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Training the mention recognizer

Execute the following arguments to train the mention recognizer:

python src/mention_recognizer/mention_recognizer


  • --model_name: Specify the pre-trained model name or path (default: "distilbert-base-cased").
  • --mode: Set the operational mode (choices: "train," "evaluate," "predict") (default: "train").
  • --dataset_path: Path to the training dataset (default: "data/rebel/en_train.jsonl").
  • --output_path: Specify the output directory or path (default: "bert-finetuned-ner").

Training of entity linker / relation extractor

The main command is:

python src/candidate_generation/


  • --mode: Choose the mode (choices: TRAIN, INDEX, CANDIDATES, TRAIN_CE) (default: TRAIN).
  • --train_dataset: Path to the training dataset (default: "data/rebel/en_train.jsonl").
  • --eval_dataset: Path to the evaluation dataset (default: "data/rebel/en_val.jsonl").
  • --output_path: Path to the output directory (default: "run_training_bi_encoder").
  • --model_directory: Specify the directory for the model (default: "models/small").
  • --checkpoint_path: Specify the checkpoint path (default: None).
  • --candidate_generation_dataset: Path to the dataset for candidate generation; important for mode CANDIDATES (default: "data/rebel/en_train.jsonl").
  • --training_candidate_set_path: Path to the training candidate set; important for mode TRAIN_CE (default: "data/rebel/en_train_mapped_candidate_set.json").
  • --eval_candidate_set_path: Path to the evaluation candidate set; important for mode TRAIN_CE (default: "data/rebel/en_val_mapped_candidate_set.json").
  • --model_name: Specify the model name (default: "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L12-v2").
  • --batch_size: Set the batch size for training (default: 128).
  • --num_candidates: Number of candidates to consider during training of cross-encoder (default: 10).
  • --candidate_weight: Set the weight of the candidate loss for the cross-encoder (default: 1.0).
  • --normalize: Enable/disable embeddings normalization (default: True).
  • --exclude_types: Exclude types in relation extraction (default: False).
  • --types_index_path: Specify the types index path (default: None).
  • --filter_set_path: Specify the filter set path (default: None).
  • --type_dictionary_file: Specify the type dictionary file (default: "data/item_types_relation_extraction_alt.jsonl").

Training the bi-encoder

Execute the following arguments to train the bi-encoder:

python src/candidate_generation/ --mode TRAIN --train_dataset {train_dataset} --eval_dataset {eval_dataset}

Then we create an index for the bi-encoder:

python src/candidate_generation/ --mode INDEX --model_directory {model_directory}

Training the cross-encoder with relation extraction

To train the cross-encoder, we need initial candidate sets. We can generate them with the following command:

python src/candidate_generation/ --mode CANDIDATES --model_directory {model_directory} --candidate_generation_dataset {candidate_generation_dataset}

This has to be done for the validation and training dataset.

Then we can train the cross-encoder with the following command:

python src/candidate_generation/ --mode TRAIN_CE --train_dataset {train_dataset} --eval_dataset {eval_dataset} --training_candidate_set_path {training_candidate_set_path} --eval_candidate_set_path {eval_candidate_set_path}

Training only the relation extractor

For that, we simply reduce the number of candidates to 0 and eliminate the candidate loss:

python src/candidate_generation/ --mode TRAIN_CE --num_candidates 0 --candidate_weight 0.0 --train_dataset {train_dataset} --eval_dataset {eval_dataset} --training_candidate_set_path {training_candidate_set_path} --eval_candidate_set_path {eval_candidate_set_path}

Running DISCIE


The script accepts several command-line arguments for configuring its behavior. Here is a list of available arguments and their descriptions:

  • --debug: Enable debugging mode (default: False).
  • --spoof_boundaries: Use provided boundaries instead of doing mention recognition (default: False).
  • --include_mention_scores: Include mention scores into the combined scores (default: False).
  • --include_property_scores: Include property scores into the combined scores (default: False).
  • --alternative_relation_extractor: Use an alternative relation extractor (default: False).
  • --alternative_relation_extractor_use_types: Use types with the alternative relation extractor (default: False).
  • --alternative_relation_extractor_deactivate_text: Deactivate text with the alternative relation extractor (default: False).
  • --disambiguation_mode: Set the disambiguation mode (choices: SIMPLE, ...) (default: SIMPLE).
  • --dataset_path: Specify the dataset path (default: "data/rebel_small/en_val_small_v2_filtered.jsonl").
  • --bi_encoder_path: Specify the path to the bi-encoder model (default: "models/run_training_bi_encoder_new").
  • --mention_recognizer_path: Specify the path to the mention recognizer model (default: "models/mention_recognizer_2023-07-22_18-10-13/model-epoch=06-val_f1=0.85_val_f1.ckpt").
  • --crossencoder_path: Specify the path to the crossencoder model (default: "models/crossencoder_checkpoints/model-epoch=13-val_triple_f1=0.85_triple_f1.ckpt").
  • --relation_extractor_path: Specify the path to a separate relation extractor model (default: "models/cross_encoder_2023-07-26_16-30-38/model-epoch=25-val_triple_f1=0.90_triple_f1.ckpt").
  • --entity_restrictions: Specify entity restrictions (default: None). Necessary when evaluating on restricted datasets.
  • --property_restrictions: Specify property restrictions (default: None). Necessary when evaluating on restricted datasets.
  • --mention_threshold: Set the mention threshold (default: 0.5).
  • --property_threshold: Set the property threshold (default: 0.5).
  • --combined_threshold: Set the combined threshold (default: 0.5).
  • --num_candidates: Specify the number of candidates (default: 10).
  • --mode: Set the evaluation mode (choices: ET, E) (default: ET). ET evaluates for several thresholds, E only for the specified thresholds.

You can customize the script's behavior by providing these command-line arguments when running the script.

python src/discriminative_cie/

Reproduce results

Download datasets from GenIE paper

Download the datasets by following the instructions in the GenIE paper:

  • WikipediaNRE
  • GeoNRE
  • FewRel

Train the mention recognizer on the Rebel dataset:

python src/mention_recognizer/ --mode TRAIN --dataset_path {rebel_train_dataset_path} --output_path {mention_recognizer_output_path}

  • {rebel_train_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel training dataset.
  • {mention_recognizer_output_path}: Path to the mention recognizer output directory.
  • Example: python src/mention_recognizer/ --mode TRAIN --dataset_path data/rebel/en_train.jsonl --output_path models/mention_recognizer

Train the bi-encoder on the Rebel dataset:

python src/candidate_generation/ --mode TRAIN --train_dataset {rebel_train_dataset_path} --eval_dataset {rebel_val_dataset_path} --output_path {bi_encoder_output_path}

  • {rebel_train_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel training dataset.
  • {rebel_val_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel validation dataset.
  • {bi_encoder_output_path}: Path to the bi-encoder output directory.
  • Example: python src/candidate/generation/ --mode TRAIN --train_dataset data/rebel/en_train.jsonl --eval_dataset data/rebel/en_val.jsonl --output_path models/run_training_bi_encoder

Generate candidates for the Rebel dataset:

python src/candidate_generation/ --mode CANDIDATES --model_directory {bi_encoder_output_path} --candidate_generation_dataset {rebel_train_dataset_path}

  • {bi_encoder_output_path}: Path to the bi-encoder output directory.
  • {rebel_train_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel training dataset.
  • Example: python src/candidate_generation/ --mode CANDIDATES --model_directory models/run_training_bi_encoder --candidate_generation_dataset data/rebel/en_train.jsonl

Train the cross-encoder on the Rebel dataset:

python src/candidate/generation/ --mode TRAIN_CE --train_dataset {rebel_train_dataset_path} --eval_dataset {rebel_val_dataset_path} --training_candidate_set_path {training_candidate_set_path} --eval_candidate_set_path {eval_candidate_set_path}

  • {rebel_train_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel training dataset.
  • {rebel_val_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel validation dataset.
  • {training_candidate_set_path}: Path to the training candidate set.
  • {eval_candidate_set_path}: Path to the evaluation candidate set.
  • Example: python src/candidate_generation/ --mode TRAIN_CE --train_dataset data/rebel/en_train.jsonl --eval_dataset data/rebel/en_val.jsonl --training_candidate_set_path data/rebel/en_train_candidates.jsonl --eval_candidate_set_path data/rebel/en_val_candidates.jsonl

Optionally, train a separate relation extractor on the Rebel dataset:

python src/relation_extractor/ --mode TRAIN_CE --num_candidates 0 --candidate_weight 0.0 --train_dataset {rebel_train_dataset_path} --eval_dataset {eval_dataset} --training_candidate_set_path {training_candidate_set_path} --eval_candidate_set_path {eval_candidate_set_path}

  • {rebel_train_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel training dataset.
  • {rebel_val_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel validation dataset.
  • {relation_extractor_output_path}: Path to the relation extractor output directory.
  • Example: python src/candidate_generation/ --mode TRAIN_CE --num_candidates 0 --candidate_weight 0.0 --train_dataset data/rebel/en_train.jsonl --eval_dataset data/rebel/en_val.jsonl --training_candidate_set_path data/rebel/en_train_candidates.jsonl --eval_candidate_set_path data/rebel/en_val_candidates.jsonl

Run DISCIE on the Rebel dataset:

python src/discriminative_cie/ --mode ET --dataset_path {rebel_val_dataset_path} --bi_encoder_path {bi_encoder_output_path} --mention_recognizer_path {mention_recognizer_output_path} --crossencoder_path {cross_encoder_output_path} --relation_extractor_path {relation_extractor_output_path}

python src/discriminative_cie/ --mode E --dataset_path {rebel_test_dataset_path} --bi_encoder_path {bi_encoder_output_path} --mention_recognizer_path {mention_recognizer_output_path} --crossencoder_path {cross_encoder_output_path} --relation_extractor_path {relation_extractor_output_path}

  • {rebel_test_dataset_path}: Path to the Rebel test dataset.
  • {bi_encoder_output_path}: Path to the bi-encoder output directory.
  • {mention_recognizer_output_path}: Path to the mention recognizer output directory.
  • {cross_encoder_output_path}: Path to the cross-encoder output directory.
  • {relation_extractor_output_path}: Path to the relation extractor output directory.
  • Example: python src/discriminative_cie/ --mode ET --dataset_path data/rebel/en_val.jsonl --bi_encoder_path models/run_training_bi_encoder --mention_recognizer_path models/mention_recognizer_2023-07-22_18-10-13/model-epoch=06-val_f1=0.85_val_f1.ckpt --crossencoder_path models/crossencoder_checkpoints/model-epoch=13-val_triple_f1=0.85_triple_f1.ckpt --relation_extractor_path models/relation_extractor/model-epoch=15-val_triple_f1=0.90_triple_f1.ckpt
  • Example: python src/discriminative_cie/ --mode E --dataset_path data/rebel/en_test.jsonl --bi_encoder_path models/run_training_bi_encoder --mention_recognizer_path models/mention_recognizer_2023-07-22_18-10-13/model-epoch=06-val_f1=0.85_val_f1.ckpt --crossencoder_path models/crossencoder_checkpoints/model-epoch=13-val_triple_f1=0.85_triple_f1.ckpt --relation_extractor_path models/relation_extractor/model-epoch=15-val_triple_f1=0.90_triple_f1.ckpt

Repeat the above steps for the other datasets. Optionally, fine-tune the REBEL-trained models on the other datasets.


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