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Python Bindings for UCX


Users can either install with Conda or build from source.


To run ucx-py's tests, just use pytest:

pytest -v

TCP Support

In order to use TCP add tcp to UCX_TLS and set UCXPY_IFNAME to the network interface you want to use. Some setup examples:

# TCP using "eth0" and CUDA support
export UCX_TLS=tcp,cuda_copy,cuda_ipc
export UCXPY_IFNAME="eth0"

# InfiniBand using "ib0" and CUDA support
export UCX_TLS=rc,cuda_copy,cuda_ipc
export UCXPY_IFNAME="ib0"

# TCP using "eno0" and no CUDA support
export UCX_TLS=tcp
export UCXPY_IFNAME="eno0"