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relay-dotnet library is an SDK for interacting with Relay workflows in a .Net environment. For full documentation visit


The following code snippet demonstrates a very simple "Hello World" workflow. However, it does show some of the power that is available through the Relay SDK.
See SamplesLibrary/HelloWorldWorkflow.cs.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using RelayDotNet;

namespace SamplesLibrary
    public class HelloWorldWorkflow : AbstractRelayWorkflow

        public HelloWorldWorkflow(Relay relay) : base(relay)

        public override void OnStart(IDictionary<string, object> startEvent)
            var deviceUri = Relay.GetSourceUriFromStartEvent(startEvent);
            Relay.StartInteraction(this, deviceUri, "hello interaction");

        public override async void OnInteractionLifecycle(IDictionary<string, object> lifecycleEvent)
            var type = (string) lifecycleEvent["type"];
            if (type == InteractionLifecycleType.Started)
                var sourceUri = (string) lifecycleEvent["source_uri"];
                var deviceName = await Relay.GetDeviceName(this, sourceUri);
                await Relay.SayAndWait(this, sourceUri, "What is your name?");
                var listenResponse = await Relay.Listen(this, sourceUri);
                var greeting = await Relay.GetVar(this, "greeting", "hello");
                await Relay.SayAndWait(this, sourceUri, $"{greeting} {listenResponse["text"]}! You are currently using {deviceName}");
                Relay.EndInteraction(this, sourceUri);
            else if (type == InteractionLifecycleType.Ended)

Features demonstrated here:

  • When the workflow is triggered, the OnStart event is emitted and the registered callback function is called.
  • An interaction is started. This creates a temporary channel on the Relay device, which provides a sort of "context" in which device-specific commands are sent.
  • Inside the OnInteractionLifecycle an interaction started event is passed in, the workflow prompts with the SayAndWait action. The device user will hear text-to-speech.
  • The workflow awaits for a response from the device user with the Listen action.
  • A workflow configuration variable greeting is retrieved as is the triggering device's name.
  • The workflow then again uses text-to-speech to reply with a dynamic message.
  • Finally, the workflow is terminated and the device is returned to its original state.

Using the Relay CLI, the workflow can be registered with the following command:

relay workflow:create:phrase --trigger="hello" --name="hello world" --uri=wss://yourhost:port/hellopath --install-all --arg "greeting=hi there"

For the above sample, a workflow callback function is registered with the name hello world. The path of hellopath is used to map a WebSocket connection at the path wss://yourhost:port/hellopath to the registered workflow callback function. This is currently done in either ConsoleAppSamples/Program.cs or WebAppSamples/Startup.cs like this:

var relay = new Relay(Relay.WebSocketConnector.Fleck, "", 8080, false);
relay.AddWorkflow("/hello_world", typeof(HelloWorldWorkflow));

There are 3 web server connectors available for you to choose from:

  • Relay.WebSocketConnector.Fleck
  • Relay.WebSocketConnector.SystemKestral
  • Relay.WebSocketConnector.SystemHttpListener

Workflow Registration

More thorough documentation on how to register your workflow on a Relay device can be found at

Verbose Logging Mode

The log level is controlled via the appsettings.json file in the ConsoleAppSamples project. The default is Information, but if desired you can change it to Debug or another level, and then recompile.

Guides Documentation

The higher-level guides are available at

API Reference Documentation

The generated doxygen documentation is available at
