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Extending vuetable pagination component

Rati Wannapanop edited this page Jul 30, 2016 · 1 revision

In case you would like to implement your own Pagination component to replace the default one provided by vuetable, this can be done quite easily using the provided VuetablePaginationMixin.

VuetablePaginationMixin provides all necessary functions for pagination component. So all that is left to do is to define your own pagination template embeded with the calls to predefined functions and computed values.

If you are curious, please check out the source code of VuetablePaginationDropdown.vue and compare it agaist VuetablePagination.vue . You should see how this is done.

Once you have your own pagination component, you can tell vuetable to use it by specifying the your pagination component name in pagination-component prop.