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API based banking app using Express, React, Redux, React Router, Webpack & materialize-css. Fully responsive. Uses mock data to operate.


  • Node JS
  • NPM / YARN
  • nodemon [ npm i -g nodemon ]

Quick start

  • Clone or download project
  • Run npm run quickstart or yarn quickstart in the root project directory
    • This will install server-side dependencies (Express server...)
    • Install client dependencies (react redux...)
    • If everything went right, it should then have compiled the css, created an Express server on PORT 5000 and a WebpackDevServer on PORT 3000 - which should open up in the browser. If it fails to open but compiled successfully, the react app can be viewed in the browser @ | http://localhost:3000.
      • Caution: Sometimes PORT 3000 can be busy, CLI will prompt to open the app at another port
  • You can use any of the following sample customer details to log into the app:


Brief project overview and file structure:

  • ./package.json : Server side dependencies & launch scripts to run both server and client simultaneously
  • ./app.js : init & configure Express server and backend routes mapping
  • ./routes : Express server API route handling modules
  • ./client : Client side app container -- bootstrapped with create-react-app
    • /src
      • /index.js : root js file - bootstraps the react app
      • App.js : App container - acts as a host for all react components & determines which components to render based on routing
      • /store.js : bootstraps redux store for state management
      • /index.css : app main stylesheet
      • /components : React components
        • / : root components representing the different sections of the customer portal
        • /atoms : single-purpose components
        • /molecules : multipurpose/complex components
      • /styles : app styles [ SASS ] - similar structure to react components directory structure
        • /index.scss : main stylesheet of app - imports materialize-css & all sass files -- compiles to ./client/src/index.css
      • /actions : redux action creators & dispatchers
        • /types.js : common constants used throughout the app
      • /reducers : redux reducers - where all the magic happens ;)
      • /models : Data models
      • /helpers : Reusable utility functions
      • /assets : images and fonts directory
      • /package.json : Client side dependencies and scripts - configures a proxy param to the backend API [@PORT 5000] for proper API calls handling on the client side
    • /public : Publicly accessible assets - hosts the base index.html
    • /build : Build directory
  • ./bin/www : Bootstraps Express server to run backend API
  • ./data : Mock-up data
  • ./public : Express server static assets, publicly accessible
  • ./views : Express views to render - uses PUG templating engine
  • ./services : helpers to use on backend API


  • Create fun 404 page
  • Add a NoSQL DB to persist changes
  • Deploy to an online platform

...and more!


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and Express Generator


MIT © sagarsys.