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Tektronix serial port DAQ


DAQ software for Tektronix scope TDS 3052 scope, with RS 232 connection.


These python libraries are required:

  • pyvisa
  • matplotlib
  • numpy

To install pyvisa with the backend, use

pip install pyvisa-py

If pyroot is installed, data will be saved to root files. If not, data will be saved as text files

You will need to be able to access serial ports on your machine. This can be done by changing the permissions on /dev/tty so that anyone chan change access them:

sudo chmod o+rw /dev/tty<port>

or by adding yourself to the 'dialout' group on your machine:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>

you will have to restart for this to take effect.


alt text

usage: Read data from a Tektronix TDS 3052 oscilloscpe via an RS-232 port
       [-h] [-p PORT] [-r BAUDRATE] [-u] [--nosave] [-o FILE] [-n NEVENTS]
       [-k] [-w CH] [-l LENGTH] [-c CH] [-t TRIG_LEVEL] [-s TRIG_SLOPE]
       [--vsca1 VSCALE] [--vsca2 VSCALE] [--coupl1 COUPL] [--coupl2 COUPL]
       [--imped1 IMPED] [--imped2 IMPED] [-b HSAMP] [-pt PRETRIGGER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PORT, --port PORT  The port to listen to
  -r BAUDRATE, --baudrate BAUDRATE
                        baud rate of port
  -u, --unlock          Unlock front panel then exit
  --nosave              Don't save data
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        Name of data file
  -k, --keep            Keep existing scope settings, ignoring other command
                        line arguments.
  -w CH, --wave CH      Record waveform data for channel CH; specify 'a' for
                        all channels.
  -l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
                        Specify the waveform recordlength; not independent of
                        the time base. Allowed values are: 5.E2 and 1.E4
  -n NEVENTS, --nevents NEVENTS
                        Number of events to record
  -c CH, --trsrc CH     Specify the trigger channel; specify '0' for 'EXT'
                        Specify trigger polarity (NEG or POS) and level (in
  -s TRIG_SLOPE, --trslope TRIG_SLOPE
                        Specify the trigger edge slope - FALL or RISE.
  --vsca1 VSCALE        Specify vertical scale (in volts) for channel 1.
  --vsca2 VSCALE        Specify vertical scale (in volts) for channel 2.
  --coupl1 COUPL        Specify coupling for channel 1, 'AC' or 'DC'; default
                        is 'DC'.
  --coupl2 COUPL        Specify coupling for channel 2.
  --imped1 IMPED        Specify impedance for channel 1, 'FIF' or 'MEG';
                        default is 'MEG'.
  --imped2 IMPED        Specify impedance for channel 2.
  -b HSAMP, --hsamp HSAMP
                        Specify the horizontal scale (in seconds); note that
                        this can effect the sample rate.
  -pt PRETRIGGER, --pretrigger PRETRIGGER
  	  	            Specify the amount of pretrigger (percent).


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