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A simple vue calendar component. Base for further development and styling.


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A simple vue calendar component with minimal css. A base for further development/styling.


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date-fns, lodash-es


npm i -S @romanran/vue-simple-calendar


import  VSimpleCalendar  from  '@romanran/vue-simple-calendar'
import '@romanran/vue-simple-calendar/dist/vue-simple-calendar.css'
export  default {
    components: { VSimpleCalendar }


  • 1.4.0 - Move infinite to a separate prop, remove cells paddings
  • 1.3.0 - Add infinite type for mobile devices
  • 1.2.0 - Add min and max dates
  • 1.1.11 - Fix single type empty value
  • 1.1.10 - Add weekday cell classes
  • 1.1.7 - Add formatDate function to weekday slot
  • 1.1.6 - Handle empty value, fix locale prop
  • 1.1.5 - Changed weekday class from .vcs-table__day to .vcs-table__weekday
  • 1.1.4 - added BEM to the rest of the components
  • 1.1.3 - added modifier classes to .vcs-table__cell
  • 1.1.0 - changed to BEM, added .vcs-table__day--end class
  • 1.0.16 - fixed calendar reactivity on type change


name type description
value null Date or Array with 1 or 2 Dates Calendar opens on the selected date or on the current date
type String single, range, month or year
minDate String before that date the days will be disabled to pick
maxDate String after that date the days will be disabled to pick
infinite Boolean set to true for endless scroll
throttleTime Number if using infinite calendar, scroll function is throttled by this time, default: 20
parentNode Number if using infinite calendar, scroll element, default: component parent

Component uses date-fns

name type default
weekStartsOn Number 1-Monday
dayFormat String "d"
weekdayFormat String "eeeee"
monthFormat String "MMM"
locale Object import from date-fns


name props description
day day: Object whole day with events and classes
day-inside day: Object, formatDay: Function Inside of a . vcs-table__day block with date text
weekday day: Datem formatDay: Function weekdays
arrow-right and arrow-left - slots for arrow icons


Selection bar at the top is clickable in single, month or year mode type. Infinite calendar creates 13 months with infinite vertical scroll.

Range mode type

To select range first click on a date, second click selects the range. OR hold and move to the second date and release.


The component has bare minimum styling. Everything is in BEM and scoped with .vcs prefix.

Day classes inside the calendar:

class description
.vcs-table__day--disabled day not in the current month
.vcs-table__day--clickable you can click it to select date ;)
.vcs-table__day--selected selected
.vcs-table__day--start start of the selection
.vcs-table__day--end end of the selection
.vcs-table__day--between day between the selection
same for .vcs-table__cell, .vcs-month-select__cell, .vcs-month-year__cell


Released under the MIT License. Do whatever you want with it ;)


A simple vue calendar component. Base for further development and styling.








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