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A differential testing tool targeting SPIRV based on structured fuzzing techniques


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SPIRVSmith is a differential testing tool that leverages structured fuzzing techniques to find bugs in producers and consumers of SPIRV shaders.

SPIRVSmith attempts to find bugs in the following projects:

Table of Contents


SPIRVSmith uses poetry to manage Python dependencies and ships with scripts to install external dependencies.

  1. Follow the poetry installation instructions for your platform.

  2. Grab a local copy of SPIRVSmith:

$ git clone && cd SPIRVSmith
  1. Install Python dependencies using poetry and start a poetry shell:
$ poetry install && poetry shell
  1. Install the external dependencies:
$ mkdir bin
$ sh scripts/ <platform>

Replace <platform> by either linux or macos (No support for Windows 😭)


The first step is to run SPIRVSmith is to head to That file contains the various parameters that are used to dictate the behaviour of the fuzzer.

SPIRVSmith is highly parametrizable, you can choose to disable certain features of the SPIR-V language (e.g. do not emit any control flow operation), limit the number of global constants generated, favour the generation of certain kinds of instructions etc.

Once you are happy with your parametrization, make sure you are in a poetry virtual environment ($ poetry shell) and run SPIRVSmith:

$ sh scripts/

SPIR-V assembly files will be saved as they are generated to the out/ directory and the fuzzer can be stopped at any time by pressing Ctrl+C.

How does it work?

Differential Testing

The bread and butter of SPIRVSmith is differential testing (sometimes called differential fuzzing), in which we provide the same SPIRV shader to similar consumers (say three different SPIRV compilers for example), execute the three resulting programs and compare the values contained inside all buffers at the end of exeuction.

In a fully deterministic program (== synchronous && free of undefined behaviour), we expect all these buffers to be exactly the same at the end of execution, regardless of what compiler was used to generate said program. If one program ends up with different buffers than the other two, we have a strong reason to believe that the compiler that generated it has a bug.

This concept can be extended further by varying the platform that executes the shader. If we get different results by running the same shader on an Nvidia GPU, an AMD GPU, and an Intel integrated graphics chip then there is a good chance that either the underlying Vulkan engine or the GPU driver has a bug (possibly both).

The constraint on determinism creates an interesting problem, how can we ensure that the randomly generated programs are free of undefined behaviour? Unlike existing differential testing tools, SPIRVSmith does not perform any static analysis or backtracking at generation-time to enforce this constraint, we rather implement the idea of program reconditioning by Donaldson et al.

Program Reconditioning

Donaldson et al. introduce the idea of program reconditioning as "a method for leveraging off-the-shelf test case reducers to simplify programs that expose miscompilation bugs during randomised differential testing".

This approach solves the issues raised by Yang et al. in the case of CSmith where test case reducers couldn't be used to provide concise, actionable bug reports since they would themselves often introduce undefined behaviour.

Program reconditioning works by decoupling the process of generating a program and the process of ensuring that said program is free of undefined behaviour. This is in contrast to Livinskii et al. in YARPGen where code generation steps and static analysis steps are interleaved.

Donaldson et al. describe a rule-based reconditioning approach where transforms are applied to constructs that could exhibit undefined behaviour. Transforms are applied to all eligible construct in a blanket manner, no static analysis is performed to determine which constructs are in fact worth reconditioning. Here is example of reconditioning a GLSL shader:


float A [3]; // Not initialised
void main () {
    int i = int (A[0]);
    float f = 2000000.0;
    while (i != -42) { // Might not terminate
        A[i] = f; // Out of  bounds ?
        f = f + f; // Roundoff
        int j = i ++ + ( i / ( i - 1)); // Order of side effects, divide by zero?
        i = j;


// [ Declarations of SAFE_ABS , MAKE_IN_RANGE and SAFE_DIV ]
uint _loop_count = 0u;
const uint _loop_limit = 100u;
float A [3] = float [3](1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0);
void main () {
    int i = int (A[0]);
    float f = 2000000.0;
    while (i != -42) {
        if (_loop_count >= _loop_limit) break;
        _loop_count ++;
        A[SAFE_ABS(i) % 3] = f ;
        f = MAKE_IN_RANGE(f + f);
        int _t = SAFE_DIV(i , i - 1);
        int j = i ++ + _t;
        i = j;

SPIRV Language Coverage




OpCode Status
OpNop πŸ”΄
OpUndef πŸ”΄
OpSizeOf πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpSourceContinued πŸ”΄
OpSource πŸ”΄
OpSourceExtension πŸ”΄
OpName πŸ”΄
OpMemberName πŸ”΄
OpString πŸ”΄
OpLine πŸ”΄
OpNoLine πŸ”΄
OpModuleProcessed πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpDecorate βœ…
OpMemberDecorate βœ…
OpDecorationGroup πŸ”΄
OpGroupDecorate πŸ”΄
OpGroupMemberDecorate πŸ”΄
OpDecorateId πŸ”΄
OpDecorateString πŸ”΄
OpMemberDecorateString πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpExtension βœ…
OpExtInstImport βœ…
OpExtInst βœ…


OpCode Status
OpMemoryModel βœ…
OpEntryPoint βœ…
OpExecutionMode βœ…
OpCapability βœ…
OpExecutionModeId πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpTypeVoid βœ…
OpTypeBool βœ…
OpTypeInt βœ…
OpTypeFloat βœ…
OpTypeVector βœ…
OpTypeMatrix βœ…
OpTypeImage πŸ”΄
OpTypeSampler πŸ”΄
OpTypeSampledImage πŸ”΄
OpTypeArray βœ…
OpTypeRuntimeArray πŸ”΄
OpTypeStruct βœ…
OpTypeOpaque πŸ”΄
OpTypePointer βœ…
OpTypeFunction βœ…


OpCode Status
OpConstantTrue βœ…
OpConstantFalse βœ…
OpConstant βœ…
OpConstantComposite βœ…
OpConstantSampler πŸ”΄
OpConstantNull πŸ”΄
OpSpecConstantTrue πŸ”΄
OpSpecConstantFalse πŸ”΄
OpSpecConstant πŸ”΄
OpSpecConstantComposite πŸ”΄
OpSpecConstantOp πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpVariable βœ…
OpImageTexelPointer πŸ”΄
OpLoad βœ…
OpStore βœ…
OpCopyMemory πŸ”΄
OpCopyMemorySized πŸ”΄
OpAccessChain βœ…
OpInBoundsAccessChain πŸ”΄
OpPtrAccessChain πŸ”΄
OpPtrEqual πŸ”΄
OpPtrNotEqual πŸ”΄
OpPtrDiff πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpFunction βœ…
OpFunctionParameter βœ…
OpFunctionEnd βœ…
OpFunctionCall πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpSampledImage πŸ”΄
OpImageSampleImplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSampleExplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageFetch πŸ”΄
OpImageGather πŸ”΄
OpImageDrefGather πŸ”΄
OpImageRead πŸ”΄
OpImageWrite πŸ”΄
OpImage πŸ”΄
OpImageQueryFormat πŸ”΄
OpImageQueryOrder πŸ”΄
OpImageQuerySizeLod πŸ”΄
OpImageQuerySize πŸ”΄
OpImageQueryLod πŸ”΄
OpImageQueryLevels πŸ”΄
OpImageQuerySamples πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseFetch πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseGather πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseDrefGather πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseTexelsResident πŸ”΄
OpImageSparseRead πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpConvertFToU βœ…
OpConvertFToS βœ…
OpConvertSToF βœ…
OpConvertUToF βœ…
OpUConvert πŸ”΄
OpSConvert πŸ”΄
OpFConvert πŸ”΄
OpQuantizeToF16 πŸ”΄
OpConvertPtrToU πŸ”΄
OpSatConvertSToU πŸ”΄
OpSatConvertUToS πŸ”΄
OpConvertUToPtr πŸ”΄
OpPtrCastToGeneric πŸ”΄
OpGenericCastToPtr πŸ”΄
OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit πŸ”΄
OpBitcast πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpVectorExtractDynamic βœ…
OpVectorInsertDynamic βœ…
OpVectorShuffle βœ…
OpCompositeConstruct πŸ”΄
OpCompositeExtract βœ…
OpCompositeInsert βœ…
OpCopyObject βœ…
OpTranspose βœ…
OpCopyLogical πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpSNegate βœ…
OpFNegate βœ…
OpIAdd βœ…
OpFAdd βœ…
OpISub βœ…
OpFSub βœ…
OpIMul βœ…
OpFMul βœ…
OpUDiv βœ…
OpSDiv βœ…
OpFDiv βœ…
OpUMod βœ…
OpSRem βœ…
OpSMod βœ…
OpFRem βœ…
OpFMod βœ…
OpVectorTimesScalar βœ…
OpMatrixTimesScalar βœ…
OpVectorTimesMatrix βœ…
OpMatrixTimesVector βœ…
OpMatrixTimesMatrix βœ…
OpOuterProduct βœ…
OpDot βœ…
OpIAddCarry πŸ”΄
OpISubBorrow πŸ”΄
OpUMulExtended πŸ”΄
OpSMulExtended πŸ”΄


OpCode Status
OpShiftRightLogical βœ…
OpShiftRightArithmetic βœ…
OpShiftLeftLogical βœ…
OpBitwiseOr βœ…
OpBitwiseXor βœ…
OpBitwiseAnd βœ…
OpNot βœ…
OpBitFieldInsert βœ…
OpBitFieldSExtract βœ…
OpBitFieldUExtract βœ…
OpBitReverse βœ…
OpBitCount βœ…

Relational and Logical

OpCode Status
OpAny βœ…
OpAll βœ…
OpIsNan βœ…
OpIsInf βœ…
OpIsFinite πŸ”΄
OpIsNormal πŸ”΄
OpSignBitSet πŸ”΄
OpOrdered πŸ”΄
OpUnordered πŸ”΄
OpLogicalEqual βœ…
OpLogicalNotEqual βœ…
OpLogicalOr βœ…
OpLogicalAnd βœ…
OpLogicalNot βœ…
OpSelect βœ…
OpIEqual βœ…
OpINotEqual βœ…
OpUGreaterThan βœ…
OpSGreaterThan βœ…
OpUGreaterThanEqual βœ…
OpSGreaterThanEqual βœ…
OpULessThan βœ…
OpSLessThan βœ…
OpULessThanEqual βœ…
OpSLessThanEqual βœ…
OpFOrdEqual βœ…
OpFUnordEqual βœ…
OpFOrdNotEqual βœ…
OpFUnordNotEqual βœ…
OpFOrdLessThan βœ…
OpFUnordLessThan βœ…
OpFOrdGreaterThan βœ…
OpFUnordGreaterThan βœ…
OpFOrdLessThanEqual βœ…
OpFUnordLessThanEqual βœ…
OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual βœ…
OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual βœ…

Control Flow

OpCode Status
OpPhi πŸ”΄
OpLoopMerge βœ…
OpSelectionMerge βœ…
OpLabel βœ…
OpBranch βœ…
OpBranchConditional βœ…
OpSwitch πŸ”΄
OpReturn πŸ”΄
OpReturnValue πŸ”΄


Encountered a bug? Have an idea for a new feature? This project is open to all sorts of contribution! Feel free to head to the Issues tab and describe your request!



This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

FOSSA Status