberry Pi


 sudo systemctl --force --full edit car.service
 sudo systemctl enable --now car.service
 cat /etc/systemd/system/car.service
 systemctl status car.service
Description=Start my Smart Car




commands tips

sudo apt install motion
sudo chown motion.root /var/log/motion/
sudo modprobe bcm2835-v4l2
sudo vim /etc/motion/motion.conf
sudo service motion restart
tail -f  /var/log/motion/motion.log

motion config

grep -v -E "#|^$" /etc/motion/motion.conf
daemon off
setup_mode off
; pid_file value
log_file /var/log/motion/motion.log
log_level 6
target_dir /var/lib/motion
videodevice /dev/video0
; vid_control_params value
; netcam_url value
; mmalcam_name value
; mmalcam_control_params value
width 640
height 480
framerate 15
text_left CAMERA1
text_right %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q
emulate_motion off
threshold 1500
; noise_level 32
despeckle_filter EedDl
minimum_motion_frames 1
event_gap 60
pre_capture 3
post_capture 0
; on_event_start value
; on_event_end value
; on_movie_end value
picture_output off
picture_filename %Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q
movie_output on
movie_max_time 60
movie_quality 45
movie_codec mkv
movie_filename %t-%v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
webcontrol_port 8080
webcontrol_localhost off
webcontrol_parms 0
stream_port 8081
stream_localhost off
; camera /usr/etc/motion/camera1.conf
; camera /usr/etc/motion/camera2.conf
; camera /usr/etc/motion/camera3.conf
; camera /usr/etc/motion/camera4.conf
; camera_dir /usr/etc/motion/conf.d