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This project is using for visual regression testing.

Hostfully QA Engineer Cypress exercise

This repository contains a resolution for Hostfully QA Engineer Cypress exercise.

Running the project

To run this project, you can choose the 3 ways below:

  1. GitHub Actions
  2. Locally in your machine
  3. GitHub Codespaces (not working)
  4. Devcontainer in VS Code (not tested)

GitHub Actions

This is the easiest way because you can run the project basically with only one click.

  1. Go to the Actions tab
  2. Click on Hostfully Exercise on the left menu
  3. Click on Run workflow button on the right in the blue bar
  4. Click on the Run workflow green button.

After the workflow finishes, an zip file will be generated containing the Cypress run videos. You can download it at the button of the chosen run.

Locally in your machine


  • NodeJS, preferentially installed through a node version manage, like nvm or n

If you already have NodeJS installed via nvm, type

nvm use

to install the NodeJS version used in this repository (v18.14.0). Having other NodeJS version should not be a problem.

To install dependencies, type

npm i

Running in headless mode

For run in headless mode, just type

npm test

The run videos will be stored in cypress/videos folder (default folder)

Running in interactive mode

First, you need to open Cypress by typing

npx cypress open


  1. Choose E2E Tests
  2. Select a browser and click on `Start E2E testing in [selected browser] (tested with Chrome and Electron)
  3. Click on the play button to run all specs, or select one spec to run from the table.

GitHub Codespaces

PLEASE, read Notes/Improvements section item 2

When you click the <> Code button on GitHub do clone the project, you will see the Codespaces tab. Click on it. Then choose Create a Codespace on main.

Everything needed to run this project will be installed and a web version of VS Code will be open. Just type, in terminal

npm test

Devcontainer in VS Code

ATTENTION: you MUST have docker installed to run this way

In VS Code, at the bottom left corner, you will see a green icon with these signs ><. Click on it then choose Reopen in container and wait the process end.

Everything needed to run this project will be installed and VS Code will be open inside a Docker container. Just type, in terminal

npm test

PLEASE, read Notes/Improvements section item 3


Some issues found on website during exploratory tests were registered on this repository issues tab

Notes/Improvements on this repo

  1. JSCPD linter was complaining about a code duplication. A custom command was started to fix it. It is commented in code.
  2. Xvfb is missing on devcontainer/codespace config. Tests will not run
  3. Didn't test devcontainer locally (poor machine)

Other repository tools

GitHub Super Linter

GitHub Super-Linter is a ready-to-run collection of linters and code analyzers, to help validate your source code.

The goal of super-linter is to help you establish best practices and consistent formatting across multiple programming languages, and ensure developers are adhering to those conventions.

In this repository it is set to TypeScript ESLint, JSCPD and Gitleaks


Dependabot is a tool that helps developers keep their project dependencies up to date by automatically checking for and creating pull requests to update dependencies when new versions are released.

If Dependabot finds a vulnerability in a package you depend on, it sends you an alert. If it can suggest a fix, it also sends a pull request to update your dependency manifest with the closest non-vulnerable version.

In this repo is set to check NPM packages and GitHub Actions

Pull Request Template

Just a template to keep a pattern for what to write in a pull request


Percy is a Visual Regression tool. In this repository is set just with the basic configuration.

To check the comparisons, visit


Axe is a tool to run accessibility checks. In this repository is set just with the basic configuration


Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the performance, quality, and correctness of your web apps.

When auditing a page, Lighthouse runs a barrage of tests against the page, and then generates a report on how well the page did. From here you can use the failing tests as indicators on what you can do to improve your app.

ESLint, Editorconfig, Commitlint

Tools to guarantee a format pattern to the development. Links to their docs:

Decision log

  • Since was asked just to write scenarios in Gherkin, I choose to not use Cucumber and use cypress-steps plugin. I always choose to not use Cucumber...
  • Since it is not recommended the use of Page Objects with Cypress, I mapped the elements in a file pageElements.ts just for organization, in case of chages, just change in one place. Also, I prefer not to use Page Objects. I like Screenplay pattern better, but I don't use frameworks for that.
  • The tools described on section above are my "default tools" to test automation in JS/TS.


Recruitment process exercise for Hostfully






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