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Github Connector

The Github connector allows for the ingestion of webhook events from Github. To setup the connector, use the following guide and ensure that the URL used for the ingestion ends with /integrations/github/webhooks.


Url Methods Description
/integrations/github/webhooks POST Captures a given event into the system (assuming it passes validation and ingestion policies)
/_system/health GET The liveness health check endpoint
/_system/health/ready GET The readiness health check endpoint


The Github connector looks for the following configuration objects within a Kubernetes cluster:

  • ConfigMaps:
    • connector-github-cm
  • Secrets:
    • connector-github-secret
    • ingestion-secret

ConfigMap - connector-github-cm

Key Description
ingestion.uri The path of the ingestion API, including the /ingest suffix. Default: http://keas-ingestion.keas.svc.cluster.local/ingest
log.level The log level that should be written to the console. Default: debug
server.port The port to listen on. It can be useful to change this for local development. Default: 5000

Secret - connector-github-secret

This secret is required. If the secret does not exist, the readiness checks will fail.

Key Description
github.webhook.token The secret used to validate that the incoming requests are indeed coming from Github. This must match what's you set on the Github UI

Secret - ingestion-secret

This secret is required. If the secret does not exist, the readiness checks will fail. This secret is often setup by the Ingestion API.

Key Description
ingestion.auth.token The API Key that's used for authentication against the ingestion API