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Philippe Renard edited this page Jan 22, 2018 · 13 revisions

hytool is an open source, freely available matlab toolbox for the interpretation of hydraulic tests using analytical solutions and diagnostic plots.

The image below shows a simple example of a pumping test data interpreted with the Theis (1945) analytical solution. Circles and crosses represent the measured data, the lines coreespond to the model and its logarithmic derivative. The text below provides the resulting physical parameters obtained from this interpretation.

Example of Data interpretation with Hytool

See the following links for installation and if you want to participate in this project.

To cite this toolbox: Renard, Philippe (2017). Hytool: an open source matlab toolbox for the interpretation of hydraulic tests using analytical solutions. Journal of Open Source Software, 2(19), 441, doi:10.21105/joss.00441.

Nota bene: this github repository provides the latest release of hytool. The previous distribution on sourceforge is obsolete.

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