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Dynamically update periodic tasks in Celery and Django

Example project showing how to dynamically add and remove periodic tasks in Celery and Django. It is using PeriodicTask class from django-celery-beat package.

This example repository is very simple demo of uptime monitoring service. User can add server address and interval at which server uptime status will be checked. Tasks can be dynamically added or removed.

You can read more about dynamic periodic tasks in the article.

Sequence diagram of uptime monitoring

    actor U as User
    participant S as Server
    participant DB as Database
    participant B as Celery Beat
    participant W as Celery Worker
    U->>S: Create monitor 
    Note right of S: Create objects in DB
    S->>DB: Create Monitor object
    S->>DB: Create IntervalSchedule object
    S->>DB: Create Periodictack object
    loop every beat period
        DB->>B: Get info about periodic tasks
    loop Every interval period
        B->>W: Create task
        Note right of W: Execute task
        W->>DB: Save task result (request data)