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Submission 2 Dicoding MADE : GameKuy

Submission 2 MADE (Menjadi Android Developer Expert) Dicoding

Platform api Kotlin Gradle Star Circle CI

Table of Contents


GameKuy Android App, build with Kotlin due to finish Dicoding Menjadi Android Developer Expert (MADE) Final Submission. I'm using for the data source, and my design inspirated from

I Hope this Project will help someone, if you feel helped with this project, you can give stars to support me, thank you very much :), And also thanks to Adithya for allowing me using his readme template, it was very helpful :))

Mad Scorecard


Clone or Download and Open it into Android Studio for Submission 2

You can use the DownGit for download Submission 1 separately, Copy this

and Paste it into DownGit, after that click Download Button, and voila, you can clone the code.


Splashscreen All Games
Detail Games Explore Games Favorite Games


  • Splash Screen
  • Get All Games
  • Explore Games
  • Add game to favorite

Tech Stack

  • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) Architecture Pattern
  • Modularization (core module)
  • Dynamic Feature (favorite module)
  • Clean Architecture (data, domain, presentation)
  • Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt
  • Coroutines Flow
  • ViewBinding
  • Room Persistence
  • Obfuscation with Proguard
  • Encryption with SQLCipher
  • Certificate Pinning with OkHttp
  • Continuous Integration with Circle-CI
