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Hadoop MapReduce computational model to perform analyses on DBLP publication data

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Map Reduce on DBLP data

Description: Design and implement an instance of the Hadoop MapReduce computational model to perform analyses on DBLP publication data


As part of this project, a MapReduce program is created for the parallel processing of the publicly available DBLP dataset. The dataset contains records for various publications by author(s) at different types of venues (like conferences, schools,books, and journals). Multiple map/reduce jobs have been defined to extract various insights from the dataset.

The map/reduce jobs created are :

  1. List top 10 authors published at each venue
  2. List publications with only 1 author at each venue
  3. List publications with highest number of authors for each venue
  4. List of top 100 authors who publish with most co-authors(in desc. order)
  5. List of 100 authors who publish without co-authors

Instructions to Execute

  • Setup Hadoop environment on the target system. Skip if already done. (Follow these steps if not)

  • Generate executable jar file

    • Clone this repository

    • Open root folder of the project in the terminal and assemble the project jar using command:

      sbt clean compile assembly

      This command compiles the source code, executes the test cases and builds the executable jar file “hw2_dblp_mapred.jar” in the folder “target/scala-2.13

  • Setup Hadoop environment

    • Start Hadoop DFS & YARN services using:

      • Start NameNode & DataNode daemons

      • Start ResourceManager & NodeManager daemons

      • Verify if daemons are running using:


    • Create directory in HDFS to store the input file:

      hdfs dfs -mkdir input

    • Place the dblp.xml file in the directory created above:

      hdfs dfs -put path/to/dblp.xml input

  • Execute jar file

    • Run the jar file using:

      hadoop jar hw2_dblp_mapred.jar job_num input

      • The argument ‘job_num’ has to be provided by user and can have possible values of 1/2/3/4/5 corresponding to the job being performed as described above and below

      • The output folder for the job results have been set in the config file ‘JobSpec.conf’ as follows:

        # Output paths for MapReduce jobs
        master_output_path = "output_hw2"
        Job1_output_path = "/top_10_authors_at_venues"
        Job2_output_path = "/pubs_with_1_author_at_venues"
        Job3_output_path = "/pubs_with_max_authors_at_venues"
        Job4_output_path = "/top_100_authors_max_coauthors"
        Job5_output_path = "/100_authors_0_coauthors"
      • The main output folder ‘output_hw2’ needs to be deleted if repeating any map/reduce job or else an error is raised. Delete folder using:

        hdfs dfs -rm -r output_hw2

    • After executing all jobs, extract the output files from the HDFS into a local directory “mapreduce_output” using:

      hdfs dfs -get output_hw2 mapreduce_output

      Output of all jobs is in CSV format.

  • Stop Hadoop services

    • Stop all daemons after execution is completed using:

Application Design

  • XML parsing

    • For parsing the dblp.xml file using the dblp.dtd schema I have used multiple tag XMLInputFormatter by Mohammed Siddiq, which is an implementation of Mahout's XMLInputFormat with support for multiple input and output tags.

    • The input and output tags are mentioned in the config file.

    • The tags considered are:

      <article ,<book ,<incollection ,<inproceedings ,<mastersthesis ,<proceedings ,<phdthesis ,<www

MapReduce Jobs

  • Job 1

    • Mapper Class: VenueTopTenAuthorsMapper
    • Reducer Class:VenueTopTenAuthorsReducer
    • Output path: output_hw2/top_10_authors_at_venues
    • Output format: key:<venue name> & value:<list of authors(seperated by ';')>
  • Job 2

    • Mapper Class:VenueOneAuthorMapper
    • Reducer Class:VenueOneAuthorReducer
    • Output path: output_hw2/pubs_with_1_author_at_venues"
    • Output format:key:<venue name> & value:<list of publications(seperated by ';')>
  • Job 3

    • Mapper Class:VenueTopPubMapper
    • Reducer Class:VenueTopPubReducer
    • Output path: output_hw2/pubs_with_max_authors_at_venues
    • Output format: key:<venue name> & value:<publication name>
  • Job 4

    • Mapper Class:CoAuthorCountMapper
    • Reducer Class:MostCoAuthorCountReducer
    • Output path: output_hw2/top_100_authors_max_coauthors
    • Output format:key:<author name> & value:<max. number of coauthors>
  • Job 5

    • Mapper Class:CoAuthorCountMapper
    • Reducer Class:ZeroCoAuthorCountReducer
    • Output path: output_hw2/100_authors_0_coauthors
    • Output format:key:<author name> & value:<0>