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  • WIZ is IDE for web development
  • Using angular more easy



  • install nodejs, npm, angular
apt install nodejs npm
npm i -g n
n stable
apt purge nodejs npm
  • install wiz python package
pip install season             # install
pip install season --upgrade   # upgrade lastest


  • create project and start web server
cd <workspace>
wiz create myapp
cd myapp
wiz run --port 3000
# `` on your web browser
  • start server as daemon
wiz server start # start daemon server
wiz server stop  # stop daemon server
  • regist system service for linux
# run on wiz project root directory
wiz service regist myapp
wiz service start myapp
  • upgrade ide from command line
pip install season --upgrade # upgrade core
wiz ide upgrade # ide upgrade


Create Project

  • wiz create [Project Name]
    • Example
      wiz create myapp

plugin commands

  • wiz command <plugin name> args
    • Example
      wiz command workspace build main

Daemon API

  • wiz run --host=<host> --port=<port> --log=<log file path>

    • Flag
      Flag Syntax Description
      --port wiz run [action] --port=PORT Web server port, Default 3000
      --host wiz run [action] --host=HOST Web server host, Default
      --log wiz run [action] --log=PATH Log file path, Default None
    • Example
      wiz run --port=3000
      wiz run --port=3000 --host=
      wiz run --port 3000 --log wiz.log
  • wiz server [action] --log=<log file path> --force

    • Action
      Action Syntax Description
      start wiz server start [flags] Start wiz server as daemon
      stop wiz server stop [flags] Stop wiz server daemon
      restart wiz server restart [flags] Restart wiz server daemon
    • Flag
      Flag Syntax Description
      --log wiz server [action] --log=PATH Log file path, Default None
      --force wiz server start --force Force start daemon
    • Example
      wiz server start --force
      wiz server stop
      wiz server restart

Service API

  • wiz service list

    • Example
      wiz service list
  • wiz service regist [name] [port]

    • Same AS
      • install
    • Example
      wiz service regist myapp
      # or
      wiz service install myapp src 3001
      # or
      wiz service install myapp bundle 3001
  • wiz service unregist [name]

    • Same AS
      • uninstall, remove, delete, rm
    • Example
      wiz service unregist myapp
      # or
      wiz service remove myapp
  • wiz service status [name]

    • Example
      wiz service status myapp
  • wiz service start [name]

    • Example
      wiz service start myapp
      wiz service start # start all services
  • wiz service stop [name]

    • Example
      wiz service stop myapp
      wiz service stop  # stop all services
  • wiz service restart [name]

    • Example
      wiz service restart myapp
      wiz service restart  # restart all services

Bundle Project

  • wiz bundle --project=<Project Name>
    • Example
      wiz bundle # bundle main project
      wiz bundle --project=main
    • Output
      • <workspace>/bundle file created after run bundle api
      • run using command wiz run --bundle
      • or adding services using wiz service install <myservice> bundle

Version Policy


  • x: major update
    • upgrade not supported
  • y: minor update
    • support command upgrade
    • core function changed
    • required server restart
  • z: ui update
    • support upgrade from web ui
    • not required server restart

Release Note


  • [plugin/workspace] readme tab in portal apps


  • [core] add python packages for wiz assitant


  • [plugin/workspace] selector not created bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] support tailwind config file
  • [plugin/utility] WIZ Assistant (GPT)
    • System Setting - IDE Option
      openai_key = "GPT KEY"
      openai_model = "gpt-4o" 
      assistant_guide = "소스코드 작성시에는 탭사이즈는 4로 만들어줘. pug 작성시에는 body 하위 코드만 작성해줘."
      assistant_path = "src/reference"
      def acl(wiz):
          ip = wiz.request.ip()
    • System Setting - IDE Menu
          "name": "WIZ Assistant",
          "id": "",
          "icon": "fa-solid fa-robot",
          "width": 480


  • [plugin/workspace] package.json update bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] angular.json update bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] support tailwindcss
    • npm install tailwindcss (use NPM Packages Menu)
    • add tailwind.min.css at angular/
          "assets": [],
          "styles": [
          "scripts": []


  • [plugin/workspace] portal framework bug fixed (app/widget create)


  • [core] util.filesystem bug fixed


  • [core] wiz.config bug fixed


  • [core] fixed library path not included error


  • [core] upgrade to flask 3
  • [core] enhanced 3rd-party plugin concept
  • [core] branch renamed as project
  • [core] util function structure changed (eg. season.util.os.FileSystem to season.util.fs)
  • [core] support plugin command (3rd-party command)
  • [core] support plugin filter (customized route)
  • [core] project and ide structure changed
  • [core] remove workspace object (changed to wiz.project or wiz.ide)
  • [plugins] update wiz api changes


  • major issues
    • move build logic to ide plugin
    • add bundle structure
    • localize angular cli
    • add linux service cli
    • add statusbar at bottom of ide
  • [core] move build logic to ide plugin
  • [core] add bundle structure
  • [core] localize angular cli
  • [core] add linux service cli
  • [core] add statusbar at bottom of ide
  • [plugin] define model at plugin
  • [plugin/workspace] angular build logic changed
  • [plugin/workspace] integrated portal framework plugin at workspace
  • [plugin/workspace] build portal framework on builder model
  • [plugin/workspace] portal framework controller bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] portal framework editore in command
  • [plugin/core] update auto complete in monaco editor
  • [core] upgrade to angular 17
  • [core] cache bug fixed (conflict branch)
  • [core] command change (bundle -> pkg)
  • [core] change requirement for python old version support
  • [plugin/workspace] create widget bug at portal module fixed
  • [core] add dependency (flask-socketio)
  • [core] upgrade to angular 16
  • [core] color changed
  • [core] add build command
  • [plugin/workspace] tree view component changed
  • [plugin/git] commit bug fixed
  • [core] wiz.response stream api
  • [plugin/workspace] bug at app create fixed
  • [core] cache added for wiz config
  • [core] cache added for wiz components (model, controller, api)
  • [core] bundle command added
  • [core] service command upgraded (add bundle option)
  • [core] service command upgraded (add port option)
  • [core] boot config changed
  • [core] boot config changed
  • [plugin/workspace] portal framework widget create bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] statusbar bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] npm plugin bug fixed
  • [core] default plugin config bug fixed (portal framework)
  • [core] assets path bug fixed
  • [core] bundle path bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] config list bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] app.json bug fixed


  • major issues
    • ide overlay menu
    • shortcut config (plugin & user customized)
  • [plugin/portal] add portal framework plugin
  • [plugin/workspace] refresh list bug fixed
  • [core] ide monaco editor bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] Usability improvements
  • [plugin/core] Auto Complete keyword
  • [core] toastr on build error
  • [plugin/workspace] hidden portal framework on route
  • [plugin/workspace] image viewer
  • [core] angular version upgrade
  • [core] typescript dependencies bug fixed


  • major issues
    • ide plugin concept changed
    • ide layout changed
    • ide config concept added
  • [plugin/core] move to app link in monaco editor
  • [plugin/core] add core plugins upgrade button
  • [plugin/core] add restart server button
  • [plugin/workspace] add app/route editor service
  • [plugin/workspace] preview bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] page namespace bug fixed
  • [plugin/workspace] set default code if component.ts not exists
  • [plugin/workspace] import & create app bug fixed
  • [plugin/core] remove useless log
  • [plugin/workspace] config folder bug fixed
  • [plugin] bug fixed (remove unused file)
  • [plugin/workspace] add route build
  • [plugin/workspace] remove useless log
  • [plugin] core plugin updated
  • [core] add lib/plugin object
  • [command] bug fixed


  • major issues
    • upgrade base project to angular 14.2.0
    • UI/UX full changed
    • Drag and Drop Interface
    • git branch to project (multiple project in workspace)
    • Enhanced IDE Plugin and easily develop 3rd party apps
    • support pip and npm on ui
  • ide socket
  • auto install @angular/cli
  • angular 15
  • flask response bug fixed (on filesend)
  • wiz bundle mode
  • update wiz server command (multiprocess)
  • config bug fixed
  • socketio bug fixed (ide controller)
  • threading bug fixed (flask, socketio)


  • major issue
    • clean code
    • full changed ide
    • remove season-flask concept
    • enhanced performance
    • logging for wiz concept
    • upgrade plugin structure
    • config structure changed
    • stable version for git merge
  • add wiz server start --log <file> method
  • print bug fixed
  • add daemon server command
  • Socket.IO transport
  • server starting log
  • auto remove invalid character on update
  • WSGI Bug Fixed
  • remove dukpy (windows install bug)
  • support macosx


  • support plugin storage
  • port scan when wiz project created
  • wiz based online plugin development env
  • support programmable api for plugins
  • remove useless resources
  • socketio config (config/
  • packages version bug fixed (jinja2, werkzeug)
  • add src folder for tracing plugin code
  • check installed function (wiz.installed())
  • forced dev mode in dev branch (if not master)
  • wiz resource_handler updated
  • add function response(flask_resp) and pil_image at response
  • add babel script option
  • add wiz.path() function
  • git merge bug fixed
  • update wiz theme render logic
  • git merge logic changed
  • wiz instance as global in wiz api
  • add match api at wiz instance


  • Integrate WIZ & Season Flask
  • support git flow
  • workspace structure changed
  • base code workspace changed (mysql to filesystem)
  • UI upgrade
  • support installer
  • developer/production mode
    • developer: enabled socketio logger on every pages
    • production: disabled socketio logger
  • dictionary bug fixed in App HTML
  • history display ui changed (workspace)
  • app browse in route workspace
  • add cache clean in workspace
  • git bug changed (if author is not set, default user to wiz)
  • full size log viewer
  • keyword changed
  • cache bug fixed
  • socketio performance upgrade
  • wiz.js embeded
  • WIZ API (js) changed (async mode)


  • add
  • framework on build
  • command run modified (add pattern, ignores)
  • change Framework Object


  • framework structure upgraded
  • command line tool function changed
  • submodule structure added
  • logging
  • simplify public directory structure
  • add response.template_from_string function
  • add response.template function
  • add variable expression change option
  • interface loader update
  • config onerror changed
  • add response.abort
  • error handler in controller __error__
  • response redirect update (relative module path)
  • logger upgrade (file trace bug fixed)
  • logger upgrade (log executed file trace)
  • logger upgrade (code trace)
  • error handler bug fixed
  • apache wsgi bug fixed (public/
  • apache wsgi bug fixed