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Forex Board

The goal of the project is to provide better monitoring of forex accounts.

You need only to have registered public monitoring, for example on myfxbook platform.

Forex Board


This guide assumes you're using Unix-like operating system, but you can adopt instruction commands for Windows, etc.


  1. Install Golang as described here.
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go$GOVERSION.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  1. Install dep utility as described here.
sudo curl | sh


  1. Download the source code of the project.

  2. Unpack the archive and go to the project directory:

  1. Create configuration file $GOPATH/src/fxbd/application_config.json with your settings:
  "port": 8080,
  "stats_dir": "/tmp/fxbd-stats",
  "accounts": [
      "name": "My Account 1",
      "location": "",
      "refresh_seconds": 300,
      "currency_divider": 100


  • port - exposed port of application available on.
  • stats_dir - folder where downloaded statistics located (must be writable).
  • accounts - list of monitored accounts.
    • name - Visible name of account on dashboard.
    • location - url to original Forex monitoring page (currently supports myfxbook only).
    • refresh_seconds - time period to download statistics (in seconds).
    • currency_divider - adjust currency values (for cent accounts use 100).
  1. Get dependencies:
dep init
dep ensure -v
  1. Build the project:
go build .
  1. Run executable:
  1. Check the page http://localhost:8080/.

Settings for MyFxBook monitoring

You need properly configure you original monitoring platform.



Feel free to bring your ideas improving the visual or functionality of the project in Issues or Pull Requests.