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  • ESP32 TTGO T-Display (CP 2104 Chip)
  • computer
  • USB-C cord
  • button
  • joystick
  • potentiometer
  • wires
  • 1/8 in acrylic sheet
  • acrylic glue
  • hot glue
  • wood blocks
  • soldering tools
  • laser cutter

Make at Home

Setup Arduino

  • Download and open the Arduino IDE (Download)
  • Open Preferences
  • Copy and paste the following link ( into Additonal Boards Manager URLs to add the ESP package
  • Select Tools > Boards > Boards Manager, then search for esp32 and install the most recent version
  • Select Tools > Boards > ESP32 Arduino > TTGO T1
  • Select Tools > Manage Libraries, then search for TFT_eSPI and install the most recent version
  • In your file storage system, find the Arduino folder
  • Open Arduino/libraries/TFT_eSPI/User_Setup_Select.h
  • Comment out the line that says #include <User_Setup.h>
  • Uncomment the line that says #include <User_Setups/Setup25_TTGO_T_Display.h>

Test ESP32 TTGO T-Display

  • Open the Arduino IDE
  • Select Files > Examples > TFT_eSPI > 160 x 128 > RLE_font_test
  • Plug in the ESP32 TTGO T-Display
  • Select Sketch > Upload

Setup Python Serial Ports

Upload Esp32 Serial Communication

  • Open the Arduino IDE
  • Open Esp32_Serial_Communication/device/device.ino from the Arduino IDE
  • Plug in the ESP32 TTGO T-Display
  • Select Sketch > Upload

Build Hardware

Solder Button

  • Solder the + (voltage in) end of the button to a ground pin of the ESP32
  • Solder the - (voltage out) end of the button to the GPIO Pin #37 of the ESP32

Solder Potentiometer

  • Solder the V_in (voltage in, the first pin) end of the potentiometer to a 3V pin of the ESP32 (the 3V pin on the bottom left)
  • Solder the V_out (voltage out, the second pin) end of the potentiometer to the GPIO Pin #12 of the ESP32
  • Solder the GND (ground, the third pin) end of the potentiometer to a ground pin of the ESP32 (the second ground pin on the top left)

Solder Joystick

  • Solder the GND (ground, the first pin) end of the potentiometer to a ground pin of the ESP32 (the ground pin on the bottom right)
  • Solder the +5V (voltage in, the second pin) end of the potentiometer to a 3V pin of the ESP32 (the 3V pin on the top right)
  • Solder the VRx (x-axis potentiometer, the third pin) end of the potentiometer to the GPIO Pin #27 of the ESP32
  • Solder the VRy (y-axis potentiometer, the fourth pin) end of the potentiometer to the GPIO Pin #26 of the ESP32
  • Solder the SW (button, the fifth pin) end of the potentiometer to the GPIO Pin #25 of the ESP32

Make Case

Cut Case

  • Download Case/caseplans.svg
  • Upload file to a laser cutter
  • Choose a sheet of 1/8 in acrylic (can also be made of cardboard or wood)
  • Cut out the pattern
  • Drill a hole in the side of the box that fits your USB-C cable so the Esp32 can be plugged in
  • Cut a 2.25 in block of wood for the Esp32
  • Cut a 1.50 in block of wood for the joystick
  • Cut a 2.00 in block of wood for the potentiometer

Assemble Case

  • Use acrylic glue to assemble the box, but do not attach the bottom panel with the single hole in the corner
  • Use sandpaper to remove all harsh edges on the blocks of wood
  • Hot glue the joystick and potentiometer to their blocks of wood
  • Screw the button into place (if button is too small, add a small zip tie before screwing on)
  • Hot glue each block of wood so the corresponding peripheral fits in the correct sized hole
  • Place the Esp32 over its block, plug it in, and carefully close the box

Run Device

  • Plug the device into your computer
  • Open Digital_Music_Box/index.html in the browser of your choice
  • Play your digital synthesizer and control it with your music box

More Information

Medium Blog Post:

Youtube Demo:

Special Thanks to Professor Mark Santolucito and the staff at the Barnard Design Center for all of their help!!!