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ryland-goldman committed Dec 10, 2022
1 parent f080458 commit e795856
Showing 1 changed file with 120 additions and 53 deletions.
173 changes: 120 additions & 53 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,63 +1,130 @@
# ╔═══╗ ╔╗ ╔═══╗ ╔═══╗ ╔╗
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# Python N-Body Simulation, © 2022 Ryland Goldman
# Using CUDA to Increase the Accuracy and Performance of Particle-Particle N-Body Simulations
# Synopsys Research Project, Los Gatos High School

# When `main` is called, `NumPy.vectorize` throws a RuntimeWarning "invalid value encountered in double_scalars."
# This warning can be ignored. It is the result of calling `math.asin(dy/r)` when r is zero, which would cause a
# ZeroDivisionError if the function was not vectorized. Due to the use of `NumPy.where`, it doesn't affect the
# program.

import numpy as np
import math

# constants, 1 now because units don't exist when there's nothing to compare them to (time/distance/speed/direction/etc. are relative)
G = 1 # gravitational constant
k = 1 # coulomb constant
G = 1 # gravitational constant
k = 1 # coulomb constant
E = 1e-100 # softening constant
t = 1e-7 # time constant
s = 1 # size constant
p = 10 # particles
t = 1e-7 # time constant
p = 10 # particles

# initial conditions
iterations = int(10) # iterations of simulation
frequency = 1e2 # frequency of recording frames

# data storage
particles = np.random.rand(p, 8)
# 2D array to store ten particles with the following eight datapoints:
# X, Y, Z, Vx, Vy, Vz, Q, M
# 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

def ParticleIntrNV(p1, p2):
# don't calculate forces on the same particle
if p1 == p2:
return p1
# calculate force using distance formula: sqrt [ (x1-x2)^2 + (y1-y2)^2 + (z1-z2)^2 ]
r = math.sqrt( (p1[0]-p2[0])**2 + (p1[1]-p2[1])**2 + (p1[2]-p2[2])**2 )

# calculate acceeleration by dividing force by mass
# gravitational force (Gmm/r^2) plus electromagnetic force (kqq/r^2)
a = (G*p1[7]*p2[7]/((r+E)**2)) + (-k*p1[6]*p2[6]/((r+E)**2))

# differences
dx = p1[0]-p2[0]
dy = p1[1]-p2[1]
dz = p1[2]-p2[2]

# calculate angles
alpha = math.asin(dy/r)
except ValueError:
if dy/r == 0:
alpha = math.pi/2
alpha = -math.pi/2
if dz == 0:
beta = math.pi
beta = math.atan(dx/dz)
if dx < 0: alpha = -alpha - math.pi

# convert to component vectors, multiply by time constant, add
return [p1[0], p1[1], p1[2], p1[3]+a*math.cos(alpha)*math.sin(beta)*t, p1[4]+a*math.sin(alpha)*t, p1[5]+a*math.cos(alpha)*math.cos(beta)*t, p1[6], p1[7]]

ParticleIntr = np.vectorize(ParticleIntrNV)
iterations = int(1000) # iterations of simulation
frequency = 1e2 # frequency of recording frames

# data storage, numpy arrays for each of the eight data points
px = np.random.rand(p) # x, y, z coordinates
py = np.random.rand(p) # x, y, z coordinates
pz = np.random.rand(p) # x, y, z coordinates
pvx = np.random.rand(p)*t # component velocities: x, y, z
pvy = np.random.rand(p)*t # component velocities: x, y, z
pvz = np.random.rand(p)*t # component velocities: x, y, z
pq = np.random.rand(p) # charge
pm = np.random.rand(p) # mass

# function to calculate the gross acceleration of one particle from another, given the properties of each
# p1x, p1y, p1z - x, y, and z coordinates of particle 1
# p1vx, p1vy, p1vz - x, y, and z component velocities of particle 1
# p2x, p2y, p2z - x, y, and z coordinates of particle 2
# p1m, p2m - masses of particles 1 and 2
# p1q, p2q - charges of particles 1 and 2
def getForceNV(p1x, p1y, p1z, p1vx, p1vy, p1vz, p1m, p1q, p2x, p2y, p2z, p2m, p2q):
dx = p1x-p2x # distances between particles in each direction
dy = p1y-p2y
dz = p1z-p2z
r = math.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2 ) # distance formula
return t*(( # multiply by time constant
(p1x == p2x) & (p1y == p2y) & (p1z == p2z), 0.0, # if the particles are the same, then there is no force between them to be calculated
(G*p1m*p2m)/((r+E)**2) - (k*p1q*p2q)/((r+E)**2)) # otherwise, use newton's law of universal gravitation, and coulomb's law (subtraction because opposites attract, like charges repel)
)*1.0)/p1m # divide by mass because of newton's 2nd law, so technically it's returning acceleration, not mass

# function to calculate the change in velocity in the x direction
# f - acceleration provided by getForce function
# p1x, p1y, p1z - x, y, and z coordinates of particle 1
# p1vx, p1vy, p1vz - x, y, and z component velocities of particle 1
# p2x, p2y, p2z - x, y, and z coordinates of particle 2
# p1m, p2m - masses of particles 1 and 2
# p1q, p2q - charges of particles 1 and 2
def xcompNV(f, p1x, p1y, p1z, p1vx, p1vy, p1vz, p1m, p1q, p2x, p2y, p2z, p2m, p2q):
dx = p1x-p2x # distances between particles in each direction
dy = p1y-p2y
dz = p1z-p2z
r = math.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2 ) # distance formula
alpha = (np.where(dx < 0, -math.asin(dy/r), math.asin(dy/r)))*1.0 # see - the angle is negative if the x value moves in the negative direction
beta = (np.where(dz == 0, math.pi, math.atan(dx/dz)))*1.0 # see - the angle is pi if there is no change in z
return np.where(f==0, 0, f*math.cos(alpha)*math.sin(beta))*1.0 # see - if force is zero, no change in x

# function to calculate the change in velocity in the y direction
# f - acceleration provided by getForce function
# p1x, p1y, p1z - x, y, and z coordinates of particle 1
# p1vx, p1vy, p1vz - x, y, and z component velocities of particle 1
# p2x, p2y, p2z - x, y, and z coordinates of particle 2
# p1m, p2m - masses of particles 1 and 2
# p1q, p2q - charges of particles 1 and 2
def ycompNV(f, p1x, p1y, p1z, p1vx, p1vy, p1vz, p1m, p1q, p2x, p2y, p2z, p2m, p2q):
dx = p1x-p2x # distances between particles in each direction
dy = p1y-p2y
dz = p1z-p2z
r = math.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2 ) # distance formula
alpha = (np.where(dx < 0, -math.asin(dy/r), math.asin(dy/r)))*1.0 # see - the angle is negative if the x value moves in the negative direction
return np.where(f==0, 0, f*math.sin(alpha))*1.0 # see - if force is zero, no change in y

# function to calculate the change in velocity in the z direction
# f - acceleration provided by getForce function
# p1x, p1y, p1z - x, y, and z coordinates of particle 1
# p1vx, p1vy, p1vz - x, y, and z component velocities of particle 1
# p2x, p2y, p2z - x, y, and z coordinates of particle 2
# p1m, p2m - masses of particles 1 and 2
# p1q, p2q - charges of particles 1 and 2
def zcompNV(f, p1x, p1y, p1z, p1vx, p1vy, p1vz, p1m, p1q, p2x, p2y, p2z, p2m, p2q):
dx = p1x-p2x # distances between particles in each direction
dy = p1y-p2y
dz = p1z-p2z
r = math.sqrt( dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2 ) # distance formula
alpha = (np.where(dx < 0, -math.asin(dy/r), math.asin(dy/r)))*1.0 # see - the angle is negative if the x value moves in the negative direction
beta = (np.where(dz == 0, math.pi, math.atan(dx/dz)))*1.0 # see - the angle is pi if there is no change in z
return np.where(f==0, 0, f*math.cos(alpha)*math.cos(beta))*1.0 # see - if force is zero, no change in z

# vectorize functions
getForce = np.vectorize(getForceNV)
xcomp = np.vectorize(xcompNV)
ycomp = np.vectorize(ycompNV)
zcomp = np.vectorize(zcompNV)

# main program function
def main():
global particles
global px, py, pz, pvx, pvy, pvz, pq, pm # global variables
for n in range(iterations):
for cp in range(p):
particles[cp] = ParticleIntr(particles, particles[cp])
for cp in range(p): # calculate forces on each particle
forces = getForce( px[cp], py[cp], pz[cp], pvx[cp], pvy[cp], pvz[cp], pm[cp], pq[cp], px, py, pz, pm, pq ) # get acceleration
chg_vx = xcomp(forces, px[cp], py[cp], pz[cp], pvx[cp], pvy[cp], pvz[cp], pm[cp], pq[cp], px, py, pz, pm, pq ) # change in x velocity
chg_vy = ycomp(forces, px[cp], py[cp], pz[cp], pvx[cp], pvy[cp], pvz[cp], pm[cp], pq[cp], px, py, pz, pm, pq ) # change in y velocity
chg_vz = zcomp(forces, px[cp], py[cp], pz[cp], pvx[cp], pvy[cp], pvz[cp], pm[cp], pq[cp], px, py, pz, pm, pq ) # change in z velocity

# update variables
pvx[cp] = np.sum(chg_vx)+pvx[cp]
pvy[cp] = np.sum(chg_vy)+pvy[cp]
pvz[cp] = np.sum(chg_vz)+pvz[cp]

# push particles with new velocities
px += pvx
py += pvy
pz += pvz

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