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Xylograph is multi canvas management library of wrapping Canvas API compatible library.

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Xylograph is multi canvas management library of wrapping Canvas API compatible library.


The npm module is in preparation.


If use node-canvas library:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as NodeCanvas from "canvas";
import {Xylograph, Canvas} from "xylograph";

const width = 800;
const height = 600;

// Declare function type
interface XylographFunctionTypes {
    createCanvas: (w: number, h: number) => NodeCanvas.Canvas;
    canvasToImage: (canvas: Canvas<NodeCanvas.Canvas>) => NodeCanvas.Image;
    canvasToBinary: (canvas: Canvas<NodeCanvas.Canvas>) => Buffer;

// Create Xylograph
const xg = new Xylograph<NodeCanvas.Canvas, XylographFunctionTypes>({
  // Create canvas function
  createCanvas: (w: number, h: number) => NodeCanvas.createCanvas(w, h),
  // Create image from canvas
  canvasToImage: (canvas: Canvas<NodeCanvas.Canvas>) => {
    const img = new NodeCanvas.Image();
    img.src = canvas.toBuffer("image/png");
    return img;
  // Create binary from canvas
  canvasToBinary: (canvas: Canvas<NodeCanvas.Canvas>) => {
    return canvas.toBuffer();
  canvasWidth: width,
  canvasHeight: height

// Add background canvas
const bg = xg.addCanvas("background");
const bgCtx = bg.getContext("2d");
bgCtx.fillStyle = "#333333";
bgCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

// Add text canvas
const text = xg.addCanvas("text");
const textCtx = text.getContext("2d");
textCtx.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
textCtx.textAlign = "center";
textCtx.textBaseline = "middle";
textCtx.font = "bold 80px sans-serif;"
textCtx.fillText("Xylograph", width / 2, height / 2);

// Output DataURL of merged canvas.
console.log(xg.toDataURL()); // => ...

// Output image binary of merged canvas, and write to filesystem.
fs.writeFileSync("./output.png", xg.toBinary("image/png"));



Xylograph constructor.

new Xylograph<CanvasType, XylographFunctionTypes>(xylographOption)


  • CanvasType: Canvas type from Canvas API compatible library.
  • XylographFunctionTypes: Defining the type of function that connects Canvas and Xylograph.


  • xylographOption: Xylograph option object.


  • createCanvas: Type definition of function to create a blank Canvas object.
  • canvasToImage: Type definition of function to convert Image object from canvas.
  • canvasToBinary: Type definition of function to convert binary from canvas.


  • createCanvas: Function of create a blank Canvas object. Apply XylographFunctionTypes.createCanvas type.
  • canvasToImage: Function of convert Image object from canvas. Apply XylographFunctionTypes.canvasToImage type.
  • canvasToBinary: function of convert binary from canvas. Apply XylographFunctionTypes.canvasToBinary type.
  • canvasWidth: Canvas width. Unit is px.
  • canvasHeight: Canvas height. Unit is px.


Create a canvas and add it to Xylograph object. Return of created canvas object.

xylograph.addCanvas(canvasName: string) => Canvas
  • canvasName: New canvas name. If specified canvas name does existed in xylograph, add number to tail of canvas name (e.g.: NewCanvas[1], NewCanvas[2]).


Get canvas object of specified canvas name from xylograph. If specified canvas name does not exist, return of undefined.

xylograph.getCanvas(canvasName: string) => Canvas | undefined
  • canvasName: Target canvas name.


Remove canvas of specified canvas name from xylograph.

xylograph.removeCanvas(canvasName: string) => void
  • canvasName: Target canvas name.

Xylograph.renameCanvas(targetCanvasName, newCanvasName)

Rename the canvas of the specified canvas name. Return of renamed canvas name.

If the specified targetCanvasName and newCanvasName does invalid, or specified canvas does not exist, return of undefined. If specified new canvas name does existed in xylograph, add number to tail of canvas name (e.g.: NewCanvas[1], NewCanvas[2]).

xylograph.renameCanvas(targetCanvasName: string, newCanvasName: string) => string | undefined
  • targetCanvasName: Target canvas name.
  • newCanvasName: New canvas name.


Change the order of the canvases by specifying the canvas name. If not specified all canvas name, unspecified canvas does remove.

xylograph.moveCanvas(canvasNames: string[]) => void
  • canvasNames: An array of canvas names of specified order.

Xylograph.duplicateCanvas(originCanvasName, duplicateCanvasName)

Duplicate the canvas with the specified name. Return of duplicated canvas.

If the specified originCanvasName does invalid, or specified canvas does not exist, return of undefined. If duplicateCanvasName does not specified, or existed in xylograph, add number to tail of canvas name (e.g.: NewCanvas[1], NewCanvas[2]).

xylograph.duplicateCanvas(originCanvasName: string, duplicateCanvasName?: string) => Canvas | undefined
  • originCanvasName: The name of the origin canvas.
  • duplicateCanvasName: The name of the duplicated canvas. Not required.

Xylograph.mergeCanvas(mergeCanvasNames, forceCompositeOperation)

Merge all the specified canvases into the first one among the specified canvases. After merging, remove all canvases other than the first one. Return of merged canvas.

If the specified mergeCanvasNames does invalid, return of undefined.

xylograph.mergeCanvas(mergeCanvasNames: string[], forceCompositeOperation?: string) => Canvas | undefined
  • mergeCanvasNames: The name of specified canvases.
  • forceCompositeOperation: Force composite operation. If specified forceCompositeOperation, use forceCompositeOperation value instead of compositeOperation property of canvas. Not required.


Get all the canvases in xylograph. Return the canvas array.

xylograph.getCanvases() => Canvas[]


Replace canvases of xylograph.

xylograph.setCanvases(canvases: Canvas[]) => void
  • canvases: The canvas array to replace.


Get all canvas names in xylograph. Return the string array.

xylograph.getCanvasNames() => string[]

Xylograph.resize(width, height, sx, sy, sw, sh)

Resize all canvases in xylograph.

xylograph.resize(width: number, height: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, sw?: number, sh?: number) => void
  • width: Resized canvas width.
  • height: Resized canvas height.
  • sx: Clipping start X position. Not required.
  • sy: Clipping start Y position. Not required.
  • sw: Clipping width. Not required.
  • sh: Clipping height. Not required.


Get data URL merging all canvases in xylograph.

xylograph.toDataURL() => string


Get binary data merging all canvases in xylograph.

xylograph.toBinary(...args: any[]) => any

The argument and return type are of the type specified by the type system.


interface toBinaryOption {
  quality: number;
interface XylographFunctionTypes {
    // ...
    canvasToBinary: (canvas: Canvas<NodeCanvas.Canvas>, mimeType?: string, option?: toBinaryOption) => Buffer;

const xg = new Xylograph<NodeCanvas.Canvas, XylographFunctionTypes>({
  // ...
  canvasToBinary: (canvas: Canvas<NodeCanvas.Canvas>, mimeType?: binaryMimeType, option?: toBinaryOption) => {
    if(mimeType == "image/jpeg") return canvas.toBuffer(mimeType, option);
    return canvas.toBuffer();
  // ...

// The added arguments are passed to the second and subsequent arguments of the canvasToBinary function.
xylograph.toBinary("image/jpeg", { quality: 0.5 }) // => Buffer


Additional property of Canvas object.

canvas.xylograph: {
  readonly name: string;
  compositeOperation: string;
  hidden: boolean;
  • name: Canvas name in xylograph object. Read-only property (If rename use renameCanvas method).
  • compositeOperation: A composite operation to be used when composing with another canvas. Specifies permitted compositing operations in a Canvas API compatible interface.
  • hidden: Hide it when merging with other canvases.
canvas.xylograph.compositeOperation = "screen";
canvas.xylograph.hidden = true;

// Rename
xylograph.renameCanvas("targetName", "newName");


Xylograph is multi canvas management library of wrapping Canvas API compatible library.







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