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osvc-rest - a Command Line Interface application to work with the Oracle Service Cloud REST API


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A command line interface for using the Oracle Service Cloud REST API.


You can install either by fetching with go and building the source

$ go get && cd $GOPATH && go build

Or downloading from the relevant architecture under the releases link

Windows Example (using Git Bash for Windows):

$ curl -L -O && chmod u+x ./osvc-rest-windows-386 && mv ./osvc-rest-windows-386 ./osvc-rest

Linux Example (tested on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS):

$ curl -L -O && chmod u+x ./osvc-rest-linux-amd64 && mv ./osvc-rest-linux-amd64 ./osvc-rest

You will be able to run the executable in the following way:

$ ./osvc-rest <commands>

If you want to get rid of the "./", open your .bash_profile and create the following alias:

alias osvc-rest="~/path/to/osvc-rest"

After you have saved and restarted your bash session, you can use the command as expected


The library is tested against Oracle Service Cloud 18A using go version 1.10 on windows/amd64

All of the HTTP methods should work on any version of Oracle Service Cloud since version May 2015; however, there maybe some issues with querying items on any version before May 2016. This is because ROQL queries were not exposed via the REST API until May 2016.

Basic Usage

The basic formula for this CLI is the following:

$ osvc-rest <command to run> <something the command needs> <optional flags to change various settings> <some way to authenticate>

The basic commands come in the following flavors:

  1. HTTP Methods
    1. For creating objects and uploading file attachments, use the post command
    2. For fetching objects and downloading file attachments, use the get command
    3. For updating objects and uploading file attachments to already existing objects use the patch command
    4. For deleting objects use the delete command
    5. For looking up options, use the options command
  2. Running one or more ROQL queries
  3. Running reports

Here are the spicier (more advanced) commands:

  1. Bulk Delete
  2. Running multiple ROQL Queries concurrently
  3. Performing Session Authentication
  4. Exporting Bulk Reports (to JSON or CSV)


Use the following flags to authenticate

  -i, --interface (string) Oracle Service Cloud Interface to connect with
  --vhost (string)  Oracle Service Cloud virtual host to connect with
  Basic Authentication
  -u, --username (string)  Username to use for basic authentication
  -p, --password (string)  Password to use for basic authentication

  Session Authentication
  -s, --session (string)  Sets the session token for session authentication

  OAuth Authentication (untested but should work)
  -o, --oauth (string)  Sets the bearer token for OAuth authentication

Performing Session Authentication

  1. Create a custom script with the following code and place in the "Custom Scripts" folder in the File Manager:

// Find our position in the file tree
if (!defined('DOCROOT')) {
$docroot = get_cfg_var('doc_root');
define('DOCROOT', $docroot);
/************* Agent Authentication ***************/
// Set up and call the AgentAuthenticator
require_once (DOCROOT . '/include/services/AgentAuthenticator.phph');

// get username and password
$username = $_GET['username'];
$password = $_GET['password'];
// On failure, this includes the Access Denied page and then exits,
// preventing the rest of the page from running.
echo json_encode(AgentAuthenticator::authenticateCredentials($username,$password));
  1. Run a curl command against the location of the custom script and pass in the account credentials that you would like to create a session with

     curl "https://$$OSC_CONFIG.cfg/php/custom/login_test.php?username=$OSC_ADMIN&password=$OSC_PASSWORD"
  2. If successful, a JSON object with the following properties should return:

  3. To retrieve the "session_id" of the JSON object, we will set the session id to a bash variable and parse the JSON object using jq, a popular command line tool for manipulating JSON.

     export SESSION_ID=$(curl "https://$$OSC_CONFIG.cfg/php/custom/login_test.php?username=$OSC_ADMIN&password=$OSC_PASSWORD" | ~/Desktop/jq-win64.exe -r '.session_id') && echo $SESSION_ID
  4. If successful, you wil see the "session_id" property by itself:

  5. Finally, we will chain the output of the above commands and use it with osvc-rest to generate JSON:

     export SESSION_ID=$(curl "https://$$OSC_CONFIG.cfg/php/custom/login_test.php?username=$OSC_ADMIN&password=$OSC_PASSWORD" | ~/Desktop/jq-win64.exe -r '.session_id') && osvc-rest get "" -s $SESSION_ID -i $OSC_SITE --demosite

HTTP Methods

All the of HTTP Methods have the following formula:

$ osvc-rest <http-verb> <resource-url> (optional flags) <authentication-method>


In order to create a resource, you must use the post command to send JSON data to the resource of your choice

$ osvc-rest post "opportunities" --data '{"name":"TEST"}' -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE


In order to fetch a resource, you must use the get command to request JSON data from the resource of your choice

$ osvc-rest get "opportunities/?q=name like 'TEST'" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE


In order to update a resource, you must use the patch command to send JSON data to update the resource of your choice

$ osvc-rest patch "opportunities/5" --data '{"name":"updated NAME for TEST"}'  -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE


In order to delete a resource, you must use the delete command to delete the resource of your choice

$ osvc-rest delete "opportunities/5" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE


To review the options of what HTTP verbs you can use against a resource, use the options command

$ osvc-rest options "opportunities" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

Uploading File Attachments

In order to upload a file attachment, use the --attach-file (or -f) flag to attach a file with the file location

$ osvc-rest post "opportunities" --data '{"name":"TEST"}' --attach-file "./proof_of_purchase.jpg" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

To attach multiple files, use the --attach-file (or -f) flag for each file you wish to attach

$ osvc-rest patch "incidents/302" -f "front_angle.png" -f "back_angle.png" -f "side_angle.png" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

Downloading File Attachments

In order to download a file attachment from a given resource, add "?download" to the file attachment URL. The file will be downloaded in the same directory that the command is run in.

$ osvc-rest get "incidents/24898/fileAttachments/253?download" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

To download all file attachmentss from a given resource, add "?download" to the file Attachments URL. A file called "downloadedAttachment.tgz" will be downloaded to your computer.

$ osvc-rest get "incidents/24898/fileAttachments?download" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

You can extract the file using tar

$ tar -xvzf ./downloadedAttachment.tgz

Running one or more ROQL queries

Runs one or more ROQL queries and returns parsed results

Single Query Example:
$ osvc-rest query "DESCRIBE" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

Multiple Queries Example: (Queries should be wrapped in quotes and space separated)

Running Reports

Runs an analytics report and returns parsed results.

Will return up to 1,500,000 records at a time.

Report (without filters) Example:
$ osvc-rest report --id 176 -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

Report (with filters and limiting) Example:
$ osvc-rest report --id 176 --total 10 --filters '[{"name":"search_ex","values":"returns"}]' -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

Report (with batching) Example:
$ osvc-rest report --id 176 --limit 10 -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE

Bulk Report Export to CSV Example:
$ osvc-rest report --id 100562 --utc --csv "threads_dump" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE -v latest -a "Dumping Threads" --debug

Bulk Delete

This CLI provides a very simple interface to use the Bulk Delete feature within the latest versions of the REST API. Before you can use this feature, make sure that you have the correct permissions set up for your profile.

Here is an example of the how to use the Bulk Delete feature:

$ osvc-rest query "DELETE from incidents limit 1000" "DELETE from incidents limit 1000" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE --demosite -v latest -a "Testing bulk delete multiple requests"

Running multiple ROQL Queries concurrently

Instead of running multiple queries in with 1 GET request, you can run multiple GET requests and combine the results

$ osvc-rest query --concurrent "SELECT * FROM INCIDENTS LIMIT 20000" "SELECT * FROM INCIDENTS Limit 20000 OFFSET 20000" "SELECT * FROM INCIDENTS Limit 20000 OFFSET 40000" "SELECT * FROM INCIDENTS Limit 20000 OFFSET 60000" "SELECT * FROM INCIDENTS Limit 20000 OFFSET 80000" -u $OSC_ADMIN -p $OSC_PASSWORD -i $OSC_SITE -v latest -a "Fetching a ton of incidents info"

Exporting Bulk Reports

Optional Flags:

-a, --annotate (string)     	Adds a custom header that adds an annotation (CCOM version must be set to "v1.4" or "latest"); limited to 40 characters
    --debug                 	Prints request headers for debugging
    --demosite              	Change the domain from 'custhelp' to 'rightnowdemo'
-e, --exclude-null          	Adds a custom header to excludes null from results
    --next-request (int)      	Number of milliseconds before another HTTP request can be made; this is an anti-DDoS measure
    --no-ssl-verify         	Turns off SSL verification
    --schema                	Sets 'Accept' header to 'application/schema+json'
    --suppress-rules        	Adds a header to suppress business rules
-t, --utc-time              	Adds a custom header to return results using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) format for time (Supported on November 2016+)
-v, --version (string)      	Changes the CCOM version (default "v1.3")


Use "osvc-rest [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Underlying Tech and Acknowledgment

osvc-rest is written in golang.

I started with this initial codebase (dharmeshkakadia/cobra-example) and built/tested the features from there.


osvc-rest - a Command Line Interface application to work with the Oracle Service Cloud REST API







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