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Frontend Mentor "Quiz App" challenge solution

Hey Hi 🙋🏻‍♂️ !

I'm Renaud and this is my solution to the Frontend "Quiz App" challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Frontend Mentor challenges help developers improve their programming skills by building realistic projects; the "Quiz App" project is one of those.

The original requirements for this app (beside trying to adhere to the given visual design) were :

Your users should be able to:

  • Select a quiz subject
  • Select a single answer from each question from a choice of four
  • See an error message when trying to submit an answer without making a selection
  • See if they have made a correct or incorrect choice when they submit an answer
  • Move on to the next question after seeing the question result
  • See a completed state with the score after the final question
  • Play again to choose another subject
  • View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Navigate the entire app only using their keyboard
  • Bonus: Change the app's theme between light and dark

Most of these requirements have been met except the keyboard navigation which probably needs more work. The accessibility also requires additional work. Overall, I'm happy with this first version even though it can definitely be improved upon.

The solution I implemented is available here.

I've implemented this using #vite, #solidjs and #tailwindcss.

I was already familiar with vite and tailwindcss but not so much with solidjs; this has therefore been a really nice opportunity for me to learn more about some of solid's features.

I really liked using solidjs and I found it much simpler (and better I think) to use than react or even vue.

Hope you like it!


A Frontend Mentor Quiz Application






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