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Execute Atomic Tests (Local)

Keith McCammon edited this page Sep 18, 2023 · 15 revisions

You can use the Invoke-AtomicTest function to run an atomic test on the system where you installed Atomic Red Team (Local), or on a remote machine through a PowerShell Remoting session (Remote). These instructions show you how to execute tests on the Local machine. For instruction on executing tests on a Remote Machine see here.

Getting Started

Before executing an atomic test you should have done the following:

You may find it useful to List Atomic Tests before execution as well.

Execute Specific Attacks (by Atomic Test Number) for a Given Technique

Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -TestNumbers 1,2
# or using the short form ..
Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010-1,2

This assumes your atomics folder is in the default location of <BASEPATH>\AtomicRedTeam\atomics

Where <BASEPATH> is C: in Windows or ~ in Linux/MacOS

You can override the default path to the atomics folder using the $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable as shown below.

$PSDefaultParameterValues = @{"Invoke-AtomicTest:PathToAtomicsFolder"="C:\Users\myuser\Documents\code\atomic-red-team\atomics"}

Tip: Add this to your PowerShell profile so it is always set to your preferred default value.

Execute Specific Attacks (by Atomic Test Name) for a Given Technique

Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -TestNames "Regsvr32 remote COM scriptlet execution","Regsvr32 local DLL execution"

Execute Specific Attacks (by Atomic Test GUID) for a Given Technique

Invoke-AtomicTest T1003 -TestGuids 5c2571d0-1572-416d-9676-812e64ca9f44,66fb0bc1-3c3f-47e9-a298-550ecfefacbc

Execution by GUID is useful when scripting because the GUID's are guaranteed to not change, whereas the test number and test name for a given test may change.

Execute All Attacks for a Given Technique

Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010

Specify a Process Timeout

Invoke-AtomicTest T1218.010 -TimeoutSeconds 15

If the attack commands do not exit (return) within in the specified -TimeoutSeconds, the process and it's children will be forcefully terminated. The default value of -TimeoutSeconds is 120. This allows the Invoke-AtomicTest script to move on to the next test.

Execute Tests Interactively

You can execute tests in a way that lets you give input to the test during execution. For example, the commands executed my prompt you for confirmation before overwriting a file. In order to be able to do this you must specify the -Interactive flag. If you don't specify the -Interactive flag and a command asks for user input, the execution will hang until it eventually times out.

Invoke-AtomicTest T1003 -Interactive

The drawback of using the -Interactive flag is that you can't redirect output from the command execution to a file.

Execute All Tests

This is not recommended but you can execute all Atomic tests in your atomics folder with the following:

Invoke-AtomicTest All

A better way to do this would be to use a little PowerShell script to run each test one at a time, getting the prereqs first and cleaning up after each one. The following example runs all automated windows atomics.

$techniques = gci C:\AtomicRedTeam\atomics\* -Recurse -Include T*.yaml | Get-AtomicTechnique

foreach ($technique in $techniques) {
    foreach ($atomic in $technique.atomic_tests) {
        if ($atomic.supported_platforms.contains("windows") -and ($atomic.executor -ne "manual")) {
            # Get Prereqs for test
            Invoke-AtomicTest $technique.attack_technique -TestGuids $atomic.auto_generated_guid -GetPrereqs
            # Invoke
            Invoke-AtomicTest $technique.attack_technique -TestGuids $atomic.auto_generated_guid
            # Sleep then cleanup
            Start-Sleep 3
            Invoke-AtomicTest  $technique.attack_technique -TestGuids $atomic.auto_generated_guid -Cleanup

Execute All Tests from a Specific Directory

Specify a custom path to your atomics folder, example C:\AtomicRedTeam\atomics

Invoke-AtomicTest All -PathToAtomicsFolder C:\AtomicRedTeam\atomics


To run all tests without confirming them run using the Confirm switch to false

Invoke-AtomicTest All -Confirm:$false

Or you can set your $ConfirmPreference to 'Medium'

$ConfirmPreference = 'Medium'
Invoke-AtomicTest All
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