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Scala Style Guide


Attribution and License

This guide is based on the Databricks Scala Guide as of 2016-08-12. That work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Use and adaptation of that work are in accordance with the aforementioned license.

This guide includes portions of the official Scala Style Guide and modifications thereof. The content was downloaded from on 2016-08-09. That work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). Use and adaptation of that work are in accordance with the aforementioned license.

License: Creative Commons License
The present work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Code is written once by its author, but read and modified multiple times by lots of other engineers. As most bugs actually come from future modification of the code, we need to optimize our codebase for long-term, global readability and maintainability. The best way to achieve this is to write simple code.

Document History

  • 2016-08-15: Initial version.

Syntactic Style

General Alignment and Spacing

General Indentation

  • Use 2-space indentation in general.

    if (true) {
  • Do NOT use vertical alignment. It draws attention to the wrong parts of the code and makes the aligned code harder to change in the future.

    // Don't align vertically
    val plus     = "+"
    val minus    = "-"
    val multiply = "*"
    // Do the following
    val plus = "+"
    val minus = "-"
    val multiply = "*"

Line Length

  • Limit lines to 100 characters.

  • The only exceptions are import statements and URLs (although even for those, try to keep them under 100 chars).

Line Wrapping

  • There are times when a single expression reaches a length where it becomes unreadable to keep it confined to a single line. In such cases, the preferred approach is to simply split the expression up into multiple expressions by assigning intermediate results to values. However, this is not always a practical solution.

    • When it is absolutely necessary to wrap an expression across more than one line, each successive line should be indented two spaces from the first. Also remember that Scala requires each “wrap line” to either have an unclosed parenthetical or to end with an infix method in which the right parameter is not given (or the first non-blank character on the next line must be a '.'):

      val result = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +
        7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 +
        15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20

      Without this trailing method, Scala will infer a semi-colon at the end of a line which was intended to wrap, throwing off the compilation sometimes without even so much as a warning.

  • Line wrapping may be advisable to improve readability even in cases where the line is not very long, when methods are chained:

    // This fits in one line, but not very readable
    val w = List(1, 2, 3, 4).map(x => a*x^5 + b*x^4 + c*x^3).filter(x => d*(x^2) + e*x + f > g)
    // This is more readable
    val z =
      List(1, 2, 3, 4)
      .map(x => a*x^5 + b*x^4 + c*x^3)
      .filter(x => d*(x^2) + e*x + f > g)

Blank Lines

  • A single blank line appears:

    • Between consecutive members (or initializers) of a class: fields, constructors, methods, nested classes, static initializers, instance initializers.

      • Exception: A blank line between two consecutive fields (having no other code between them) is optional. Such blank lines are used as needed to create logical groupings of fields.
    • Within method bodies, as needed to create logical groupings of statements.

    • Optionally before the first member or after the last member of the class (neither encouraged nor discouraged).

  • Use one or two blank line(s) to separate class definitions.

  • Do not use more than two consecutive blank lines.

Curly Braces

  • Opening curly braces { must be on the same line as the declaration they represent:

    def foo = {

    Technically, Scala’s parser does support GNU-style notation with opening braces on the line following the declaration. However, the parser is not terribly predictable when dealing with this style due to the way in which semi-colon inference is implemented. Many headaches will be saved by simply following the curly brace convention demonstrated above.

  • Curly braces should be separated from the code within them by a one-space gap, to give the visually busy braces “breathing room”.


  • When the opening and closing parentheses are on the same line, there should be no space between parentheses and the code they contain.

  • In the rare cases when parenthetical blocks wrap across lines, the opening and closing parentheses should be unspaced and generally kept on the same lines as their content (Lisp-style):

    (this + is a very ++ long *
  • The following style is also allowed for long lines with parentheses:

    (  someCondition
    || someOtherCondition
    || thirdCondition

    A trailing parenthesis on the following line is acceptable in this case, for aesthetic reasons.

Naming Convention

In general, Scala uses "camel case" naming. That is, each word is capitalized, except possibly the first word:


We mostly follow Java's and Scala's standard naming conventions.

Classes, Traits, Objects

  • Classes, traits, objects should follow Java class convention, i.e., UpperCamelCase style.

    class ClusterManager
    trait Expression
    Object Boot
    • The exception is objects which are used as private vals inside an enclosing scope (class, object, or method):

      class Foo {
        private object init {
          val bar: Connection = ...
          val baz: List[String] = ...
        private val local = fun(


  • Packages should follow Java package naming conventions, i.e. all-lowercase ASCII letters.

    package com.databricks.resourcemanager

Variables, Methods, and Functions

  • Variables, methods, and functions should be named in camelCase style and should have self-evident names.
Special Note on Brevity
  • Because of Scala’s roots in the functional languages, it is quite normal for local names to be very short for: local variables in very short and simple methods; parameters of very short and simple private and local methods; parameters of very simple and short anonymous functions.

    private def add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
    def foo(): Unit = {
      val myAddFunction = (a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

    While this would be bad practice in languages like Java, it is good practice in Scala. This convention works because properly-written Scala methods are quite short, only spanning a single expression and rarely going beyond a few lines. Very few local fields are ever used (including parameters), and so there is no need to contrive long, descriptive names. This convention substantially improves the brevity of most Scala sources. This in turn improves readability, as most expressions fit in one line and the arguments to methods have descriptive type names.

    This convention does NOT apply to arguments of public methods. Everything in the public interface should be descriptive.

    Do NOT use "l" (as in Larry) as an identifier, because it is very difficult to differentiate "l" from "1", "|", "I".


  • Constants should be all uppercase letters and be put in a companion object.

    object Configuration {
      val DEFAULT_PORT = 10000


  • Enums should be UpperCamelCase.


  • Annotations should also follow Java convention, i.e. UpperCamelCase. Note that this differs from Scala's official guide.

    final class MyAnnotation extends StaticAnnotation

Underscores in Names

  • Do not use underscores (_) in names, except in constants, or in property write methods (xxx_=), or (rarely) as a single leading underscore:

    // wrong
    val my_val: Int = ...
    // right
    val MY_CONSTANT: Int = ...
    // OK
    class Company {
      // contains property value
      private var _name: String = _
      // property reader
      def name: String = _name
      // property writer
      def name_=(name: String): Unit = {
        _name = name

Type Parameters

  • For simple type parameters, a single upper-case letter (from the English alphabet) should be used, starting with A (this is different than the Java convention of starting with T). For example:

    class List[A] {
      def map[B](f: A => B): List[B] = ...
  • If the type parameter has a more specific meaning, a descriptive name should be used, following the class naming conventions (as opposed to an all-uppercase style). Suffixing the name with a 'T' is OK to make it clear that it is a type parameter:

    // Right
    class Map[Key, Value] {
      def get(key: Key): Value
      def put(key: Key, value: Value): Unit
    // Right
    class Map[KeyT, ValueT] {
      def get(key: KeyT): ValueT
      def put(key: KeyT, value: ValueT): Unit
    // Wrong; don't use all-caps
    class Map[KEY, VALUE] {
      def get(key: KEY): VALUE
      def put(key: KEY, value: VALUE): Unit
    • If the scope of the type parameter is small enough, a mnemonic can be used in place of a longer, descriptive name:

      class Map[K, V] {
        def get(key: K): V
        def put(key: K, value: V): Unit
Parameterized Type Parameters
  • The naming conventions for parameterized type parameters (a.k.a. higher kinds) are generally similar, however it is preferred to use a descriptive name rather than a single letter, for clarity:

    class HigherOrderMap[Key[_], Value[_]] { ... }
  • The single letter form is acceptable for fundamental concepts used throughout a codebase, such as F[_] for Functor and M[_] for Monad.

    In such cases, the fundamental concept should be something well known and understood to the team, or have tertiary evidence, such as the following:

    def doSomething[M[_]: Monad](m: M[Int]) = ...

    Here, the type bound : Monad offers the necessary evidence to inform the reader that M[_] is the type of the Monad.

Class Declarations

Header and Constructor

  • Class constructors should be declared all on one line, unless the line becomes “too long” (beyond 100 characters). In that case, put each constructor argument on its own line, indented four spaces:

    class Person(name: String, age: Int) {
      def firstMethod: Foo = ...
    class Person(
        name: String,
        age: Int,
        birthdate: Date,
        astrologicalSign: String,
        shoeSize: Int,
        favoriteColor: java.awt.Color) {
      def firstMethod: Foo = ...
  • If a class/object/trait extends anything, the same general rule applies, put it on one line unless it goes over about 100 characters. If it exceeds 100 characters, indent four spaces with each item being on its own line and two spaces for extensions; this provides visual separation between constructor arguments and extensions. Also put a blank line at the top of the body of the class:

    class Person(
        name: String,
        age: Int,
        birthdate: Date,
        astrologicalSign: String,
        shoeSize: Int,
        favoriteColor: java.awt.Color)
      extends Entity
      with Logging
      with Identifiable
      with Serializable {
      def firstMethod: Foo = ...

Ordering Of Class Elements

  • All class/object/trait members should be declared interleaved with newlines. The only exceptions to this rule are var and val. These may be declared without the intervening newline, but only if none of the fields have Scaladoc and if all of the fields have simple (max of 20-ish chars, one line) definitions:

    class Foo {
      val bar = 42
      val baz = "Daniel"
      def doSomething(): Unit = { ... }
      def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
  • Fields should precede methods in a scope.

    • The only exception is if the val has a block definition (more than one expression) and performs operations which may be deemed “method-like” (e.g., computing the length of a List). In such cases, the non-trivial val may be declared at a later point in the file as logical member ordering would dictate.
    • This exception only applies to val and lazy val (never to var)! It becomes very difficult to track changing aliases if var declarations are strewn throughout class file.
  • If a class is long and has many methods, group them logically into different sections, and use comment headers to organize them.

    class DataFrame {
      // DataFrame operations
      // RDD operations

    Of course, the situation in which a class grows this long is strongly discouraged, and is generally reserved only for building certain public APIs.


  • Avoid using wildcard imports, unless you are importing more than 6 entities, or implicit methods. Wildcard imports make the code less robust to external changes.

  • Always import packages using absolute paths (e.g. scala.util.Random) instead of relative ones (e.g. util.Random).

  • In addition, sort imports in the following order:

    • Project classes
    • scala.*
    • play.*
    • akka.*
    • java.*
    • javax.*
    • Third-party libraries (org.*, com.*, etc)
  • Within each group, imports should be sorted in alphabetic ordering.

  • You can use IntelliJ's import organizer to handle this automatically, using the following config:

    _______ blank line _______
    _______ blank line _______
    _______ blank line _______
    all other imports

Method Declarations

Return Type

  • Specify a return type for all public members. Consider it documentation checked by the compiler. It also avoids confusion as weird subtypes may result from type inference. Finally, it also helps in preserving binary compatibility in the face of changing type inference (changes to the method implementation may propagate to the return type if it is inferred).

  • Local methods or private methods may omit their return type:

    private def foo(x: Int = 6, y: Int = 7) = x + y


  • Method modifiers should be given in the following order (when each is applicable):

    1. Annotations, each on their own line
    2. Override modifier (override)
    3. Access modifier (protected, private)
    4. Final modifier (final)
    5. def
    override protected final def foo() {

Declaring Methods of Arity 0

  • Methods that take no arguments should be declared without parentheses if and only if they are accessors that have no side-effect (state mutation, I/O operations are considered side-effects).

    class Job {
      // Wrong: killJob changes state. Should have ().
      def killJob: Unit
      // Correct:
      def killJob(): Unit
    case class Person(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
      // Correct:
      def fullName: String = firstName + " " + lastName

    Note that internal domain-specific languages have a tendency to break the guidelines given above for the sake of syntax. Such exceptions should not be considered a violation so much as a time when these rules do not apply. In a DSL, syntax should be paramount over convention.

Short Functional Methods

  • When a method body comprises a single expression which is less than 30 (or so) characters, it should be given on a single line with the method:

    def add(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
  • When the method body is a single expression longer than 30 (or so) characters but still shorter than 70 (or so) characters, it should be given on the following line, indented two spaces:

    def sum(ls: List[String]): Int = + _)
  • The distinction between these two cases is somewhat artificial. Generally speaking, you should choose whichever style is more readable on a case-by-case basis. For example, your method declaration may be very long, while the expression body may be quite short. In such a case, it may be more readable to put the expression on the next line rather than making the declaration line too long.

Longer Methods or Methods With Side-Effects

  • When the body of a method cannot be concisely expressed in a single line or is of a non-functional nature (some mutable state, local or otherwise), the body must be enclosed in braces:

    def sum(ls: List[String]): Int = {
      val ints = ls map (_.toInt)
      ints.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
  • When method declarations don't fit in a single line, use 4 space indentation for its parameters. Return types can be either on the same line as the last parameter, or put to next line with a 2 space indent.

    def newAPIHadoopFile[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]](
        path: String,
        fClass: Class[F],
        kClass: Class[K],
        vClass: Class[V],
        conf: Configuration = hadoopConfiguration): RDD[(K, V)] = {
      // method body
    def newAPIHadoopFile[K, V, F <: NewInputFormat[K, V]](
        path: String,
        fClass: Class[F],
        kClass: Class[K],
        vClass: Class[V],
        conf: Configuration = hadoopConfiguration)
      : RDD[(K, V)] = {
      // method body

Methods With Default Parameter Values

  • Methods with default parameter values should be declared in an analogous fashion to the above, with a space on either side of the equals sign:

    def foo(x: Int = 6, y: Int = 7): Int = x + y
    def sum(ls: List[String] = Nil): Int = {
      val ints = ls map (_.toInt)
      ints.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)

Methods With a Single Match Expression

  • Methods that contain a single match expression should be declared in the following way:

    // right!
    def sum(ls: List[Int]): Int = ls match {
      case hd :: tail => hd + sum(tail)
      case Nil => 0

    Not like this:

    // wrong!
    def sum(ls: List[Int]): Int = {
      ls match {
        case hd :: tail => hd + sum(tail)
        case Nil => 0

Procedure Syntax

  • Do not use the procedure syntax. It is confusing and it is in the process of being deprecated.

    // don't do this
    def printBar(bar: Baz) {
    // write this instead
    def printBar(bar: Bar): Unit = {

Field Declarations

  • Fields should follow the declaration rules for methods, taking special note of access modifier ordering and annotation conventions.

  • Lazy vals should use the lazy keyword directly before the val:

    private lazy val foo = bar()

Method Invocations

Invoking Methods of Arity 0

  • Call a method of arity-0 with parentheses if and only if it is declared with parentheses (see Declaring Methods of Arity 0). Note that this is not just syntactic. It can affect correctness when apply is defined in the returned object.

    class Foo {
    def apply(args: String*): Int
    class Bar {
    def foo: Foo
    new Bar().foo  // This returns a Foo
    new Bar().foo()  // This returns an Int!
  • Calling methods of arity-0 using suffix notation is unsafe and deprecated:

    // is the same as
    names toList // Unsafe, don't use!

    Failure to follow this rule may result in unexpected compile errors at best, and happily compiled faulty code at worst.

Infix Methods

  • Avoid infix notation for methods that aren't symbolic methods (i.e., other than operator overloading).

    // Correct
    // Wrong
    list map (func)
    string contains "foo"
    // But overloaded operators should be invoked in infix style
    val map2 = map1 ++ elem

Methods With Multiple Arguments

  • When a method invocation with several arguments doesn't fit in a single line, put the method invocation on the next line, indented two spaces, and each argument on a line by itself, indented two additioinal spaces from the current indent level:

    // right!
    val myOnerousAndLongFieldNameWithNoRealPoint =
        "this is a string",
    // wrong!
    val myOnerousAndLongFieldNameWithNoRealPoint = foo(someVeryLongFieldName,
                                                       "this is a string",
  • Better yet, just try to avoid defining methods which take more than two or three parameters!

Methods Taking a Function as a Parameter

  • When calling a method with a closure (or partial function) as a parameter, if there is only one case, put the case on the same line as the method invocation. { case (elem, i) =>
      // ...
  • If there are multiple cases, indent and wrap them. {
      case a: Foo =>  ...
      case b: Bar =>  ...

Control Structures

  • All control structures should be written with a space following the defining keyword:

    // right!
    if (foo) bar else baz
    for (i <- 0 to 10) { ... }
    while (true) { println("Hello, World!") }
    // wrong!
    if(foo) bar else baz
    for(i <- 0 to 10) { ... }
    while(true) { println("Hello, World!") }
  • Use or omit braces in control structures according to the following rules:

    • if - Omit braces if you have an else clause and both branches are single-line pure-functional expressions (no side-effects). Otherwise, surround the contents with curly braces even if the contents are only a single line.

    • while - Never omit braces (while cannot be used in a pure-functional manner).

    • for - Omit braces after the yield clause if its expression fits on the same line or as a single next line. If there is no yield clause, surround the contents with curly-braces, even if the contents are only a single line.

    • case - Always omit braces in case clauses.

    • Trivial conditionals - There are certain situations where it is useful to create a short if/else expression for nested use within a larger expression. In Java, this sort of case would traditionally be handled by the ternary operator (?/:), a syntactic device which Scala lacks. In these situations (and really any time you have a extremely brief if/else expression) it is permissible to place the “then” and “else” branches on the same line as the if and else keywords. Note that this style should never be used with imperative if expressions nor should curly braces be employed.

  • Examples:

    val news = if (foo)
    if (foo) {
      println("foo was true")
    while (bar()) {
    for (x <- baz)
      yield x * 2
    for (x <- baz) {
      println(x * 2)
    for (x <- baz)
    yield {
      val y = something(x)
      val z = somethingElse(x)
      y + z
    // Equivalent to above
    for {
      x <- baz)
      y = something(x)
      z = somethingElse(x)
    } yield y + z
    news match {
      case "good" =>
        println("Good news!")
      case "bad" =>
        println("Bad news!")
    val res = if (foo) bar else baz


  • for comprehensions with more than one generator (more than one <- symbol) and a yield clause should use the second form below:

    // wrong!
    for (x <- board.rows; y <- board.files)
      yield (x, y)
    // right!
    for {
      x <- board.rows
      y <- board.files
    } yield (x, y)
  • The exceptions to this rule are for comprehensions which lack a yield clause. In such cases, the construct is actually a loop rather than a functional comprehension and it is usually more readable to string the generators together between parentheses rather than using the syntactically-confusing } { construct, if the generators fit in one line:

    // wrong!
    for {
      x <- board.rows
      y <- board.files
    } {
      printf("(%d, %d)", x, y)
    // right!
    for (x <- board.rows; y <- board.files) {
      printf("(%d, %d)", x, y)
  • Comprehensions with only a single generator (e.g., for (i <- 0 to 10) yield i) should use the first form (parentheses rather than curly braces around the generator).

  • for comprehensions are preferred to chained calls to map, flatMap, and filter, as such chained calls can get difficult to read (this is one of the purposes of the for comprehension).

Function Values

  • Single-expression function values (anonymours functions) should be declared as follows:

    // yes
    val f1 = ((a: Int, b: Int) => a + b)
    // yes
    val f2: (Int, Int) => Int = (_ + _)
    val f2a: (Int, Int) => Int = ((a, b) => a + b)
    // no
    val f3 = (a: Int, b: Int) => a + b
    // no
    val f4 = (_: Int) + (_: Int)

    The style exemplified by f3 above appears shorter in this example, but whenever the function value spans multiple lines (as is often the case), this syntax becomes extremely unwieldy.

  • Multi-expression function values should follow the declaration style for methods

    The opening brace should be on the same line as the assignment or use of the function, while the closing brace is on its own line immediately following the last line of the function. Parameters should be on the same line as the opening brace, as should the “arrow” (=>):

    val f1 = { (a: Int, b: Int) =>
      val sum = a + b
  • Avoid excessive parentheses and curly braces for function values:

    // Correct { item =>
    // Correct => ...)
    // Wrong => {
    // Wrong { item => {
    // Wrong{ item => ... })
  • As noted elsewhere in this guide, function values should leverage type inference whenever possible.

Long Literals

  • Suffix long literal values with uppercase L. It is often hard to differentiate lowercase l from 1.

    val longValue = 5432L  // Do this
    val longValue = 5432l  // Do NOT do this

Rule of 30

  • "If an element consists of more than 30 subelements, it is highly probable that there is a serious problem" - see Refactoring in Large Software Projects.

    In general:

    • A method should contain no more than 30 lines of code.

    • A class should contain no more than 30 methods (in most cases, no more than 10).

Scala Language Features

apply Method

  • Avoid defining apply methods on classes that do not implement a function interface.

    These methods tend to make the code less readable, especially for people less familiar with Scala. It is also harder for IDEs (or grep) to trace. In the worst case, it can also affect correctness of the code in surprising ways, as demonstrated in Method Invocations.

  • It is fine to define apply methods on companion objects as factory methods. In these cases, the apply method should return the companion class type.

    object TreeNode {
      // This is OK
      def apply(name: String): TreeNode = ...
      // This is bad because it does not return a TreeNode
      def apply(name: String): String = ...

override Modifier

  • Always add the override modifier for methods, both for overriding concrete methods and implementing abstract methods. The Scala compiler does not require override for implementing abstract methods. However, we should always add override to avoid accidental non-overrides due to non-matching signatures.

    trait Parent {
      def hello(data: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
    class Child extends Parent {
      import scala.collection.Map
      // The following method does NOT override Parent.hello,
      // because the two Maps have different types.
      // If we added "override" modifier, the compiler would've caught it.
      def hello(data: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
        print("This is supposed to override the parent method, but it is actually not!")

Call by Name

  • Exercise extreme caution when using call by name parameters. Implementations using call by name parameters must ensure the expression passed in is executed only once (e.g., assign it to a val and then use the val). This is critically important for expressions that have side-effects.

    For example, in the following code, inc() is passed into print as a closure and is executed (twice) in the print method, rather than being passed in as a value 1:

    def print(value: => Int): Unit = {
      println(value + 1)
    var a = 0
    def inc(): Int = {
      a += 1

    If the print method above is modified as follows then the problem is avoided:

    def print(_value: => Int): Unit = {
      val value = _value
      println(value + 1)

Multiple Parameter Lists

  • Avoid defining methods with multiple parameter lists.

    // Avoid this!
    case class Person(name: String, age: Int)(secret: String)

    Such methods (or similarly declared functions) have a more verbose declaration and invocation syntax and are harder for less-experienced Scala developers to understand.

    There are exceptions to this rule, but these exceptions only apply to architecture framework developers:

    1. For a fluent API

      Multiple parameter lists allow you to create your own “control structures”:

      def unless(exp: Boolean)(code: => Unit): Unit = if (!exp) code
      unless(x < 5) {
        println("x was not less than five")
    2. Implicit Parameters

      When using implicit parameters, and you use the implicit keyword, it applies to the entire parameter list. Thus, if you want only some parameters to be implicit, you must use multiple parameter lists. That said, implicits should be avoided!

    3. For type inference

      When invoking a method using only some of the parameter lists, the type inferencer can allow a simpler syntax when invoking the remaining parameter lists.


  • Scala does not follow the Java convention of prepending set/get to mutator and accessor methods (respectively). Instead, the following conventions are used:

    • For accessors of properties, the name of the method should be the name of the property.

    • In some instances, it is acceptable to prepend "`is`" on a boolean accessor (e.g. isEmpty). This should only be the case when no corresponding mutator is provided.

    • For mutators, the name of the method should be the name of the property with "_=" appended. As long as a corresponding accessor with that particular property name is defined on the enclosing type, this convention will enable a call-site mutation syntax which can be expressed as an assignment to the property.

      class Foo {
        def bar = ...
        def bar_=(bar: Bar) {
        def isBaz = ...
      val foo = new Foo             // accessor = bar2      // mutator
      foo.isBaz           // boolean property

Symbolic Methods

  • Do NOT define methods with symbolic names, unless you are defining them for natural arithmetic operations (e.g. +, -, *, /).

    Under no other circumstances should they be used. Symbolic method names make it very hard to understand the intent of the methods. Consider the following two examples:

    // symbolic method names are hard to understand
    channel ! msg
    stream1 >>= stream2
    // self-evident what is going on

Type Inference

  • Use type inference where possible, but put clarity first, and favour explicitness in public APIs.

    You should almost never annotate the type of a private field or a local variable, as their type will usually be immediately evident in their value:

    private val name = "Daniel"
  • There are a few cases where explicit typing should be used:

    • Public methods and fields should be explicitly typed, for API clarity and also as otherwise the compiler's inferred type can often surprise you.

    • Local variables, private fields, and closures with non-obvious types should be explicitly typed. A good litmus test is that explicit types should be used if a code reviewer cannot determine the type in 3 seconds.

    • Implicit methods should be explicitly typed, otherwise it can crash the Scala compiler with incremental compilation.

    Where type annotations are appropriate, they should be patterned according to the following template:

    value: Type

    There is no space between the value identifier and the colon, there is one space between the colon and the type.

Function Types

  • Function types should be declared with a space between the parameter type, the arrow and the return type:

    def foo(f: Int => String) = ...
    def bar(f: (Boolean, Double) => List[String]) = ...
  • For functions of arity-1, the parentheses should be omitted from the parameter type:

    // right
    def foo(f: Int => String) = ...
    // wrong
    def foo(f: (Int) => String) = ...
  • In general, omit unnecessary parentheses in funtion types. A more extreme example with a curried function parameter:

    // wrong!
    def foo(f: (Int) => ((String) => ((Boolean) => Double))) = ...
    // wrong!
    def foo(f: (Int) => (String) => (Boolean) => Double) = ...
    // right!
    def foo(f: Int => String => Boolean => Double) = ...

Return Statements

  • Do not use return.

Recursion and Tail Recursion

  • Avoid using recursion, unless the problem can be naturally framed recursively (e.g. graph traversal, tree traversal) and the required traversal combinators don't already exist in the standard libraries.

    Use of combinators such as map, filter, foreach, and fold, as well as for expressions, obviate the need for direct use of recursion in the vast majority of situations. The solutions using the combinators are almost always shorter and clearer.

  • For methods that are meant to be tail recursive, apply @tailrec annotation to make sure the compiler can check it is tail recursive. (You will be surprised how often seemingly tail recursive code is actually not tail recursive due to the use of closures and functional transformations.)

  • In some cases, using an imperative loop may be the best answer, but this should be avoided in most cases unless there is a performance tuning justification.


  • Avoid using implicits, unless:

    • You are building a domain-specific language (with approval from the chief architect).

    • You are building an architecture framework that augments classes outside the team's control or provides conversion utilities (with approval from the chief architect).

    • You are using it privately to your own class to reduce verbosity of converting from one type to another (e.g., Scala closure to Java closure)

    When implicits are used, we must ensure that another engineer who did not author the code can understand the semantics of the usage without reading the implicit definition itself.

    Implicits have complicated resolution rules and make the code base difficult to understand. From Twitter's Effective Scala guide: "If you do find yourself using implicits, always ask yourself if there is a way to achieve the same thing without their help."

  • If you must use them (e.g., enriching some DSL), do not overload implicit methods, i.e., make sure each implicit method has a distinct name, so users can selectively import them.

    // Don't do the following, as users cannot selectively import only one of the methods.
    object ImplicitHolder {
      def toRdd(seq: Seq[Int]): RDD[Int] = ...
      def toRdd(seq: Seq[Long]): RDD[Long] = ...
    // Do the following:
    object ImplicitHolder {
      def intSeqToRdd(seq: Seq[Int]): RDD[Int] = ...
      def longSeqToRdd(seq: Seq[Long]): RDD[Long] = ...

Exception Handling (Try vs try)

  • Do not catch Throwable or Exception. Use scala.util.control.NonFatal:

    try {
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        // handle exception; note that NonFatal does not match InterruptedException
      case e: InterruptedException =>
        // handle InterruptedException

    This ensures that we do not catch NonLocalReturnControl (as explained in Return Statements).

  • Do not use Try in API signatures, that is, do NOT return Try in any public methods. Instead, prefer explicitly throwing exceptions for abnormal execution.

    Background information: Scala provides monadic error handling (through Try, Success, and Failure) that facilitates chaining of actions.

    As a contrived example:

    class UserService {
      /** Look up a user's profile in the user database. */
      def get(userId: Int): Try[User]

    is better written as

    class UserService {
       * Look up a user's profile in the user database.
       * @return None if the user is not found.
       * @throws DatabaseConnectionException when we have trouble connecting to the database
      def get(userId: Int): Option[User]

    The 2nd one makes it very obvious error cases the caller needs to handle.

  • Using Try versus try/catch is not black-and-white and depends on the situation. The use of Try in many cases makes the error-handling logic cleaner. But there are situations where using Try leads to more levels of nesting that are harder to understand than equivalent try/catch/finally blocks.


  • Use Option when the value can be empty. Compared with null, an Option explicitly states in the API contract that the value can be None.

  • When constructing an Option, use Option rather than Some to guard against null values.

    def myMethod1(input: String): Option[String] = Option(transform(input))
    // This is not as robust because transform can return null, and then
    // myMethod2 will return Some(null).
    def myMethod2(input: String): Option[String] = Some(transform(input))
  • Do not use None to represent exceptions. Instead, throw exceptions explicitly.

  • Do not call get directly on an Option, unless you know absolutely for sure the Option has some value.

Monadic Chaining

  • Avoid monadic chaining (and/or nesting) of more than 3 operations.

    One of Scala's powerful features is monadic chaining. Several important classes in Scala (e.g. collections, Option, Future, Try) are monads and operations on them can be chained together. This is an incredibly powerful concept, but chaining should be used sparingly.

  • If it takes more than 5 seconds to figure out what the logic is, try hard to think about how you can express the same functionality without using monadic chaining. As a general rule, watch out for flatMaps and folds.

  • A chain can often be made more understandable by giving the intermediate result a variable name, by explicitly typing the variable, and by breaking it down into more procedural style. As a contrived example:

    class Person(val data: Map[String, String])
    val database = Map[String, Person]
    // Sometimes the client can store a null value for the "address" key:
    // A monadic chaining approach
    def getAddress(name: String): Option[String] = {
      database.get(name).flatMap { person =>"address")
          .flatMap(Option.apply)  // handle null value
    // A more readable approach, despite being longer
    def getAddress(name: String): Option[String] = database.get(name) match {
      case None =>
      case Some(person) =>"address") match {
          case Some(null) => None  // handle null value
          case Some(addr) => Option(addr)
          case None => None

Source Files

  • As a default rule, files should contain a single logical compilation unit, i.e., a single class, trait or object.

  • The exceptions to this rule are:

    • Classes or traits which have companion objects. Companion objects should be grouped with their corresponding class or trait in the same file. These files should be named according to the class, trait or object they contain:

      package com.novell.coolness
      class Inbox { ... }
      // companion object
      object Inbox { ... }

      These compilation units should be placed within a file named Inbox.scala within the com/novell/coolness directory. In short, the Java file naming and positioning conventions should be preferred, despite the fact that Scala allows for greater flexibility in this regard.

      The object definition should come after the class definiiton in the file.

    • A sealed trait and its sub-classes (often emulating the ADT language feature available in functional languages):

      sealed trait Option[+A]
      case class Some[A](a: A) extends Option[A]
      case object None extends Option[Nothing]

      Because of the nature of sealed superclasses (and traits), all subtypes must be included in the same file.

    • When multiple classes logically form a single, cohesive group, sharing concepts to the point where maintenance is greatly served by containing them within a single file.

      However, keep in mind that when multiple units are contained within a single file, it is often more difficult to find specific units when it comes time to make changes.

    All multi-unit files containing units with different names (not just a class and its companion object) should be given camelCase names with a lower-case first letter. This is a very important convention. It differentiates multi- from single-unit files, greatly easing the process of finding declarations. These filenames may be based upon a significant type which they contain (e.g.,s option.scala for the example above), or may be descriptive of the logical property shared by all units within (e.g., ast.scala).

Java Interoperability

This section covers guidelines for building Java compatible APIs. These do not apply if the component you are building does not require interoperability with Java.

Traits and Abstract Classes

  • For interfaces that can be implemented externally, keep in mind that traits with default method implementations are not usable in Java. Use abstract classes instead.

    // The default implementation doesn't work in Java
    trait Listener {
      def onTermination(): Unit = { ... }
    // Works in Java
    abstract class Listener {
      def onTermination(): Unit = { ... }

No Type Aliases

  • Do NOT use type aliases. They are not visible in bytecode (and Java).

No Default Parameter Values

  • Do NOT use default parameter values. Overload the method instead.

    // Breaks Java interoperability
    def sample(ratio: Double, withReplacement: Boolean = false): RDD[T] = { ... }
    // The following two work
    def sample(ratio: Double, withReplacement: Boolean): RDD[T] = { ... }
    def sample(ratio: Double): RDD[T] = sample(ratio, withReplacement = false)

No Multiple Parameter Lists

  • Do NOT use multi-parameter lists.


  • Apply @scala.annotation.varargs annotation for a vararg method to be usable in Java. The Scala compiler creates two methods, one for Scala (bytecode parameter is a Seq) and one for Java (bytecode parameter array).

    def select(exprs: Expression*): DataFrame = { ... }

    Note that abstract vararg methods do NOT work for Java, due to a Scala compiler bug (SI-1459, SI-9013).

  • Be careful with overloading varargs methods. Overloading a vararg method with another vararg type can break source compatibility.

    class Database {
      def remove(elems: String*): Unit = ...
      // Adding this will break source compatibility for no-arg remove() call.
      def remove(elems: People*): Unit = ...
    // This won't compile anymore because it is ambiguous
    new Database().remove()

    Instead, define an explicit first parameter followed by vararg:

    class Database {
      def remove(elems: String*): Unit = ...
      // The following is OK.
      def remove(elem: People, elems: People*): Unit = ...

No Implicits

  • Do NOT use implicits, for a class or method. This includes ClassTag, TypeTag.

    class JavaFriendlyAPI {
      // This is NOT Java friendly, since the method contains an implicit parameter (ClassTag).
      def convertTo[T: ClassTag](): T

Companion Objects, Static Methods, and Fields

There are a few things to watch out for when it comes to companion objects and static methods/fields.

Methods in companion objects are automatically turned into static methods in the companion class (unless there is a method name conflict with a method with the same name in the class).

Companion objects are awkward to use in Java (a companion object Foo is a static field MODULE$ of type Foo$ in class Foo$).

object Foo

// equivalent to the following Java code
public class Foo$ {
  Foo$ MODULE$ = // instantiation of the object


  • If the companion object is important to use, create a Java static field in a separate class.

  • If a JVM static field is required, create a Java file to define it. There is no way to define a JVM static field in Scala.


Concurrency concerns will be addressed by the provided architecture libraries/frameworks and any required custom extensions or frameworks. Except for such specialized architecture frameworks, application code should not explicitly deal with concurrency concerns.


For the vast majority of the code you write, performance should not be a concern. However, for performance sensitive code, here are some tips:


It is ridiculously hard to write a good microbenchmark because the Scala compiler and the JVM JIT compiler do a lot of magic to the code. More often than not, your microbenchmark code is not measuring the thing you want to measure.


  • Use jmh if you are writing microbenchmark code. Make sure you read through all the sample microbenchmarks so you understand the effect of deadcode elimination, constant folding, and loop unrolling on microbenchmarks.

Traversal and zipWithIndex

  • Use while loops instead of zipWithIndex and for loops or functional transformations (e.g., map, foreach). For loops and functional transformations are very slow (due to virtual function calls and boxing).

    val arr = // array of ints
    // zero out even positions
    val newArr = { case (elem, i) =>
      if (i % 2 == 0) 0 else elem
    // This is a high performance version of the above
    val newArr = new Array[Int](arr.length)
    var i = 0
    val len = newArr.length
    while (i < len) {
      newArr(i) = if (i % 2 == 0) 0 else arr(i)
      i += 1

Option and null

  • For performance sensitive code, prefer null over Option, in order to avoid virtual method calls and boxing. Label the nullable fields clearly with Nullable.

    class Foo {
      private[this] var nullableField: Bar = _

Scala Collection Library

  • For performance sensitive code, prefer Java collection library over Scala ones, since the Scala collection library often is slower than Java's.


  • For performance sensitive code, prefer private[this] over private.

    private[this] generates a field, rather than creating an accessor method. In our experience, the JVM JIT compiler cannot always inline private field accessor methods, and thus it is safer to use private[this] to ensure no virtual method call for accessing a field.

    class MyClass {
      private val field1 = ...
      private[this] val field2 = ...
      def perfSensitiveMethod(): Unit = {
        var i = 0
        while (i < 1000000) {
          field1  // This might invoke a virtual method call
          field2  // This is just a field access
          i += 1


Prefer nanoTime over currentTimeMillis

  • When computing a duration or checking for a timeout, avoid using System.currentTimeMillis(). Use System.nanoTime() instead, even if you are not interested in sub-millisecond precision.

    System.currentTimeMillis() returns current wallclock time and will follow changes to the system clock. Thus, negative wallclock adjustments can cause timeouts to "hang" for a long time (until wallclock time has caught up to its previous value again). This can happen when ntpd does a "step" after the network has been disconnected for some time. The most canonical example is during system bootup when DHCP takes longer than usual. This can lead to failures that are really hard to understand/reproduce. System.nanoTime() is guaranteed to be monotonically increasing irrespective of wallclock changes.


    • Never serialize an absolute nanoTime() value or pass it to another system. The absolute value is meaningless and system-specific and resets when the system reboots.

    • The absolute nanoTime() value is not guaranteed to be positive (but t2 - t1 is guaranteed to yield the right result)

Prefer URI over URL

  • When storing the URL of a service, you should use the URI representation.

    The equality check of URL actually performs a (blocking) network call to resolve the IP address. The URI class performs field equality and is a superset of URL as to what it can represent.


It is important to provide documentation for all packages, classes, traits, methods, and other members. Scaladoc generally follows the conventions of Javadoc, however there are many additional features to make writing scaladoc simpler.

In general, you want to worry more about substance and writing style than in formatting. Scaladocs need to be useful to new users of the code as well as experienced users. Achieving this is very simple: increase the level of detail and explanation as you write, starting from a terse summary (useful for experienced users as reference), while providing deeper examples in the detailed sections (which can be ignored by experienced users, but can be invaluable for newcomers).

  • The general format for a Scaladoc comment should be as follows:

    /** This is a brief description of what's being documented.
      * This is further documentation of what we're documenting.  It should
      * provide more details as to how this works and what it does.
    def myMethod = {}
  • For methods and other type members where the only documentation needed is a simple, short description, this format can be used:

    /** Does something very simple */
    def simple = {}

    Note, especially for those coming from Java, that the left-hand margin of asterisks falls under the _third_ column, not the second, as is customary in Java.

See the AuthorDocs on the Scala wiki for more technical info on formatting Scaladoc. See also this Scaladoc tutorial

General Style

It is important to maintain a consistent style with Scaladoc. It is also important to target Scaladoc to both those unfamiliar with your code and experienced users who just need a quick reference.

Here are some general guidelines:

  • Get to the point as quickly as possible. For example, say "returns true if some condition" instead of "if some condition return true".
  • Try to format the first sentence of a method as "Returns XXX", as in "Returns the first element of the List", as opposed to "this method returns" or "get the first" etc. Methods typically return things.
  • This same goes for classes; omit "This class does XXX"; just say "Does XXX"
  • Create links to referenced Scala Library classes using the square-bracket syntax, e.g. [[scala.Option]]
  • Summarize a method's return value in the @return annotation, leaving a longer description for the main Scaladoc.
  • If the documentation of a method is a one line description of what that method returns, do not repeat it with an @return annotation.
  • Document what the method does do not what the method should do. In other words, say "returns the result of applying f to x" rather than "return the result of applying f to x". Subtle, but important.
  • When referring to the instance of the class, use "this XXX", or "this" and not "the XXX". For objects, say "this object".
  • Make code examples consistent with this guide.
  • Use the wiki-style syntax instead of HTML wherever possible.
  • Examples should use either full code listings or the REPL, depending on what is needed (the simplest way to include REPL code is to develop the examples in the REPL and paste it into the Scaladoc).
  • Make liberal use of @macro to refer to commonly-repeated values that require special formatting.


  • Provide Scaladoc for each package. This goes in a file named package.scala in your package's directory and looks like so (for the package

    /** This is the Scaladoc for the package. */
    package object mypackage {

    A package's documentation should first document what sorts of classes are part of the package. Secondly, document the general sorts of things the package object itself provides.

    While package documentation doesn't need to be a full-blown tutorial on using the classes in the package, it should provide an overview of the major classes, with some basic examples of how to use the classes in that package. Be sure to reference classes using the square-bracket notation:

    package my.package
    /** Provides classes for dealing with complex numbers.  Also provides
      * implicits for converting to and from `Int`.
      * ==Overview==
      * The main class to use is [[my.package.complex.Complex]], as so
      * {{ "{{{" }}
      * scala> val complex = Complex(4,3)
      * complex: my.package.complex.Complex = 4 + 3i
      * }}}
      * If you include [[my.package.complex.ComplexConversions]], you can
      * convert numbers more directly
      * {{ "{{{" }}
      * scala> import my.package.complex.ComplexConversions._
      * scala> val complex = 4 + 3.i
      * complex: my.package.complex.Complex = 4 + 3i
      * }}}
    package complex {}

Classes, Objects, and Traits

  • Document all classes, objects, and traits.

  • The first sentence of the Scaladoc should provide a summary of what the class or trait does.

  • Document all type parameters with @tparam.


  • If a class should be created using its companion object, indicate that after the description of the class (though leave the details of construction to the companion object).

    Unfortunately, there is currently no way to create a link to the companion object inline. However, the generated Scaladoc will create a link for you in the class documentation output.

  • If the class should be created using a constructor, document it using the @constructor syntax:

/** A person who uses our application.
  * @constructor create a new person with a name and age.
  * @param name the person's name
  * @param age the person's age in years
class Person(name: String, age: Int) {
  • Depending on the complexity of your class, provide an example of common usage.


  • Document how to use the object (e.g., as a factory, for implicit methods).

    • If the object is a factory for other objects, indicate that, deferring the specifics to the Scaladoc for the apply method(s):

      /** Factory for [[mypackage.Person]] instances. */
      object Person {
        /** Creates a person with a given name and age.
          * @param name their name
          * @param age the age of the person to create
        def apply(name: String, age: Int) = {}
        /** Creates a person with a given name and birthdate
          * @param name their name
          * @param birthDate the person's birthdate
          * @return a new Person instance with the age determined by the
          *         birthdate and current date.
        def apply(name: String, birthDate: java.util.Date) = {}
    • If your object holds implicit conversions, provide an example in the Scaladoc:

      /** Implicit conversions and helpers for [[mypackage.Complex]] instances.
        * {{ "{{{" }}
        * import ComplexImplicits._
        * val c: Complex = 4 + 3.i
        * }}}
      object ComplexImplicits {}


  • After the overview of what the trait does, provide an overview of the methods and types that must be specified in classes that mix in the trait. If there are known classes using the trait, reference them.

Methods and Other Members

  • Document all public and protected methods.

    • As with other documentable entities, the first sentence should be a summary of what the method does. Subsequent sentences provide further detail.

    • Document each parameter as well as each type parameter (with @tparam).

    • For implicit parameters, take special care to explain where these parameters will come from and if the user needs to do any extra work to make sure the parameters will be available.

  • For curried functions, consider providing more detailed examples regarding the expected or idiomatic usage.


Scala coding style guidelines






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