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TcUnit pre-commit

Pre-commit hooks for TcUnit library.

Does this:

METHOD TestSomethingElse


What it does

This pre-commit checks if your METHOD name is the same as name passed to TEST('...'). This is also how the TcUnit examples are set up.

Your project looks as follows:

└─ TestSomething()
└─ TestSomethingElse()

Where TestSomething() looks as follows:

METHOD TestSomething


If your other methods looks like:

METHOD TestSomethingElse


Then this method is flagged and optionally fixed with the --fix option: TEST('TestElse') -> TEST('TestSomethingElse')


Add the following to your existing .pre-commit-config.yml file or create one.

  - repo:
    rev: v0.2.0
      - id: unittest-name-fixer
        # --fix: fixes non-matching method - test names
        args: [--fix]
        # Only check files that end in _Tests.TcPOU, because that is how I name my tests
        files: '.*_Tests\.TcPOU$'


# Create conda environment with necessary dependencies
conda env create -f conda.yml
# activate environment
conda activate tcunit-pc312
# Install development dependencies
pip install --requirement dev-requirements.txt
# Install CLI in editable mode, that way any chages you make to the code are
# directly reflected if you run unittest-name-fixer from the command line
pip install --editable .
# Install/activate pre-commits of this repo. Assumes you have pre-commit installed globally
pre-commit install