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When using a DialogFragment is not really convenient to create one. We even create a simple DialogFragment that we need to write many codes to archive it!

Therefore, a builder for creatingDialogFragment is bron. Creating a DialogFragment is just like using a builder for it. There're few advantages as the followings,

  1. Don't need to write the request code from activity for catching the event callback.
  2. Only few parameters, you can get a beautiful fragment dialog.
  • DialogFragment Builder also supports the databinding in MVVM's architecture.

Show Case


How to use it

Also the complete code is here.

Simple Layout by Android SDK

QuickDialogFragment.Builder(this) {
    btnNegativeText = "negative" to { d -> /* What you want to do! */ }
    btnPositiveText = "positive" to { d -> /* What you want to do! */ }
    message = "The is message!"
    title = "This is title!"
    cancelable = false

Customize Layout

QuickDialogFragment.Builder(this) {
    viewResCustom = R.layout.fragment_dialog_test
    fetchComponents = { v, df ->
        v.btn.setOnClickListener { /* What you want to do! */ } = "I was clicked!"

Using databinding in the MVVM architecture

Customize Layout

In the MVVM architecture, you can create a dialog fragment as the following.

QuickDialogBindingFragment.Builder<FragmentDialogBindBinding>(this) {
    viewCustom = R.layout.fragment_dialog_bind
}.build().apply {
    bind = {
        it.vm = TestActivityViewModel()

The snippet reference sample. And layout xml file is here.

A little track about layout XML

There're some issues I don't know how to fix it. If someone understands, please let me know kindly. 😀

In the some situations, you need to modify the size of the fragment dialog. You can do it as like this way.


    <!-- ↓↓↓↓ Make double layout to assign your layout size. ↓↓↓↓ -->


How to import to your project


First you have to make sure your project bundle.gradle as below:

allprojects {
    repositories {

And add our dependency to your app bundle.gradle.

implementation 'com.devrapid.jieyi:dialogbuilder:1.0.2'



Future Work

-[x] Change the dialog size