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Project Backlog

Sabit Shaiholla edited this page May 21, 2024 · 1 revision

Project Backlog

Epic: MVP Development

Story: User Authentication (AUTH)

  1. Task: Design user registration form (AUTH-1)
  2. Task: Implement user registration backend logic (AUTH-2)
  3. Task: Implement login functionality (AUTH-3)
  4. Task: Securely store user credentials (AUTH-4)
  5. Task: Implement logout functionality (AUTH-5)

Story: Player Search & Report Generation (REPORT)

  1. Task: Design search interface (REPORT-1)
  2. Task: Implement search bar with autocomplete (REPORT-2)
  3. Task: Integrate Gemini Pro API to fetch player data (REPORT-3)
  4. Task: Design report template (REPORT-4)
  5. Task: Render reports dynamically on the page (REPORT-5)

Story: Ratings and Comments (RATING)

  1. Task: Design rating and comment input fields (RATING-1)
  2. Task: Implement backend logic to store ratings and comments (RATING-2)
  3. Task: Display average ratings and user comments (RATING-3)

Story: User Profiles (PROFILE)

  1. Task: Design user profile page (PROFILE-1)
  2. Task: Display user information and avatar (PROFILE-2)
  3. Task: Show history of ratings and comments (PROFILE-3)
  4. Task: Implement profile editing functionality (PROFILE-4)

Story: Other Users' Ratings (OTHERRATINGS)

  1. Task: Design page to list other users and ratings (OTHERRATINGS-1)
  2. Task: Implement functionality to view other users' ratings (OTHERRATINGS-2)
  3. Task: Ensure only owners can edit their ratings (OTHERRATINGS-3)