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Image resizer CLI

Example of img-resizer-cli being run in a command line with a progress indicating appearing beneath it, showing 44% completion rate

This command-line interface helps quickly resize and optimize image files.


  • Resize images quickly and easily
  • Supports resizing of single images or entire folders
  • Optional flags for controlling image quality, file format, and more
  • Easy to use and understand command-line interface

You can specify a file or a folder, along with some optional flags such as quality. lowercase and remove-spaces.


You can install the Image Resizer CLI tool using npm. To install, simply run the following command:

npm install -g img-resizer-cli


To resize a single image, run the following command:

npx img-resizer-cli --file <path-to-file> --width <width> --output <path-to-output-folder>

If you want to resize a folder, use the --folder flag instead of --file.


Here are some examples of how you can use the Image Resizer CLI tool:

# Resizing and optimizing a single image
npx img-resizer-cli --file ~/Photos/example.jpg --width 1000 -q 90 -o ~/Photos/resized/

# Resize all images in a folder and its subdirectories to 500 pixels wide and output to a different folder
npx img-resizer-cli --folder ~/Photos/ --width 500 -o ~/Photos/resized/

# Resize images in a folder to 300 pixels wide, convert to GIF format, and remove spaces from the file names
npx img-resizer-cli --folder ~/Photos/ --width 300 --format gif --remove-spaces


Option Description
--file or --folder Specifies the file name to be processed
-w Specifies the width of the output image in pixels
-o Specifies the output directory for the processed file. Overwrites the handled file by default if not passed.
-q Specifies the quality of the output image on a scale from 1 to 100
--format (Optional) Specifies the file format of the output image. Allowed values: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, webp
--lowercase (Optional) Converts the file name to lowercase
--remove-spaces (Optional) Removes spaces from the file name


Contributions to this project are welcome! If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please submit an issue or a pull request.


This project is licensed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.