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Helpful middleware for using Honeycomb with NodeJS lambdas.

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Middy middleware for instrumenting with Honeycomb.

Getting Started

Installing @resistbot/middy-beeline

npm install --save middy # You need middy installed
npm install --save @resistbot/middy-beeline

Running the tests

npm test


const middyBeeline = require('@resistbot/middy-beeline')
const middy = require('middy')

const someHandler = (event, context, callback) => {

  // The beeline instance is accessible from the event object
  const { header, body, beeline }  = event;
  // all regular beeline calls work
  beeline.addContext({mycontext: "this"})

const handler = middy(someHandler)
    writeKey: "key",
    serviceName: "myService",
    dataset: "myDataset",
    sampleRate: 5,
    headerContext: [
        { header: 'x-my-header', contextname: 'my_header' },
    errorMessageContext: 'error_message',

module.exports = { handler }

How it works

The middleware will startup Beeline for Nodejs with the options you configure before your handler runs, create a trace, and add any of the header context you supplied. It adds the beeline instance to the handler.event so you can use it in your function- add spans, more context, etc.

Once your handler is done, the middleware will close the trace and run a beeline.flush() to make sure all the events are sent.


Some are obvious from the beeline for nodejs documentation (writeKey, dataset, serviceName, sampleRate) but there are a few extras. Just like the beeline docs say, you can substitute sampleRate with samplerHook: fn() and the middleware will use your samplerhook function instead of the standard rate.

Also the headerContext list allows you to tell middy-beeline which headers to capture as context and what they should be named. Also by default, any errors are marked as error:true and error_message: <the error message>. You can change the context key for errors using errorMessageContext.


Feel free to open a Pull Request or Issue w/ a bug report or feature request.

Creating a release

  1. Update package.json version element to match the release you'll be using.
  2. Create a new Release once your code is merged. If the two versions match, a new version will be delivered to npm.