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  • Simple Relational Database Implemented in Golang
  • Origin of SamehadaDB is Golang ported BusTub RDBMS: go-bustub

What is Samehada?

  • Samehada, which literally means shark skin, is a tool used to grate wasabi, usually for sushi, but also for other Japanese cuisines
  • Samehada features its grid shape that forms air bubbles between the grated wasabi, minimizing unnecessary spiciness
  • We are proud to call SamehadaDB because the grid produces a pleasant taste and aroma with a nice harmony
  • (Texts in this section is contributed by ujihisa. Thanks ujihisa)


  • RDBMS implementation which is simple but has almost of essential componets and features implemted in practical techniques is needed for newbie of database system developer
  • SamehadaDB is developed to be a RDBMS like above
    • Golang has high readability
    • SamehadaDB is based on BusTub RDBMS which is used in educational purpose

Current Status

  • SamehadaDB can be used as simple embedded DB (library form)
  • And can be used as DB server which offers REST API I/F
    • Please see server directory and this note
    • The server listen on (this means localhost,, other IP addresses your machine has)
      • Content-Type of request and response are "application/json"
    • Additionaly the server listen on
      • Content-Type of request is "application/json" but one of response is "application/octet-stream"
      • Response is serialized binary in MessagePack specification
      • For understanding response data schema, easy way is reading demo client code (schema is almost same with JSON response)
    • There are Win binary and Linux binary at Release page
      • if Linux one runs without error at lauch, you are lucky :)
      • when error occurs, you need to build by myself :)
        • please check that value of EnableOnMemStorage constant is false and modify it if needed (/lib/common/config.go)
    • there is simple client which can be useed on browser in demo-client dir
      • very simple SPA. requirement is web browser which can executes JS only :)
        • It can access SamehadaDB server on your machine (localhost,, etc...)
      • It is also pleced at here for demonstration
        • is public SamehadaDBd server for the demonstration
        • Do not insert private or secret information/data! the server does not do isolation
  • ATTENTION: SamehadaDB is not developed for productional use! There are no warranties!
  • By the way, procedure described on next section executes almost all defined unit tests except these of taking long time

Procedure of Executing SamehadaDB (executing unit tests)

  • Please install golang environment with package system your OS has (apt, yum, brew ...etc)
    • If you use Windows, you can select both Windows native environment and WSL Ubuntu environment
  • If you select Windows native environments or golang environment which is installed with package system can't execute SamehadaDB, you should install official binary directly
  • Executing all unit tests which test several features and components of SamehadaDB except several tests taking long time


  • Predicates on Seq Scan
  • Multiple Item on Predicate: AND, OR
  • Predicates: <, >, <=, >=
  • Null 1
  • Predicates: NOT 1
  • Inline types (integer, varchar, float, boolean, bigint, smallint, decimal, timestamp, datetime and etc)
  • Delete Tuple
  • Update Tuple
  • Varchar
  • Persistent Catalog
  • Updating of Table Schema
  • LRU replacer
  • Latches
  • Transactions
  • Rollback When Abort Occurs
  • Logging
  • Checkpointing
    • Simple Checkpointing (all transactions are blocked until finish of checkpointing)
    • Fuzzy Checkpointing (ARIES)
  • Recovery from Logs
  • Index
    • Hash Index
      • Hash index can be used only equal(=) operator is specified to index having columns
      • Access is serialized (not parallel)
    • SkipList Index
      • Alternative of B-tree Index
      • Parallel accesible
    • B-tree Index
    • Logging And Recovery Of Index Data
  • JOIN
    • INNER JOIN (Hash Join, Index Join, Nested Loop Join)
      • Condition specified at ON clause should be composed of single item and can use equal(==) operator only
  • Aggregations (COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM on SELECT clause including Group by and Having) 1
  • Sort (ORDER BY clause) 1
  • Tuple Level Locking With Strong Strict 2-Phase Locking (SS2PL) Protocol
  • Concurrent Execution of Transactions
    • Avoidance of phantom problem is not implemented yet
      • So, current transaction isolation level is "REPEATABLE READ"
    • And when table has Indexes, dirty read can be occured
      • So, when you use Indexes, isolation level is "DIRTY READ"
        • Why dirty read occurs is lack of consistency between table record and Index entry at DELETE
  • Execution Planning from hard coded SQL like method call I/F (like some kind of embedded DB)
  • Execution of Query with SQL string
    • not supported multi queries on a request yet
  • Frontend Impl as Embedded DB Library (like SQLite)
  • Deduplication of Result Records (Distinct)
  • Query Optimization (Selinger)
    • cases below are not supported now
      • predicate including OR operation, NOT, IS NULL
      • projection including aggregation
  • Statistics Data for Optimizer
    • Updating continuously with full scan...
  • TRANSACTION Statement on SQL
    • This includes adding support of multi statements (multi statements is not suported on SQL now)
  • AS clause
  • Nested Query
  • Predicates: IN
  • DB Connector (Driver) or Other Kind of Network Access Interface
    • MySQL or PostgreSQL Compatible Protocol
    • REST
  • Deallocate and Reuse Page
  • Optimization of INSERT
    • Current implementation searches a free space which is enough for insert data with sequential scan from head (this is slow on exsisting large amount of records situation)
  • UNION clause
  • Materialization
    • Classes which offers functionality for materialization exists
    • Now, HashJoinExecutor only do materialization with the classes
  • Authentication
  • Making Usable from OR Mapper of One Web Framework Such as Django (Python) on Simple Application Scope
    • implementation of DB driver/connector for Python is needed (Or supporting major RDBMS compatible NW I/F)


  • to be wrote...

More Info

About Skip List Index SamehadaDB has



  • 2022 May - present: SamehadaDB project is assisted by OSS community support program of JetBrains s.r.o with offering development tools such as GoLand IDE

Past work


  1. Use on frontend is not supported now 2 3 4 5