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Author: Sidharth Mishra << [email protected] >>


Just for Fun! Jk To check out the ways we can stream/transport compute in distributed/multi-agent networks (?)

Personally, I use it for fun lol!

This application simulates a way of transporting compute over the network. The scriptwar consists of a HTTP webserver.

The game has 2 contexts /attack and /receive.


The server has 2 contexts /serialize and /deserialize.


The /attack context is used to submit the attack to the opponent via a POST request. It takes the host and port of the agent to attack as x-www-form-urlencoded parameters. The attack's damage is computed from the js script used while starting the game!


The /receive context is used to receive the attack from the opponent via a POST request. If the your HP drops below 0, your game ends and the application ends.

JS Script template

The js file named warscript is the template that needs to be modified. It needs the computeDamage function. Please do not modify the function signature. The body of the function is actually what needs to be modified to do the damage.

Have fun!



sidmishraw@Sidharths-MBP ~/Desktop> java -jar scriptwars.jar localhost 3030 warscript.js 
Host:: localhost :: Port :: 3030

Receiving attack from :: /receive
Computing damage!
Damage received:: 100.0
Your HP:: 270.7929315264443
Computing the attack
Attacking agent at :: localhost:3050
Initiating attack...
Logging:: Attack object :: StandardLambdaObject [objectId=Sid#0001, lambdaJSScript=/** * `computeDamage` is the function that specifies the damage to be dealt to the * opponent. The `baseDamage` and `randomMultiplier` are mandatory and are set * randomly when the script executes. *  * To print stuff or display messages, you can use `println()` or `print()` *  * @param baseDamage *            the baseDamage of the attack, a double * @param randomMultiplier *            the random multiplier that can be used in the attack, a double *  * @return the computed damage, a double */var computeDamage = function (baseDamage, randomMultiplier) {	print("Computing damage!");	return 150.0;};]
Awaiting response...
Attack stats :: Attack succeeded, damage dealt :: 150.0


sidmishraw@Sidharths-MBP ~/Desktop> java -jar scriptwars.jar localhost 3050 warscript2.js 
Host:: localhost :: Port :: 3050

Computing the attack
Attacking agent at :: localhost:3030
Initiating attack...
Logging:: Attack object :: StandardLambdaObject [objectId=Sid#0001, lambdaJSScript=/** * `computeDamage` is the function that specifies the damage to be dealt to the * opponent. The `baseDamage` and `randomMultiplier` are mandatory and are set * randomly when the script executes. *  * To print stuff or display messages, you can use `println()` or `print()` *  * @param baseDamage *            the baseDamage of the attack, a double * @param randomMultiplier *            the random multiplier that can be used in the attack, a double *  * @return the computed damage, a double */var computeDamage = function (baseDamage, randomMultiplier) {	print("Computing damage!");	return 100.0;};]
Awaiting response...
Attack stats :: Attack succeeded, damage dealt :: 100.0
Receiving attack from :: /receive
Computing damage!
Damage received:: 150.0
Your HP:: 643.106388567504

For Simulations of transporting compute::


The /serialize context takes in a POST request with 2 form-url-encoded params "host" and "port". These are the hostname and port of the next agent/java process running the scriptwar application(jar).

This context/API endpoint, will create the object and assign the JS script contents(lambda replacement) into the object and serialize and wire it to the agent with the host and port provided. It then waits till the receiving agent replies back.


The /deserialize context receives the serialized object wired to it, and executes the JS script(lamda replacement) and then returns a success response if everything went well else does it's usual thingy :D


For the simulation, start up 2 separate java processes like


java -jar scriptwars.jar localhost 3030 lamda.js


java -jar scriptwars.jar localhost 3050 l2.js

Then using Postman client, hit the URL "http://localhost:3030/serialize" using a POST request and "host=localhost", "port=3050" as form-url-encoded params.

It will execute the contents of the script lamda.js at Agent#2 and vice versa.

Generic usage

java -jar scriptwars.jar <my host-name> <my port nbr> <my js script file path>
  • Sid