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BlazeOS Web Services (BWS)


⚠️ Important note ⚠️
Hardware is currently unavailable for purchase, due to a lack of funding

BWS (BlazeOS Web Services) has a hardware line.


BWS Ice is a friendlier alternative to the AWS Snowball hardware. Its main advantage is that you don't have to manually upload all data through the Internet slowly, and that it can all be placed on a giant storage device, and sent to an igloo. Its capacity ranges in the sizes of a hundred terabytes (100,000,000,000,000 bytes) to 3 zettabytes (3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes)

Go to the page for BWS Ice to read more (:octocat: GitHub)


Go to the page for BWS IceCicles to read more (:octocat: GitHub)


Go to the page for BWS IceCubes to read more (:octocat: GitHub)


Go to the page for BWS IceBlocks to read more (:octocat: GitHub)


Go to the page for BWS IceBergs to read more (:octocat: GitHub)


An igloo is a local datacenter where IceCicles, IceCubes, IceBlocks, and IceBergs are stored. To prevent creating a dependency, the user has the option to go to the data center and retrieve their hardware at any time, although you can also have it shipped to you.


The Zamboni software client is the client for BWS Ice devices. It is written in Java, and allows the maintenance of your storage devices. Unlike Amazons SnowMobiles, the Zamboni client and other tools pre-installed on BWS Ice is purely free software, with no software limitations. You can even install other software on it instead of Zamboni if needed.

Internal hardware

BWS hardware is currently not yet available, and is not in use.


A volcano is a data center for BlazeOS development. It is not for consumers to access physically, but it can be accessed virtually.

Other BWS hardware

No other BWS hardware is currently planned.

Original draft

The original draft for the technology of BWS Ice that helped build this page.

BWS Hardware

BWS IceCicles

Flash drive variant of BWS IceCubes
(variants: 100 terabytes (I) 256 terabytes (II) 512 terabytes (III) 1 petabyte (IV) )

BWS IceCubes

Alternative to AWS Snowballs, designed for less storage
(variants: 1 Petabyte (I) 2 petabytes (II) 4 petabytes (III) 5 petabytes (IV) 6 petabytes (V) 8 petabytes (VI) 10 petabytes (VII) 12 petabytes (VIII) 16 petabytes (IX) )

BWS IceBlocks
Medium-mega data storage
(variants: 1 exabyte (I) 2 exabytes (II) 4 exabytes (III) 5 exabytes (IV) 6 exabytes (V) 8 exabytes (VI) 10 exabytes (VII) 12 exabytes (VIII) 16 exabytes (IX) )

BWS IceBergs
Big data storage
(variants: 1 zettabyte (I) 2 zettabytes (II) 3 zettabytes (III) )

BWS Software for BWS Hardware

BWS Zamboni

Manages all BWS Hardware

File info

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File type: Markdown (*.md *.mkd *.mdown *.markdown)

File version: 1 (2022, Friday, August 19th at 5:05 pm PST)

Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 149

Current article language: English (EN_USA) / Markdown (CommonMark) / HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language 5.3)

Encoding: UTF-8 (Emoji 12.0 or higher recommended)

All times are UTC-7 (PDT/Pacific Time) (Please also account for DST (Daylight Savings Time) for older/newer entries up until it is abolished/no longer followed)

Note that on 2022, Sunday, March 13th at 2:00 am PST, the time jumped ahead 1 hour to 3:00 am.

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File history

Click/tap here to expand/collapse the file history section for this project

Version 1 (2022, Friday, August 19th at 5:05 pm PST)

This version was made by: @seanpm2001


  • Started the file
  • Added the title section
  • Added the BWS Ice section
    • Added the BWS IceCicle subsection
    • Added the BWS IceCubes subsection
    • Added the BWS IceBlocks subsection
    • Added the BWS IceBergs subsection
    • Added the BWS Igloo subsection
    • Added the BWS Zamboni subsection
  • Added the Internal hardware section
    • Added the Volcano subsection
  • Added the Other BWS hardware section
  • Added the Original draft section
  • Added the file info section
  • Added the file history section
  • No other changes in version 1