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JavaScript Alert Web Component

Autonomous open source alert component with RTL support built on Custom Elements and Shadow DOM specifications.

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How to use


  • Install with npm
$ npm install zino-alert
  • Install with bower
$ bower install zino-alert

Using zino-alert

  • HTML way
<zino-alert id="alert-1"
    text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet."

<script type="module" src="../zino-alert.js"></script>

Alert customizations are possible via data-* attributes.

  • using the DOM API
<script type="module" src="../zino-alert.js"></script>

const alert = document.createElement("zino-alert");
alert.heading = "DOM API";
alert.type = "success";
alert.text = "Autonomous WAI-ARIA accessible alert dialog.";
  • using the constructor
<script type="module">
import {ZinoAlert} from "../zino-alert.js";

const alert = new ZinoAlert({
    heading: "Constructor",
    type: "success",
    text: "A web component build on Custom Elements and Shadow DOM APIs.",
    showCancelButton: "true",
    allowEscapeKey: "true"
:root {
  --background-head: #fff;
  --color-head: #FA4251;
  --color-head-active: #FA4251;
  --background-foot: #fff;
  --color-foot: #222;
  --background-odd: #fff;
  --background-even: #fff;
  --color-odd: #333;
  --color-even: #222;
zino-grid {
  margin: 20px auto 0;
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 1024px;


Option Required Type Default Description
allowEscapeKey No Boolean true Whether to close the alert when the Escape key is pressed
animation No Boolean true Whether to use an animation when show the alert
backdrop No Boolean true Whether to use a backdrop
background No String #fff The alert's background color
cancelButtonAriaLabel No String Cancel The cancel button's aria-label attribute
cancelButtonColor No String #aaa The cancel button's background color
cancelButtonText No String Cancel The cancel button's text
closeButtonAriaLabel No String Close The close button's aria-label attribute
confirmButtonAriaLabel No String OK The confirm button's aria-label attribute
confirmButtonColor No String #3085d6 The confirm button's background color
confirmButtonText No String OK The confirm button's text
debug No Boolean false If true will log events into console
focusCancel No Boolean false Whether to focus on cancel button when alert show
focusConfirm No Boolean true Whether to focus on confirm button when alert show
footer No String (empty) If not empty will show it's content at the alert's footer
header No String (empty) If not empty will show it's content at the alert's header
heading No String (empty) The alert's heading text
position No String center The alert's position. Accepts: top, top-start, top-left, top-end, top-right, center, center-start, center-left, center-end, center-right, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-left, bottom-end, bottom-right
showCancelButton No Boolean false Whether to show the cancel button
showCloseButton No Boolean false Whether to show the close button
showConfirmButton No Boolean true Whether to show the confirm button
text No String (empty) The alert's text
type Yes String (empty) The alert's icon. Accepts: success, error


Method Description
cancel Manually triggers the cancel.alert event.
close Manually closes an alert and triggers the close.alert event.
confirm Manually triggers the confirm.alert event.
open Manually opens an alert and triggers the open.alert event.


Event Description
cancel.alert This event is fired immediately when the Cancel button has been clicked.
close.alert This event is fired immediately when the close instance method has been called.
confirm.alert This event is fired immediately when the Confirm button has been clicked.
open.alert This event is fired immediately when the open instance method has been called.
document.querySelector("zino-alert").addEventListener("close.alert", function(event) {
    // do something...    

Browser Support

Polyfill Edge IE11+ Chrome 54+ Firefox 63+ Safari 10.1+ Opera 41+


zino-alert is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Dimitar Ivanov