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Simple API to generate image cover CSS for MyAnimeList list.

Quick Installation

docker run -p 34001:34001 rl404/mal-cover

Environment Variables

Name Default Description
MC_APP_PORT 34001 Http server port.
MC_APP_READ_TIMEOUT 1m Http server read timeout.
MC_APP_WRITE_TIMEOUT 1m Http server write timeout.
MC_APP_GRACEFUL_TIMEOUT 10s Http server shut down timeout.
MC_CACHE_DIALECT inmemory Cache type. nocache, redis, inmemory.
MC_CACHE_ADDRESS Cache address.
MC_CACHE_PASSWORD Cache password.
MC_CACHE_TIME 24h Cache time.

*all the environment variables are optional



Will generate CSS according to MyAnimeList username and type. For example:



This is the most important part. The endpoint needs a style param. The style value depends on how your list show your anime/manga cover image.

For example.

Your list's image cover style is like this.

.animetitle[href*="/37716/"]:before {
  background-image: url(;

Convert it by replacing anime/manga id to {id} and image URL to {url}.

.animetitle[href*="/{id}/"]:before {
  background-image: url({url});

Encode it using URL encode.


Then use it in endpoint as style param.

Good luck.