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Releases: sabertazimi/OJs


01 Apr 16:39
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30 Apr 12:31
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.4.0 (2022-04-30)

✨ Features

  • test-vitest: switch from jest to vitest (#143) (8ad0c41)

πŸš€ Building Work

  • CI: add multiple environment for testing (fead0f9)
  • CI: reduce virtual machines efforts (02ec1f6)
  • CI: switch from coveralls to codecov (30b549e)
  • deps-bot: change PR concurrent limits (2f82f8f)
  • deps-bot: disable bump node engine version (05f61a9)
  • deps-bot: disable lockfile maintenance (82824db)
  • deps-bot: remove GitHub dependabot (be47088)
  • deps-bot: setup automerge configuration (e57e8d6)
  • deps-bot: setup renovate bot configuration (13510ed)
  • deps-bot: widen peerDeps and engines (8c65fc4)
  • deps-dev: update dependency @types/node to ^16.10.1 (c5a8389)
  • deps: bundle bod deps into single PR (3f24e79)
  • eslint: add dg-scripts eslint configuration (d33c124)
  • lint: disable auto-fix for linter (02cdad5)
  • yarn: bump yarn from v3.0.2 to v3.1.0 (2cb7000)


12 Sep 15:02
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.3.0 (2021-09-12)

✨ Array

  • leetcode-0001: two sum (one iteration with hash map) (d532c69)

✨ Features

  • yarn: switch from npm to yarn berry (9141445)

πŸš€ Building Work

  • CI-azure: remove azure pipelines (641d1e9)
  • CI-CodeQL: add CodeQL analysis (b9849e4)
  • CI-report: deploy coverage report (590adda)
  • CI: change fetch depth (38fd88c)
  • CI: remove redundant stage (f6ab45f)
  • CI: separate lint and test stage (de655d9)
  • CI: separate test and deploy stage (8a1d128)
  • CI: skip deploy on PRs (be9aa5e)
  • dependabot: change versioning strategy (ec1f9e4)
  • deps-bot: add renovate.json (#17) (7730562)
  • deps-bot: enable pin version (c18d5fc)
  • deps-bot: setup renovate bot configuration (f0b3580)
  • deps-dev: bump @types/node from 16.7.10 to 16.9.0 (#12) (dfc617f)
  • deps-dev: bump @types/node from 16.7.8 to 16.7.10 (#11) (ae901ee)
  • deps-dev: bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin (#15) (42c5b50)
  • deps-dev: bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 4.30.0 to 4.31.0 (#13) (b25252b)
  • deps-dev: bump jest from 27.1.0 to 27.1.1 (#16) (3d18079)
  • deps-dev: bump prettier from 2.3.2 to 2.4.0 (#14) (87d2a4e)
  • Jest: enable Jest config intellisense (b8bd4b2)


31 Aug 21:24
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.2.0 (2021-08-31)

πŸš€ Building Work

  • deps-dev: bump @types/node from 16.7.6 to 16.7.8 (#9) (8fe49de)
  • deps-dev: bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin (#10) (5d8c499)
  • deps-dev: bump @typescript-eslint/parser from 4.29.3 to 4.30.0 (#8) (073c7d8)
  • deps-dev: bump eslint-plugin-prettier from 3.4.1 to 4.0.0 (#7) (7d675ca)

✨ Greedy

  • leetcode-0455: assign cookies (d31ddaa)

✨ Search

✨ Stack

  • leetcode-0496: next greater elment i (monotonic stack) (6097995)

✨ Array

  • leetcode-0453: minimum moves to equal array elements (a0eb9fe)
  • leetcode-0485: max consecutive ones (51d89af)
  • leetcode-0548: split array with equal sum (8a5014e)

✨ Graph

  • leetcode-0463: island perimeter (87f0b29)
  • leetcode-0547: number of provinces (812ae97)

✨ Tree

  • leetcode-0549: binary tree longest consecutive sequence ii (357d8a7)

✨ Hash Function

  • leetcode-0554: brick wall (b022178)

✨ String

  • leetcode-0459: repeated substring pattern (f4398ec)
  • leetcode-0500: keyboard row (fd92039)
  • leetcode-0521: longest uncommon subsequence i (9d91ce5)
  • leetcode-0522: longest uncommon subsequence ii (3d91195)
  • leetcode-0541: reverse string ii (9984cb6)
  • leetcode-0557: reverse words in a string iii (b93d4b1)

✨ Math

  • leetcode-0461: hamming distance (cb13d41)
  • leetcode-0476: number complement (ee844fe)
  • leetcode-0492: construct the rectangle (33bc287)
  • leetcode-0556: next greater element iii (monotonic stack) (056af00)


30 Aug 17:14
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.1.6 (2021-08-30)

✨ String

  • leetcode-0409: longest palindrome (1b48a1c)
  • leetcode-0434: number of segments in a string (97aa732)

✨ Tree

  • leetcode-0404: sum of left leaves (e129b3e)
  • leetcode-0437: path sum iii (708d501)

✨ Array

  • leetcode-0412: fizz buzz (ced54ec)
  • leetcode-0414: third maximum number (7ce8ebf)
  • leetcode-0438: find all anagrams in a string (928a12d)

✨ Math

  • leetcode-0401: binary watch (958fecb)
  • leetcode-0405: convert a number to hexadecimal (0fbfc54)
  • leetcode-0415: add strings (add big integer) (995635b)
  • leetcode-0441: arranging coins (f12c1b5)
  • leetcode-0447: number of boomerangs (a325c10)

✨ Hash Function

  • leetcode-0448: find all numbers disappeared in an array (d93d53c)

πŸš€ Building Work

  • deps-dev: bump @types/node from 16.7.4 to 16.7.6 (b5debed)


28 Aug 19:15
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.1.5 (2021-08-28)

✨ Queue

  • leetcode-0232: implement queue using stacks (f8e166a)

πŸš€ Building Work

  • deps-dev: bump @types/node from 16.7.1 to 16.7.4 (9748045)
  • deps-dev: bump jest from 27.0.6 to 27.1.0 (27ee729)
  • deps-dev: bump typescript from 4.3.5 to 4.4.2 (7e49374)

✨ Linked List

  • leetcode-0234: palindrome linked list (83c5995)
  • leetcode-0237: delete node in a linked list (4267e5a)

✨ Dynamic Programming

  • leetcode-0264: ugly number ii (digits dynamic programming) (a9b62d0)

✨ Hash Function

  • leetcode-0290: word patterns (f839b2b)

✨ Tree

  • leetcode-0235: lowest common ancestor of a binary search tree (b854cc4)
  • leetcode-0297: serialize and deserialize binary tree (cbf2215)
  • Segment Tree: implement segment tree for range update/query (0f6b129)

✨ Array

  • leetcode-0283: move zeros (3174e4b)
  • leetcode-0303: range sum query immutable (prefix sum) (e474ab1)
  • leetcode-0349: intersection of two arrays (8f2c26b)
  • leetcode-0350: intersection of two arrays ii (15f5153)

✨ Search

  • leetcode-0240: search a 2d matrix ii (c0e8b94)
  • leetcode-0278: first bad version (58f6a70)
  • leetcode-0374: guess number higher or lower (483bc77)

✨ String

  • leetcode-0242: valid anagram (2eed025)
  • leetcode-0344: reverse string (0045169)
  • leetcode-0345: reverse vowels of string (712c0bb)
  • leetcode-0383: ransom note (827b4d0)
  • leetcode-0387: first unique character in a string (db1cbff)
  • leetcode-0389: find the difference (1f5ee01)

✨ Math

  • leetcode-0231: power of two (2aaeb7d)
  • leetcode-0258: add digits (f38770c)
  • leetcode-0263: ugly number (03cd73a)
  • leetcode-0268: missing number (647d649)
  • leetcode-0292: nim game (5041a58)
  • leetcode-0326: power of three (e5c7d02)
  • leetcode-0342: power of four (792c17e)
  • leetcode-0367: valid perfect square (4007f1c)
  • leetcode-0371: sum of two integers (b839a96)
  • leetcode-0400: nth digit (388e1fd)


27 Aug 17:13
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.1.4 (2021-08-27)

✨ Hash Function

  • leetcode-0217: contains duplicate (d270460)
  • leetcode-0219: contains duplicate ii (09474bb)
  • leetcode-0220: contains duplicate iii (8dfb2e6)

✨ Stack

  • leetcode-0225: implement stack using queues (276f608)


26 Aug 16:45
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.1.3 (2021-08-26)

✨ String

  • codewars-rank: duplicate encoder (1b5ea3f)

✨ Stack

  • leetcode-0155: min stack (10ab39d)

✨ Search

  • leetcode-0153: find minimum in rotated sorted array (67f6557)
  • leetcode-0154: find minimum in rotated sorted array ii (59ae340)
  • leetcode-0162: find peak element (b5e31d4)
  • leetcode-0167: two sum ii input array is sorted (287b1d5)

✨ Array

  • leetcode-0169: majority element (2fe5799)
  • leetcode-0189: rotate array (3f4079a)

✨ Dynamic Programming

  • leetcode-0198: house robber (7e867f1)

✨ Math

  • leetcode-0136: single number (bitwise operator) (2bc474f)
  • leetcode-0137: single number ii (10f037e)
  • leetcode-0171: excel sheet column number (8a17b77)
  • leetcode-0172: factorial trailing zeroes (2cc9b5f)
  • leetcode-0190: reverse bits (4914578)
  • leetcode-0191: number of 1 bits (c622eec)
  • leetcode-0202: happy number (9df015b)
  • leetcode-0204: count primes (f4bbea3)

✨ Hash Function

  • leetcode-0205: isomorphic strings (5385742)

✨ Linked List

  • leetcode-0141: linked list cycle (two pointers algorithm) (9a627df)
  • leetcode-0142: linked cycle ii (set map) (4219be5)
  • leetcode-0160: intersection of two linked lists (e1a2aac)
  • leetcode-0203: remove linked list elements (b367fd4)
  • leetcode-0206: reverse linked list (8b78cff)


25 Aug 17:06
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.1.2 (2021-08-25)

✨ Tree

  • leetcode-0108: convert sorted array to binary search tree (5c84be9)
  • leetcode-0109: convert sorted list to binary search tree (502d3c0)
  • leetcode-0110: balanced binary tree (9802e1a)
  • leetcode-0111: minimum depth of binary tree (323d116)
  • leetcode-0112: path sum of binary tree (2a84aff)
  • leetcode-0113: path sum ii (cc10e95)

✨ Math

  • leetcode-0118: pascals triangle (196a7f8)
  • leetcode-0119: pascals triangle ii (993bb9d)

✨ Array

  • leetcode-0121: best time to buy and sell stock (570dca5)

✨ Greedy

  • leetcode-0122: best time to buy and sell stock ii (3846f8e)

✨ Dynamic Programming

  • leetcode-0123: best time to buy and sell stock iii (d17a66c)
  • leetcode-0188: best time to buy and sell stock iv (c566aa9)

✨ String

  • leetcode-0125: valid palindrome string (133c550)


25 Aug 10:01
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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

πŸŽ‰ 2.1.1 (2021-08-25)

✨ Tree

  • leetcode-0101: symmetric tree (077602b)
  • leetcode-0102: binary tree level order traversal (525e114)
  • leetcode-0103: binary tree zigzag level order traversal (f2ecc8a)
  • leetcode-0104: maximum depth of binary tree (277d1c1)
  • leetcode-0105: construct binary tree from preorder and inorder (8c4160d)
  • leetcode-0106: construct tree from inorder and postorder traversal (c155603)
  • leetcode-0107: binary tree bottom level order traversal (9a77237)

πŸ› Bug Fixes

  • leetcode-Tree: rectify tree nodes array type (8662ede)

πŸ”§ Testing

  • leetcode-List/Tree: add more testing (37bb2ea)
  • leetcode-List: add List testing (e70937b)
  • leetcode-Tree: add Tree testing (1c8748e)