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The validator package comes with several common validations and removes the boiler plate code from your project.


  • Contains several common validations
  • Supports grouping of validators to write concise code
  • Zero dependency
  • Well tested
  • Easy to use and removes boiler plate code from your project

How to use


flutter pub add pro_validator


NOTE: if validate value contains is a null value, the result is null, not an error.

import 'package:pro_validator/pro_validator.dart';

void main() {
  const emailValidator = MultiValidator(
    validators: [
      RequiredValidator(error: 'Required field'),
      EmailValidator(error: 'Invalid email'),

  print('null email validation ${emailValidator(null)}');
  print('empty email validation ${emailValidator('')}');
  print('invalid email validation ${emailValidator('mail@com')}');
  print('valid email validation ${emailValidator('[email protected]')}');

  const passwordValidator = MultiValidator(
    validators: [
      RequiredValidator(error: 'Required field'),
      MinLengthValidator(min: 8, error: 'Min length 8'),
      HasUppercaseValidator(error: 'Must contain at least one uppercase'),
      HasLowercaseValidator(error: 'Must contain at least one lowercase'),

  print('null password validation ${passwordValidator(null)}');
  print('empty password validation ${passwordValidator('')}');
  print('min length password validation ${passwordValidator('1232')}');
  print('invalid password validation ${passwordValidator('12345678')}');
  print('invalid password validation ${passwordValidator('12345678A')}');
  print('valid password validation ${passwordValidator('a12345678A')}');

  final matchValidator = MatchValidator(error: 'Do not match');

  print('match validation ${matchValidator('a', 'b')}');

Available Validators

Validator Description
RequiredValidator Ensures the value is not empty, not white space only.
MaxLengthValidator Ensures the value length contains no more than a set [max] of characters.
MinLengthValidator Ensures the value length contains no fewer than a set [min] of characters.
HasUppercaseValidator Ensures the value contains a minimum of one uppercase character.
HasLowercaseValidator Ensures the value contains a minimum of one lowercase character.
HasANumberValidator Ensures the value contains a minimum of one numeric character.
LengthRangeValidator Ensures the value length is contained in the range [min, max].
NumRangeValidator Ensures the num value is contained in the range [min, max].
EmailValidator Ensures the value is a validly formatted email address.
PhoneValidator Ensures the value is a validly formatted phone number.
UrlValidator Ensures the value is a validly formatted URL.
PatternValidator Ensures a custom regular expression string.
MatchValidator A special match validator to check if the v1 equals v2 value.
MultiValidator Group together and validate the basic validators.